May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

This is hilarious and so true.

But let's give the Libertarian party credit for having both Trump and RFK as speakers. And the same for Trump and RFK attending.

I would qualify as Libertarian... but also a pragmatist. I can see a kernel of pragmatism lately without compromising ideals. Sometimes Libertarians shut down conversation by getting hung up on stupid issues

I'm not one for selling out...but right now is the time to make allies and to compromise on incidentals without compromising on a Libertarians core foundation:

Personal sovereignty and responsibility.

Both can be done and now is the opportunity to meet those ends by "compromising", for example, with folks who don't think we should be inviting an invasion of replacements.

Otherwise we'll just continue treading water at an empty platform....talking to ourselves.

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Trump hasn't had a crowd that hostile since last time he was in the White House Press Room.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

You'll never see that at a Biden speech

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You'll never see a CROWD at a Biden speech.

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Revisiting this after the Oliver nomination. It's like you're psychic!

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Looking forward to it brother!

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Absolutely agree. I voted for Reagan (yes, I’m old), but always Libertarian after that. Until 2016. The danger from the left is too great; time for triage instead of trying to send a message.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

This is actually a smart strategy by Trump. The Libertarian Party has been a thorn in the side of Republican presidential candidates for years. If Biden were smart, he would speak to the Greens, but they hate him even more than the Libertarians hate Trump.

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Democrats spend a lot of time trying to get Greens thrown off the ballot.....

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Equal opportunity haters?

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Yep, you were right. This post was funny, especially this line by Trump: "Well, I would be unstoppable and you would still be smelly hippies." 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Truth!

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Should’ve addressed medical freedom. He tried to support hydroxychloroquine and got shut down. He said ivermectin was safe. He also says mandates were very anti freedom. I wish he’d broached that subject.

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May 26·edited May 26

He did say no vaccine or mask mandates in schools if he's elected. Transcript is at the C-Span video page: https://www.c-span.org/video/?535695-1/president-trump-speaks-libertarian-party-convention

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May 26·edited May 26

Meanwhile, the US is starting to impose sanctions on Georgia (the nation).

Why? On the surface, it is because the Georgian presidency and parliament is working to get their own FARA-law in place, which would mean any organisation receiving at least 20% of funding from sources abroad, would need to file this with the state.

The US opposes this, saying it is a threat to democracy to have such laws. The EU and UK of course echo this, one EU clerk-politician even going so far as to threaten a Georgian representative by referencing the recent attempted assassination of Fico.

Below the surface, it is because the USUK and EU have been funding, via oligarchs, subversive groups in Georgia with the goal to install a regime that would be so anti-Russian it would provoke a russian attack on Georgia. In effect, the USUK and EU have been working to open a second front against Russia, in Georgia.

(If you recognise this from Ukraine, it's because it is the same play.)

In Georgia, this is reported on and debated, and there is much disappointment with the USUK and EU: "If the USA has such a law, how can they object to us having the same law for the same reason?".

Just dropping this OT here, because you will start seeing it your news soon, if you haven't already, how "right wing extremist groups with ties to Russia tries to infiltrate and take over the Georgian parliament" and the rest of the rhubarb.

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Hmm...Thanks for the advance notice.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Make America Libertarian Again?

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

And so you are a democrat, a republican or a libertarian. What matters is that the DC Swamp is full blown murdering Marxist, communist and fascist.

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I follow your work SIMULATIONCOMMANDER, hat tip is in order

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Glad you enjoy it!

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

I can understand giving up on the debate after hearing the first question. I thought the question was an exercise in self-indulgence irrelevant to the intent of the event. And off-putting to outsiders curious about the Libertarian party.

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Maybe after the first hour, go ahead and throw out a question like that. But not the first question of the day!

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Is the Libertarian secret handshake to act like old men with gout?

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While yelling "DO YOU HAVE A WARRANT?!?!?!?"

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Well, that part is OK. I could do that too and I have no throbbing toes.

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SCA: Any decent old Libertarian has gout. We don't shake hands. That would be invading another person's privacy.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, if you won't run for president, start writing speeches for them.

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But I've promised to only use my powers for good.......

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you for another brilliant "transcript"! I actually, physically, literally, laughed out loud at, "The Libertarian Party can make the difference — by not voting for the Libertarian Party. We’d be unstoppable! Well, I would be unstoppable and you would still be smelly hippies."

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

I remember when the Harvard Comedy Group asked Rodney Dangerfield to come and give a speech, perform onstage. When Rodney walked out onto the stage, the audience all opened newspapers and pretended to read them. Dangerfield cracked up on stage.

When Trump showed up to give his speech, the Libertarians should have given him the same treatment.

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And he'd have reacted pretty much the same way, I suspect.

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Mary Mc: I'm not sure how Trump would have reacted. He's not known for self deprecation.

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I disagree. He often makes fun of himself, which deflates the other side, but after watching him over the years, he doesn't take things like that seriously.

Remember some years ago, Letterman was harassing him about his hair, so he leaned over and let him pull on it to show it isn't a hairpiece?

He has a sense of humor, it's just sort of goofy and not expected.

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Mary Mc: I do remember the Letterman hair-pulling bit. That was good. I hope Trump still has his sense of humor. He'll need it.

Maybe Trump should pass out oranges at his rallies. Sign oranges and throw them into the crowd (hollow oranges so no one gets hurt).

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I was coming back from a long road bike ride and pulled up to a light that turned onto a trail that goes to my home. A guy and his wife pulled next to me in a Toyota Prius, an earlier model with Librarian and Ron Paul was Right bumper stickers all over the car. I yelled, dude, they gave you the wrong stickers for your car.

The wife found my comment hilarious; the guy was a little annoyed. 🤣🤣

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

This speech I watched. Trump was wise not to try to make it a 2-hour rally; this isn't really his crowd. All of his trials do make him more credible as someone who should be suspicious of government power.

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May 26Liked by SimulationCommander

Great bit of satire! In my view, the whole enemy-of-your-enemy-is-your-friend logic is a con, no matter which side it comes from. Stay vigilent!

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