29 Years After Waco, Who's Been Held Responsible?
A depressing thought for those who seek covid justice
29 years ago, a fairly simple illegal gun investigation spiraled to its fiery conclusion near the town of Waco, Texas. Despite taking the blame for the failed operation, Janet Reno didn’t even lose her job as U.S. Attorney General. This doesn’t bode well for the future accountability of the covid cult, as they will NEVER admit they did anything wrong.
If you don’t know much about the Waco debacle, watch the movie below. Then next time somebody tells you that government would never turn on its citizens, you’ll know exactly where to point them.
I own that chilling documentary. There's a few things that amaze me when I reflect on that year: First, there wasn't really any alternative media except in a few magazines and AM radio talk shows. Secondly, most of the people I knew at the time saw through the whole charade *without* alternative media. That being said, have people become dumber in 30 years, or has the propaganda gotten better? Maybe both? Because I am quite sure that this whole covid mind effing wouldn't have worked that year, even with corporate media being the main source of news.
No one ever paid for lying about "yellow cake uranium" in Iraq, either.
The sad reality is that the elites won't pay. Fauci won't pay. Just like Hilary probably won't pay.