This Constitution Day, Let's Remember Who Really Threatens It
Spoiler: It's a government that ignores it
(Note: This post is too long for some email programs. Sorry about that — you know how I get sometimes. Check the webpage to ensure you get the full story!)
Happy Constitution Day, on which DOZENS of us celebrate the anniversary of the signing of perhaps America’s most important founding document! These days, politicians love to talk about the importance and ‘sanctity’ of the Constitution, however this seems to be simply a holdover from the “before times” in which Americans did more than pay lip service to Constitutional rights.
In reality, modern politicians HATE the Constitution for exactly the reason that you’d think modern politicians would hate the Constitution - it (in theory, at least) stops them from doing what they want to do. The Founders who gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 knew of the most common ways that governments fall into tyrannies, and in writing the Constitution they set out to avoid those things in America.
And while there have been pitfalls along the way, they more or less succeeded.
But the greatest threat to the Constitution has always been — and will probably always be — a government that ignores it. Last week I talked about the USA PATRIOT Act and how it was passed in the chaos following September 11th — with a promise the law was “temporary.” But every time it comes up, government finds an excuse to extend the provisions. Of course, the fact is that the government ALWAYS wanted the provisions to be permanent — they just had to lie to get the camel’s nose under the tent.
We see the same exact thing surrounding free speech. The government and those in their orbit REALLY REALLY REALLY want to control what you’re able to say and hear, so they say THIS THREAT IS UNIQUE to justify otherwise unthinkable legislation.
Like maybe some ‘formal reprogramming’:
Or using the government to arrest its political opponents:
It doesn’t even take an ounce of imagination to see how this plays out — the censors send a swarm of lawyers after anybody who dares contradicts the current narrative. Or maybe FBI agents. Either way, your life could be ruined based on completely legal speech, while people like Hillary Clinton are free to spread provable lies on national media.
Because as we all know, “misinformation” isn’t information that isn’t true — it’s information that’s inconvenient to the establishment. If you’re lying in service to the narrative, you’ll be given a prime spot on TV and fawning coverage of your lies.
In fact, if the issue is big enough, the government actually coordinates the censorship of Americans with foreign governments — as proven by recently released files of a 2021 meeting between the USA’s National Security Council and the UK’s Counter Disinformation Unit.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the American government attempts to use foreign assets to “end around” the Constitution when it comes to free speech — this is EXACTLY what they do when it comes to restrictions regarding spying on Americans.
“We can’t do it, but the UK can, so we’ll just have them do the spying and hand over the information.”
Seems to me that’s an actual attack on the Constitution.
It’s also a little bit offensive. This “we don’t do it but they do it and share the info with us” ostensibly provides a certain level of deniability, but sooner or later government is just going to cut out the middleman (and all that paperwork) and is just gonna do the work and claim it was from a foreign government. (Sort of like State/Federal Parallel Construction.) Who cares about the rules when we get the bad guys, right? (Though maybe it’s worth noting that in this case, the “bad guys” were people who shared monkey vaccine memes.)
Considering the consequences of violating the Constitutional rights of Americans, why WOULDN’T federal agents be unconcerned about doing it? Who exactly is checking up on the NSC to ensure they’re following the Constitution? The FISA courts?
So let’s dive into the actual slides of the meeting — as always, they provide a great glimpse into the mindset of the censors. We start with a little history of UK’s CDU:
What do they mean by “bringing all the relevant information into one place”? Well, it turns out that the UK has a quite sophisticated censorship machine encompassing multiple departments:
If you (like me) were wondering why the censors love to talk about “Terms of Service”, this slide lays it out — Censors demand rules regarding content so they can use those rules as a cudgel to force social media companies into compliance:
But the censorship machine has problems, too — mainly that us peons are communicating without allowing them to listen:
And it turns out these UK programs aren’t new. Many of them are almost a decade old, and — unsurprisingly if you read Matt Taibbi — stemmed from FOREIGN censorship programs. (Which unsurprisingly morph into DOMESTIC censorship programs) As one example, the Counter Disinformation and Media Development Programme was created in 2016 specifically to counter Russian information operations:
The Open Source Unit — another involved agency — has operated on a similar timeline:
The Counter Disinformation Cell was created a little later, but also got its start in overseas operations:
Speaking of international components, the CDU helpfully provides a map of their partners in censorship:
It’s no coincidence that these are the exact countries from which we see the most restrictive and punitive free speech laws coming down the pike. This is a coordinated attack on free speech — with the hope being that when the dust settles, the mantra will be “everybody did it and we just went along.” It’s nobody FAULT, you see, these things just HAPPEN — after all, how could we live without the USA PATRIOT Act at this point?
Liberal Party of Australia Senator Alex Antic expertly breaks down the issue in this 3-minute segment with Sky News: (Rumble link if you want to share.)
Ultimately, this coordinated attack on free speech is the most dire threat to the Constitution and the freedom of Americans. And like it or not, only one side of this year’s election will face that attack head-on — the other will join it.
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I know you want to see the monkey vaccine meme. I don’t blame you — but don’t blame me if you get locked up for looking:
Bonus hilarity that this comes under the heading “using influencers” when we know for a fact that’s exactly what government did to PROMOTE covid vaccines!
FYI, screamers who have not seen/heard Tucker Carlson's interview of RFK Jr. and Larry Elder should check it out. In particular, RFK's summary of the Constitutional violations that occurred during the COVID madness is something you can share with your constitutionally ignorant fellow Americans. Because, as he stated, they can dial up a pandemic or other emergency at any moment and they absolutely will until Americans assert their God given rights and reinsert rule of law into this runaway tyranny that claims to rule over us.
The outsourcing of censorship and surveillance discussion reminded me of "extraordinary rendition" in the years after 9/11, when the U.S. was shuttling captured enemy combatants from Afghanistan, primarily, to countries like Qatar and Pakistan to have them be manhandled by those countries.