Since Mr. "the Knife" and I "ironman drive"* from the Pacific Northwest to see family in Phoenix (30 hrs), Albuquerque (26 - 30 hrs), and Minnesota (30 - 32 hrs), I would love just about anything to get out of the car 45 mins faster! 😂🤣 However, not on the taxpayers' dime. To us, it is absolutely immoral to be frittering away the taxpa…
Since Mr. "the Knife" and I "ironman drive"* from the Pacific Northwest to see family in Phoenix (30 hrs), Albuquerque (26 - 30 hrs), and Minnesota (30 - 32 hrs), I would love just about anything to get out of the car 45 mins faster! 😂🤣 However, not on the taxpayers' dime. To us, it is absolutely immoral to be frittering away the taxpayers' hard earned shekels on these boondoggle projects that are NEVER done on time and under budget, and don't have any ROI. In fact, they continue costing the taxpayers. Our "Sound Transit" doesn't charge anywhere near what it needs to per rider to cover the cost of just operating the blooming thing, let alone recover the costs to build it.
*Ironman driving: One person drives during the day and one person drives during the night until arriving at the destination. Stops are limited and must combine gas/bathroom/food to make up for highway construction, traffic, accidents, etc.
Since Mr. "the Knife" and I "ironman drive"* from the Pacific Northwest to see family in Phoenix (30 hrs), Albuquerque (26 - 30 hrs), and Minnesota (30 - 32 hrs), I would love just about anything to get out of the car 45 mins faster! 😂🤣 However, not on the taxpayers' dime. To us, it is absolutely immoral to be frittering away the taxpayers' hard earned shekels on these boondoggle projects that are NEVER done on time and under budget, and don't have any ROI. In fact, they continue costing the taxpayers. Our "Sound Transit" doesn't charge anywhere near what it needs to per rider to cover the cost of just operating the blooming thing, let alone recover the costs to build it.
Mrs. "the Knife"
*Ironman driving: One person drives during the day and one person drives during the night until arriving at the destination. Stops are limited and must combine gas/bathroom/food to make up for highway construction, traffic, accidents, etc.