You might not hear about it on the nightly news, but the Dutch farmer protests are sparking similar movements throughout the world. People across the globe are taking to the streets, protesting rising costs and ill-conceived agriculture laws.
This is all in addition to the first governmental casualty of the green agenda, Sri Lanka. This picture gives you an idea of the scope of the protesting there:
Yikes. It wasn’t long ago that the WEF was promising that Sri Lanka would be filthy rich by being the first country to jump onto the ‘new wave’ of organic farming. The articles have disappeared down the memory hole, but the smoldering crater left by the green agenda remains. I don’t know who Tom Nelson is, but he seems to have nailed it:

I’m positive that lots and lots of ‘smart’ people showed the ‘leaders’ of Sri Lanka plenty of models and graphs and projections ‘proving’ how great things would be if the country beat the rest of the world to the punch and jumped on the organic farming bandwagon. And I’m sure those same ‘experts’ spent more than a little time fawning over Sri Lanka’s high ESG score as if it were something tangible.
But ultimately, the bullshitter’s bullshit is exposed — typically via high-speed collision with reality. The real world never seems to conform to the promise of the computer model, and things go disastrously wrong. Lofty promises are replaced with grim realities, and imaginary fortunes vanish to reveal desolate grocery shelves. When this happens, an angry people rise up and withdraw their consent to be governed.
We’re just after Independence Day, so let’s take a quick peek at the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Although the Declaration of Independence isn’t actual law, it provides a glimpse into the reasoning behind the original American Revolution (and countless others which have followed). Ultimately, laws are an agreement between a government and the free people inside its borders. We agree to follow the law as long as the laws are just and upheld in a fair manner for all.
When the government (unfailingly) veers into tyranny and corruption, it is the right of free people to dismantle it. Indeed, continuing our reading of the Declaration of Independence, the founders advise what to do if the people no longer consent to their current governance:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
As gato would say, when the people withdraw their consent, they become ungovernable. In practice, that leads to something like this:
Put him in tar and feathers and he’d look like countless politicians run out of town after getting caught stealing from constituents.
And, gee, I don’t see Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates or any of the other WEF lackeys there to help this guy lug his worldly possessions (probably piles of $100 bills to be honest) aboard a military ship so he can flee the country he claimed to rule……..
And that’s one of the big problems with this huge interconnected world inhabited by the likes of the WEF. They never bear the costs of their terrible decisions and false promises, they simply flit back to their huge houses behind giant walls. No matter how high the cost of energy goes, John Kerry and Al Gore will be able to fly private jets across the ocean to berate us about turning on the heater at night. No matter how high food costs go, Nancy Pelosi’s fridge will be full of premium ice cream.
Oh yeah! The crippling sanctions that were going to ‘turn the Ruble into rubble’ (ha ha, see what they did there?) How are those going?
Oh. Thanks for the update. Back to the topic at hand, the WEF/green agenda is ostensibly to combat the climate crisis. The thinking is that we have to create food shortages now so that we can avoid possible food shortages in the future, when the earth will be warmer and more places can grow food.
But I’m going to let you in on a secret, here. We’re not dealing with a climate crisis any more than we were dealing with a covid crisis: what we’re actually dealing with is a CONTROL crisis. Specifically, there are people out there who really, REALLY want to control you. There’s a depressing amount of people whose jobs DEPEND on controlling you. And they’re not interested in the reasons you don’t want to be controlled.
The last couple years, you saw these people as ‘public health’ officials, computer modelers from ‘non-profit’ organizations, politicians, and anybody who got rich on the covid free cash giveaway (which continues to this day). They declared you were non-essential and said that it was illegal for you to go to work. They said your business was non-essential and ran you into the ground without a care.
They kept you from visiting your dying relatives in the hospital ‘for safety’ and shoved vaccine propaganda at you 24/7. When that wasn’t enough, they told you to get the jab or get fired. They did all this while calling you selfish if you didn’t agree with what they wanted.
And these are the same exact class of people who are telling you what must be done to combat the climate crisis. And they care exactly as much about your desires as they did during covid. You will be told how much energy you can consume. You will be told where you can travel. (Spoiler alert: nowhere) You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs.
But surely, you say, these people see the harm that these policies create and will change course, right? We can’t cause ACTUAL suffering now to combat HYPOTHETICAL suffering in the future, right?
And in a sane world, you would be correct. But the control crisis is a crisis because the controllers don’t care how many eggs have to be destroyed to make their omlette-based yacht. They don’t bear the costs of their edicts.
This is huge but I’ve been rambling long enough and don’t know exactly what it means yet, but China is having a bank run problem. Seemingly unconnected to the Euro-protests, but I can’t imagine China wants to deal with any sort of unrest right now.
As someone who comes from a long line of farmers and ranchers (I'm 4th generation on US soil) I can say that *all* farming used to be organic and it worked just fine. The difference? Monsanto and other evil poison companies came in and began duping farmers into using their products. Farmers fell for the false promise of being able to "do more with less" as long as they bought their seeds, fertilizer and pesticides from these companies and signed on the dotted line. That deal with the devil only ended up taking away their independence and turned them into slaves to said companies. Pretty soon their once fertile soil turned into dead soil unable to grow anything without the "magic" products they agreed to buy. Then add the government into the mix telling farmers what they can and can't grow, shutting down their land and outright telling them they *can't* grow *anything*. Also add that the animals farmers use to create fertilizer (cow poop) are regulated to the point they can't afford to keep the animals, once again, making it impossible to grow decent crops without the company's products. Then add to that, governments shutting off farmer's water. Add to that the fact that when all of our food was grown mostly organically, most people also grew a decent portion of their food themselves at home and this all becomes another incredible case of "unintended?" consequences. Leave it up to government and out of control corporations in bed with that same government to destroy something that worked just fine for literally thousands of years.
How many days to stop the spread now?
Also, remember when Stephen Colbert was funny? Yea, me neither!