Good morning, Commander. I'm having some problems with Substack. I attempted to sign up for an annual subscription to SCREAMING INTO THE VOID. This was not accepted. Next I attempted to sign up for a monthly subscription. Initially, I thought this had worked, but I still get the "Continue your support" message in the upper right-hand corner, here. And the credit card shows that no transaction was made.

I'll keep trying.

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That's weird, did it give you an error message or anything?

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A small red circle with a black diagonal line appeared and wouldn't go away. The same thing happened the 2nd time I tried. Then, I tried the option of signing up for a year's subscription. The circle did not appear and I thought the transaction was complete; but my credit card was not charged. I'll try again tomorrow.

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Interesting. Let me know how it goes and I can get the Substack people on it if you'd like :)

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I'll try again in 13 hours and I'll let you know if I am successful. If not, put those Substack people to work.

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I see it went through today! Thank you for the support! :)

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As a member of the feline community, the reason any cat's ability to be a tyrant is limited is because cats, as a rule, don't cooperate.

The tyrant's tyranny extends no farther than his own reach.

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The razor-sharp claws are also a pretty hefty defense against tyranny.

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Has anyone here read "Quixotte" (sp?) by Salman Rushdie?

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Fantastic post. It really is this simple. Calling legislators, writing angry letters, and going to protests has done nothing and will continue to do nothing. We have to hit them where it really hurts. If we stop giving these psychopaths our time, money, and attention, they will wither away.

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I see from that video that lots of places still uses lead plumbing. Or, as I never tire of pointing out: the closing of mental hospitals correlates directly with the rise of all this madness that's swept the west for over 40 years.

All the mad people in that clip are doing the same thing you wrote about, too: projecting power. And why are they effective at doing that? Because they are mad, and in madness lies the strength of redifining reality so that you are always in control, always right and always win.

Which is what makes treating such madness so difficult: it feels good to the mad one.

And yet, these madwomen and madmen are supposedly equal in rights and dignity?

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I went to a job interview a few days ago. I got there a few minutes early and she was already out the door before I entered. We shook hands, introduced, and she asked if I wanted to see the workplace. She then says, "Are you vaccinated?". I have rarely been asked this and never so urgently. "No," I say, a bit worried about what will happen...She whips out a mask and says, "You wont mind wearing this? ". I back away just saying, "This won't work out, believe me" and she is staring at me not comprehending that I didn't react as expected.

But here in WA, I still see people, mostly ill paid service workers still being required to mask for their betters. I love a convo overheard in a local gas/deli chain store-these were unmasked, but they mask a lot in the other store, i think management encourages it. They were talking about sick days and one said, "I don't get it, but those guys wear masks all the time and they're always out with covid"..

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correct answer is "none of your business", not a "yes" or "no".

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Biz owners who mask their employees are some of the most evil people on the planet.

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Excellent article. I posted the meme/jokes on my Fb, and I copy pasted made this a document with full attribution and am passing it on. Thank you.

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Watch out you don't get banned. ;)

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In many cases, imo, it doesn't even take a large crowd. 10-15 non-cooperators can work wonders!

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Robert Reich has Election Denying post, Aug 10, and some fanatical liberals. Read commies, although they might not identify as such.

At 1100 pm Central, 54 min, I'm posting this onto Rob's post unless SIM Comm asks me not to.

Enjoy. I have quite a few interactions on his posts recently. Better to fight, truth... Than kumbaya bullshit

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I find Reich unreadable, and that's something coming from me. I read Substacks that might as well be called "the apparatchik lunch hour," just because I want to be aware of their "thinking."

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Do you give a write-up every once in a while on Added Salt?

Edit: And, yes, I don't remember ever being able to finish a Reich article, tbh.

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My intention was to write political commentary as well as creative work with a political bent. I'll confess it's a bit bare right now due to vacationing and other projects, but I'm hoping to post more in the fall.

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So as Weissman was Mueller's "pitbull," so Mr. Raymond is ours!

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You humble me, Mr. Staples. It's really an anger problem, well and I hate deception.

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As fellow deception haters (I think I can speak for others here), vent away.

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Mr. Raymond alone is much, much more ANGRY than the 13 angry democrat lawyers!

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Mr. Gardner, God bless.

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A righteous post, A video for the ages. I Salute You. Bookmarking it.

Watching Hillary is like watching a train wreck... So hard to look at, but damn the horror jacks you up.

I think I'm on Killary's list😂😎😀😄😅😆

Also, you never banned me like one subhuman bitch did last nite. For nada.

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Jesus, John, don't disappear on us!

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Excellent Crazy vimeo, SC! I started putting together notes for a Mask Psychosis episode. That's well done!

I'm reading David Graeber's The Dawn of Everything about anarchy in anthropology. It turns out that when there were kings who exercised a lot of arbitrary power, people just steered clear of them and did what they wanted. Because there wasn't an administration to enforce things, their power was only in their immediate vicinity. People played along or got lost, which was pretty easy. So your point is reinforced by millennia of history.

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Didn't make it past the 2:48 mark of the dumbocraps complaining. It seemed like the full 10 minutes, or longer.

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I've seen the video linked in several articles, and just the thought of watching ten minutes of their delusion kept me away, ... but now that I've been to the end, it is well worth the watch. It needs to run on every channel, outlet and blog in the coming months.

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Watch in stages It's great

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I'll try watching some more tomorrow. Cross my ❤.

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For those who weren't playing the game, continue, being ungovernable.

For those just now tuning in to the program, welcome aboard, to commercial free and unpredictable.

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"We are programmed to receive"

"You can check-out any time you like"

"But you can never leave!"

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But, but, if I don't do what I'm told I might get a dirty look. 😉. Talked to one of our deputies the other day and they told me about a preacher who asked when he could reopen his church in 2020. The deputy's answer? "In 1776!" Proof again at how important it is to support *local* "officials" that we can personally hold to account. These types of leaders in our community make it much easier to keep thumbing our noses at the tyrants. I don't plan on complying any time soon. Or ever.

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1776.... Give him a bear hug for me

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This is the way.

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