Perhaps the most important lesson one can learn in life is also one of the most difficult. Throughout history, it’s been proven over and over, yet somehow many people haven’t caught on. Indeed, right now we’re at this strange place in America in which a growing number of people are figuring it out, while the rest remain blissfully unaware of what’s happening around them. George Carlin knew it:
Even knowing that it’s true, there’s a (very) tiny part of me that believes this notion is absurd. (I ‘credit’ government-run schools for this reflex)
Most estimates put democide in the 20th century above 200 million people. The man who coined the term, Rudolph Rummel, described democide thusly (and fairly, in my opinion):
It means for governments what murder means for an individual under municipal law. It is the premeditated killing of a person in cold blood, or causing the death of a person through reckless and wanton disregard for their life. Thus, a government incarcerating people in a prison under such deadly conditions that they die in a few years is murder by the state—democide—as would parents letting a child die from malnutrition and exposure be murder. So would government forced labor that kills a person within months or a couple of years be murder. So would government created famines that then are ignored or knowingly aggravated by government action be murder of those who starve to death. And obviously, extrajudicial executions, death by torture, government massacres, and all genocidal killing be murder. However, judicial executions for crimes that internationally would be considered capital offenses, such as for murder or treason (as long as it is clear that these are not fabricated for the purpose of executing the accused, as in communist show trials), are not democide. Nor is democide the killing of enemy soldiers in combat or of armed rebels, nor of noncombatants as a result of military action against military targets.
Although democide often manifests in the killing of political opponents, this is generally a very small percentage of people killed by democide. Mostly, democide occurs as the result of terrible central planning. The Great Chinese Famine (called in China the “Three Years of Natural Disaster”) killed 30 million (or more?).
Although the Soviet Union was…….enthusiastic……about killing political opposition, we find roughly 2 million ‘political’ democide deaths there in the 20th century. (About half due to the Great Terror) By contrast, the Soviets starved 4 million UKRAINIANS ALONE during the Soviet Famine.
It got so bad that desperate people crowded train stations, begging for whatever they could get from travelers. The Soviet government’s response? Require window shades on trains to be down when traveling through famine-torn areas.
Historical examples of democide are numerous, but we don’t have to go outside my lifetime for more (many close to home). Waco is the first that comes to mind, the result of a government eager to improve its image after Ruby Ridge. Democide results from horrendous prison conditions that are a constant in America.
I mention democide because it’s the ultimate example of government not giving a fuck about you: not caring if you live or die. But you don’t have to die to be shown that government doesn’t give a fuck about you. The FBI tried to get Martin Luther King Jr. to kill himself. As I recently wrote, the agency had (and you can see!) a file on Aretha Franklin.
Nearly all covid rules proved that government didn’t give a fuck about you. It shut down your businesses and told you that you couldn’t see your friends — or your grandmother in the nursing home. It printed trillions and trillions of dollars to rain down the politically connected, while we pay for their extravagance via (predictable and predicted) inflation. It assumed power that it didn’t have and told you that if you would just get a shot two shots three shots ‘up-to-date’, you could have your life back.
Even though the data NEVER ONCE suggested that covid vaccines would ‘stop the spread’, government more than suggested said vaccines — in many cases firing the very nurses who had been treating patients all along (and in many of THOSE cases, nurses with acquired immunity). And if this results in a huge reduction in available healthcare — even after 16 months of forced sacrifice to save the healthcare system — consider this just another example of government not giving a fuck about you.
Why would they mandate a shot that they had to change the definition of vaccine to squeeze it in? Using experimental technology that had been……..dissapointing… previous trials? Why would they STILL be mandating such a shot?
Correct, they don’t give a fuck about you. When they said they wanted to put needles into arms, they provided a glimpse of exactly what they think of you. When they said god gave you two arms, one for the flu shot and one for the covid shot, they solidified your suspicions.
I’ve written extensively about how government colludes with corporations (we have a word for that) to curtail our rights in ways that government would NEVER get away with doing by itself. And it’s not showing any signs of slowing. Paypal’s latest short-lived terms of service change is the most obvious example, and it’s not exactly clear if the policy has gone anywhere — I still see the language on the Paypal site as of this post.
These types of ‘cancellation attacks’ are coming from everywhere. I previously wrote about the Federation of State Medical Boards, which threatened the licenses of doctors who ‘spread misinformation’. Ironically, the entire debacle started because the FSMB was spreading actual misinformation about the efficacy of masks and demanding that doctors repeat that misinformation (safe and effective ring a bell?)
Not able to let a stupid idea go untried, California just passed California Assembly Bill 2098, which allows Medical Boards to punish doctors by making ‘spreading misinformation’ ‘unprofessional conduct’.
2270. (a) It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.
Well, you know how I am, so you know I’m going to show you this:
The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) The global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or COVID-19, has claimed the lives of over 6,000,000 people worldwide, including nearly 90,000 Californians.
(b) Data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that unvaccinated individuals are at a risk of dying from COVID-19 that is 11 times greater than those who are fully vaccinated.
(c) The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the vaccines continue to undergo intensive safety monitoring by the CDC.
(d) The spread of misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.
(e) Major news outlets have reported that some of the most dangerous propagators of inaccurate information regarding the COVID-19 vaccines are licensed health care professionals.
(f) The Federation of State Medical Boards has released a statement warning that physicians who engage in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation risk losing their medical license, and that physicians have a duty to provide their patients with accurate, science-based information.
(g) In House Resolution No. 74 of the 2021–22 Regular Session, the California State Assembly declared health misinformation to be a public health crisis, and urged the State of California to commit to appropriately combating health misinformation and curbing the spread of falsehoods that threaten the health and safety of Californians.
Is the California State Assembly guilty of spreading misinformation IN THE VERY BILL WHERE IT MAKES SPREADING MISINFORMATION PUNISHABLE? Almost certainly.
Doctors who repeat the State’s claim that the unvaccinated are 11x likely to die from covid will also be spreading misinformation. Of course, we all know that official misinformation will never be addressed, just like true-but-inconvenient information is labeled misinformation. Why?
Correct, because government doesn’t give a fuck about you. It cares about its own power and expanding it. That’s all. If government thinks about you at all, it will be to dip into your pocket to pay for its political goals.
Remember the most cringe video of the entire pandemic? The only way that video could be worse is if you paid for it.
Guess what? You probably did.
Bad cat (as always) rips this to pieces with his razor-sharp claws, and the article brought my mind back to Andrew Bogut, who told us this was happening in 2021. (At some point, he stated something along the lines of “If they’re offering this to a nobody like me, some serious money is being thrown around.”)
In previous articles, I’ve stated we’re in a control crisis, and it’s intensifying. It won’t stop until we stop it, and stopping it won’t be easy. The good news is that we DO have the tools to fight back, and in my next article I’ll go over some of the steps we should start taking in order to expand our power from the internet and into ‘meatspace’. For now, remembering George Carlin’s lesson is enough.
If you want to keep reading:
Great article. There’s a nexus, an alliance, between the mainstream media, government bureaucracies, corporate entities, progressive nonprofits, etc. that has slowly but surely created a highly centralized government assisted by Big Tech that’s been pushing, via suppression and censorship, for ideological conformity and a vice grip on information to maintain hegemony over American democracy.
Very early on my husband and I knew The Rona was a giant psyop (the Diamond Princess in Feb of 2020 proved it was not The Plague) and we screamed / cried / howled about it to everyone we knew and were met with blank stares, anger and "but why would the government do that?" Don't know, but they are. Such evil seemed too big and impossible for people, as if somehow we'll never have another Hitler because we've come so far as a civilization.