(Note: This article is a follow-up to “We’re Not Gonna Take It”. I encourage you to read the original piece, but here’s the important part I’ll be expounding on today:)
I’m going to let you in on a secret, here. We’re not dealing with a climate crisis any more than we were dealing with a covid crisis: what we’re actually dealing with is a CONTROL crisis. Specifically, there are people out there who really, REALLY want to control you. There’s a depressing amount of people whose jobs DEPEND on controlling you. And they’re not interested in the reasons you don’t want to be controlled.
The last couple years, you saw these people as ‘public health’ officials, computer modelers from ‘non-profit’ organizations, politicians, and anybody who got rich on the covid free cash giveaway (which continues to this day). They declared you were non-essential and said that it was illegal for you to go to work. They said your business was non-essential and ran you into the ground without a care.
They kept you from visiting your dying relatives in the hospital ‘for safety’ and shoved vaccine propaganda at you 24/7. When that wasn’t enough, they told you to get the jab or get fired. They did all this while calling you selfish if you didn’t agree with what they wanted.
And these are the same exact class of people who are telling you what must be done to combat the climate crisis. And they care exactly as much about your desires as they did during covid. You will be told how much energy you can consume. You will be told where you can travel. (Spoiler alert: nowhere) You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs.
I’m a cat person. Some of my friends call me a cat whisperer because of my ability to quickly befriend felines. This astounds people who don’t understand the first (maybe only?) rule of cats:
If you treat them poorly, they’re perfectly happy never dealing with you ever again.
No muss, no fuss, no fanfare. With the possible exception of some poop in your shoe, you might not even know the cat has written you off. You might be walking around your house a month later and suddenly think, “Hey, didn’t I have a cat?”
This is also the optimal strategy when dealing with the control crisis — simply cease consenting to be ruled by idiots.
Recently LA country was forced to backtrack on reinstituting their mask mandate, and Jay Inslee was forced to back off his booster mandate for state workers. In both cases, the people simply proclaimed that they would ignore the ‘experts’ and keep on keepin’ on. If there’s one thing that bureaucrats hate more than not being in control, it’s being so obviously ignored (and therefore obviously not in control). When faced the the possibility of outright indifference to these edicts, the bureaucrats typically back off the demand rather than be embarrassed.
Since the beginning of the covid portion of the control crisis, non-consent has been the only viable option forward. How much better off would we have been today if we had stood up in 2020 and told the government to shove it? Luckily for us, these days it’s more socially acceptable to acknowledge reality and it might ‘cost’ less today than it did back then. Sadly for us, the powers are much more firmly entrenched than they were in 2020.
The thing about total control is that it’s EXTREMELY expensive and time-consuming to maintain. Suppressing information one place might cause it to simply pop up somewhere else, demanding the narrative-builders use even more resources to squash it again. (Laughing at you from Substack, Twitter) Everywhere you look, you see cracks in the narratives that threaten to shatter them — and as the cracks appear, the only response is EVEN MORE CONTROL, leading to more cracks…….
Ignoring this bit of political wisdom from Leia, today Twitter unveiled their newest attempt at controlling the conversation:
It’s only been a couple weeks since (even more) proof of coordination between the CDC and Big Tech was revealed, and there’s not even a hiccup in the Juggernaut of Control. Now that the danger of Elon Musk exposing the seedy underbelly of Twitter has passed, the company CAN’T WAIT wait to resume being the Ministry of Truth.
But immediately in the comments on the announcement, the entire premise of Twitter being the arbiter of ‘election truth’ is completely destroyed. The naked power grab is laid bare, and the evidence is available for all to see:
Not since the glorious implosion of the Disinformation Governance Board (or maybe CNN+) has something failed so quickly and spectacularly. Is Twitter going to censor these people who are obviously ‘undermining public confidence in elections’? Of course not. They know it. You know that they know it. They know that you know that they know it. But at this point it’s too late to do anything but attempt to control everything even HARDER, with predictable results. More people will shut off the TV. More people will leave Twitter, and the people who stay will speak up more often. More people will find Substack. All of these things are a problem for the controlmongers, who find themselves stretched increasingly thin.
Back when Washington state was setting up its fledgling marijuana industry, then-president Obama gave the OK to raid a state-legal MJ dispensary in Spokane. The federal government threatened to arrest public officials and seize land where dispensaries were located. In response, the Washington state government basically told the feds that they would no longer cooperate with them. Anything the feds wanted to do, they would have to do it themselves. The raids stopped. (though I suppose it’s possible the two events weren’t directly related)
But in that story is a lesson for the control crisis: The controllers don’t have nearly the power that they project. They rely on the public to be enforcers. During the covid portion of the control crisis, Washington state leaned on business owners to enforce covid mask rules — threatening them with the loss of their business license in a move that mirrors Obama’s threats against Washington’s marijuana dispensaries. (This is perhaps the most despicable thing Jay Inslee has done in a long list of despicable shit Jay Inslee has done.) The actual police said they have other problems they’re already ignoring and they didn’t have time to be the mask police. However, because Karen simply LOVED her unofficial deputization into the mask police, the controllers had PLENTY of enforcement on the street and simply going out into public turned into a dreadful chore. (And to be fair, there were cases of police enthusiastically jumping on the enforcement bandwagon, too.)
So when the controllers predictably try to mask your kids to go to school (or mandating a booster to go to college), withdraw your consent. If your kids are forced to go to that school, send them without a mask. If your kids are forced to get a booster to go to college, or you’re forced to wear a mask at the grocery store or dermatologist, walk away — and tell them why. If Karen accosts you on the street, laugh at her.
The quicker the controllers learn they have no power over us, the quicker they will be forced to retreat. And if they insist on clenching their fists tighter, more people will slip through their fingers and wake up to what’s happening.
But, but, if I don't do what I'm told I might get a dirty look. 😉. Talked to one of our deputies the other day and they told me about a preacher who asked when he could reopen his church in 2020. The deputy's answer? "In 1776!" Proof again at how important it is to support *local* "officials" that we can personally hold to account. These types of leaders in our community make it much easier to keep thumbing our noses at the tyrants. I don't plan on complying any time soon. Or ever.
You stole my Princess Leia joke from two days ago, you plagiaristic son of a bitch.
You'll be hearing from my lawyer. He is a real lawyer and not a NASCAR driver or my dad.
Shut up.