Jul 27, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Hey Commander...would you like to collab on an article? I'd like to discuss, and I don't know your email to invite you on a guest article. What's possible?

As always, great article.

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'Leaders’ like Jay Inslee aren’t going to give this power back to the people — we’re going to have to take it.

Exactly. We may be able to do this through the legal channels, but I have my doubts. The better approach would be to fight for freedom via our *lifestyle choices* -- withdrawing from our toxic culture and building up our own physical and mental resilience. We are at war. It's time to act like it.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

A perfect lesson how to make a seasonal virus perennial… vax, vax, vax and vax again.

On the other hand, if it is now going to be a permanent all year round feature, then we may not see any difference going into Winter, enough to support the Covidramatists hysterical calls for lockdowns, masks.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Dr. Bird new book is out and in it she admits she wasn’t telling the truth about COVID. Dr. Makary is talking about it right now on Jesse Waters on Fox.

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Vote every current politician out of office; time for fresh blood. A few like Ron Johnson and Marjorie Green are the exception. America First!

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The number of occupied hospital beds in Washington is up 2% from 12 months ago, while the number of hospital beds is down 10%. Also, presumably most of the covid patients are "with" not "from," although probably a higher percentage are actually sick with the virus than in most of the U.S.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The British Columbia CDC still publishes weekly updates with data for hospitalizations, critical care, and death by vax status. Of course the boosted have disproportionately high numbers, so I'm sure that fairly soon BCCDC will stop reporting that. For now though, it's funny (in a morbid way) to look at their "vax donut charts" tab and watch the boosted numbers grow every week while the unvaxed numbers gradually drop.


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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm so disgusted with this clown show! I work at a hospital (non patient care), and just today we received notice that we are back to "covid surge protocol" due to increased cases in the area. As a pureblood I have already had to wear a KN95 mask every time I set foot inside the hospital for the past several months. Of course I and all my unjabbed coworkers are fine; it's the "fully" vaxed and boosted staff who keep getting sick.

Now we're told that we are once again limiting visitors only to single "essential" people (guardians/advocates), screening them at the door, and requiring them all to wear KN95s too. You know, because SCIENCE! Universal jabs, masks, distancing, screening, etc. have failed repeatedly everywhere so far. I'm sure that THIS TIME it will stop the virus in its tracks here.

I've worked here for 17 years, but I'm now seriously pondering my career options thanks to this ridiculous ongoing denial of actual science.

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Inslee and public health officials know the definition of the public cognitive bias that came with the vaccination - the endowment effect. They suffer from it, but they know the majority that took the vaccination and boosters have a bias to defend their former actions, so will not contest further draconian actions.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

100% yes to all of this SimCom. But how do we break out of the Substack silo and make a difference to a least a significant minority of ordinary people?

Like you I am frustrated at the apathetic reliance on ‘authorities’ for guidance on right and wrong by ordinary people. I am an ‘ordinary’ person, FFS.

All I feel we are doing is documenting our demise; we aren’t preventing it.

Great work as usual BTW.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Which brings me back to the most powerful word of all, “NO!”

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Masks are back?!.......you have to be kidding me.........

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My current line to jabbed friends - "you realize the only people still getting Covid are vaccinated???" yields a puzzled face but no audible response. At this point, everyone I know who is jabbed has had the Rona multiple times but I've not heard of any unjabbed in my circle getting it. The only other explanation is testing bias, perhaps the unjabbed accept they just have a minor cold and don't run to swab their nose.

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"Turn Back the Clock: It’s Covid Time!"

Daggnamit, my Monkeypox virtue signalling decorations aren't all up yet. 😲

On a serious note, I honestly think most people don't care anymore. Everything is back to normal. You might see one in a hundred people (if that) wearing a mask but the vast majority of people are over it all.

Of course, I know Monkeypox and Avian Influenza are in the works (and I actually regard Monkeypox as a real potential threat to the "newly immuno-compromised").

Anyway, UK Column featured this yesterday in their broadcast: https://reignitefreedom.com/

We need to tell these people to shove it. And then ideally arrest them all. I guarantee there won't be any more "pandemics" when they are all in prison.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Sad that data gets ignored by officials. They double down in order to pretend their policies work when it's clear they don't.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Long before their ascension, Socrates made clear in Plato’s Republic that he did not want public health officials to rule, because such an order would encourage excessive risk-aversion and ultimately result in transforming cowardice into a virtue. We've witnessed it in real-time.

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