(Note: Sorry, this one sort of got away from me.)
A frog was hopping along the shore of a river looking for a place to cross. He came upon a scorpion sitting on the shore. “Hello, friend frog,” said the scorpion. “It appears you are looking to cross the river. I too want to cross. Would you mind carrying me?”
The frog was taken aback. “Why, if I let you on my back to cross the river, you’d sting me and I would die. I don’t think I’ll do that.”
The scorpion immediately replied, “There is no logic to your concern. If I sting you and you die, I will surely die as well, since I can’t swim. I wouldn’t need a ride if I could swim.”
The frog thought a moment and then said, “Your logic makes sense. Why would you kill me if it would result in your death? Come along and climb on my back and we’ll cross this river.”
The scorpion climbed on the frog’s back and off they went to cross the river.
About halfway across the river, the scorpion raised its tail and stung the frog. The frog was both astounded and disconsolate. “Why did you sting me? Now I will die and you will surely drown and die also.”
The scorpion replied, “I can’t help it. It’s who I am. It’s in my nature.”
I’m reminded of this story as we move into the next ridiculous phase of the national tragedy that is the Biden administration. After spending all summer 2020 burning down buildings and terrorizing citizens, and THEN after spending over a year complaining that January 6th was the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War, the left is once again showing you who they are.
And it’s not pretty, folks.
‘Graffiti’ is perhaps the greatest under-exaggeration since ‘fiery but mostly peaceful’:
That’s not graffiti, that’s domestic terrorism.
The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
Resort to terrorizing methods as a means of coercion, or the state of fear and submission produced by the prevalence of such methods.
Sadly this wasn’t a one-time occurrence:
Politically, this is a terrible look. Violence and intimidation turns off nearly all Americans. But here’s the thing — THESE PEOPLE CAN’T HELP IT. They are showing you who they are. When something goes wrong in the political arena, they gather up the blackshirts and ‘remind’ the neighborhood of what happens when they don’t get their way. Sure would be a shame if something happened to your nice restaurant, you know?
If you don’t get your way, bully. If you still don’t get your way, bully harder.
And just like that, the media proclaims that protest is once again a super American thing to do, even if it means camping out in front of the home of a Supreme Court Justice. But one of the downsides of protesting is that you show people who you are:
(This is why we say the answer to bad speech is not banning speech, but to hand the idiots a microphone in front of a crowd.)
And the ‘credentialed’ class was little better. After shrieking about ‘saving democracy’ for years, they celebrate the subversion of our laws when it is politically advantageous for them, and do it in the most disgusting way possible:
Once again, they are showing you who they are. They don’t care about anything but gaining power and using that power to crush their enemies. (What good is having it otherwise?) If you do a bad thing AGAINST our political team, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key. If you do a bad thing FOR our political team, we will turn you into a hero!
This is yet another reason why the formation of the Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board is so troubling. Recently DGB director Nina Jankowicz claimed that ‘verified users’ should be able to edit tweets made by others, if those tweets contain ‘misinformation’.
If you listen close, what she’s saying is that all ‘verified’ users should be ‘trustworthy’ — as determined by her board. In practice this means taking away the ‘verified’ status of anybody who doesn’t parrot The Narrative, and eventually the collapse of discourse as all opposing views are eliminated. We saw this happen with bans related to covid and more recently with Ukraine.
Remember all the way back to two weeks ago when we were told that the DGB wouldn’t monitor Americans or be the thought police? (I bet the Tweet Force pays well, though.)
And if we look close, we can already see how this is playing out in the real world. Last week, the Federation of State Medical Boards approved new policies surrounding ‘misinformation’. I highly encourage reading the entire 12-page document, but I’ve highlighted some of the best parts here:
Shortly after the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, the FSMB’s Board of Directors adopted a statement in support of the value of face masks to limit the aerosolized transmission of the SARS-CoV2 virus. “Wearing a face covering is a harm-reduction strategy to help limit the spread of COVID-19,” the statement said on October 6, 2020, “especially since physical distancing is not possible in health care settings. When seeing patients during in-person clinical encounters, physicians and physician assistants have a professional responsibility to wear a facial covering for their own protection, as well as that of their patients and society as a whole.” The statement was prompted by reports from a number of state medical boards receiving complaints regarding physicians and physician assistants failing to wear face coverings during patient care or casting doubt with patients and the public about their effectiveness.
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
So here we have a huge, multi-state organization that has considerable power over the healthcare industry. And if you, as a doctor, go against their standards of care, they can revoke your license and effectively end your career.
And the cherry on top of the turd sundae is that this whole thing started because the FSMB board released a statement that masks worked, and actual doctors disagreed (perhaps knowing the hundreds of years of mask study that existed in 2019). The board told people the ‘misinformation’ that masks work to reduce transmission, THEN THREATENED DOCTORS UNLESS THEY REPEATED THAT MISINFORMATION.
This group is now threatening doctors if they question the covid-19 vaccine, yet all these people are still employed and making decisions for the rest of us:
It quickly becomes obvious that no amount of lies from the handpicked ‘experts’ will ever be labeled misinformation, and worse yet there will be no repercussions for those lies! IN FACT, we’re going to specifically set up a propaganda unit to ensure the lies are repeated and truth-tellers can be banned or fired!
This is an idea so bad that Bill Gates is interested.
Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders.
Remind anybody of Correct the Record? I especially like the part where Gates claims that political leaders are people of trust in the community. Good one, Bill.
Of course, Gates has good reason to get behind censorship — he might be the private citizen with the most to lose if everything comes out. From the bad covid models to the failed covid protocols to the covid vaccine companies — Gates has been in the background the whole time, giddy at his chance to run a real-life event 201 and treat people like interchangeable lines on a spreadsheet.
This is the guy who’s trying to re-write history surrounding covid while peddling his book (I refuse to link) AND setting up the NEXT ‘pandemic’ response with GERM. He wants even MORE control in the hands of unaccountable (and unelected) puppets who are paid to advance his agenda.
First he invested in vaccine companies before we cared about vaccine companies, then bought farmland before we were worried about food shortages, then baby formula companies before we were worried about THOSE shortages.
Gates is showing you who he is, believe him.
This doesn’t have anything to do with the article but is terrifying and just happened:
As El-P said: They can’t wait to load up the silos and make your babies glow.
Also, is there anything creepier then the words “lab produced breast milk?” Other then “Bill Gates” that is.
We are actually in the beginning stages of a sort of civil war. Unless the Communists decide to back down, it will end in some kind of national divorce or worse. Communists rarely back down once they have more firepower than their enemies. That's why they want us disarmed. And as President Brandon so helpfully reminded us, they have F-15's and nukes. Here's to hoping cooler heads prevail...