"Everything is An Attack on Democracy" Sure Looks Like Projection
We have to destroy the Republic in order to SAVE the Republic!
If you pay even a passing attention to politics, you’ve noted Democratic politicians proclaiming that everything from Facebook to Republicans themselves are trying to undermine democracy. Joe Biden called January 6th “The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Indeed, because Democrats loudly proclaim to be “defending democracy”, anything that threatens them anywhere is declared an “attack on democracy.” (Just add “insurrectionist” to the long list of ‘deplorable’ adjectives.)
It’s sort of a sick irony that the very people who call everything a ‘threat to democracy’ are the people who most ignore the rules of our Republic. As I previously discussed, the new idea of America was that nobody was above the law, and that government officials who passed laws were held to account by voters. Over and over during his short administration, Joe Biden has ignored the proper rule-making process of our Republic while proclaiming to be saving it.
With executive orders, he shut down the Keystone pipeline and suspended other energy projects. He sanctioned Russia (long before the war) and shut down travel that Trump had opened. Vaccine mandates were executive orders. Now, certainly Biden isn’t the first president to use the executive order, but he may be the most hypocritical by sidestepping the proper lawmaking procedures of the country for the biggest issues of the day.
Though the vaccine mandates were the most egregious example, nearly all covid rules were made via executive fiat and use of emergency powers. Governors and mayors found a lackey in a lab coat to stand behind so they could pass the buck and be held blameless for the chaos that followed. “Just following guidelines” became the borg-like ‘get out of jail free’ chant of government officials. But nobody voted for Anthony Fauci or anybody working under him. We have no mechanism to hold these bureaucrats responsible - and holding officials responsible is the foundation of the Republic.
And it’s no surprise these unelected bureaucrats declare that unelected bureaucrats should have unlimited power. These bureaucrats also say people who disagree are really attacking science, and should be banned from public discourse due to their ‘dangerous misinformation’.
Notice how he steals a base with the “inevitable increase of cases we’re seeing”, as if relaxing the rules is what has led to this ‘huge’ spike we see in the black box:
But there’s never been any evidence that airplanes and other public transportation systems were a major transmission vector. Nearly the entire country is totally done with covid restrictions, and the idea that a super small minority of travelers could somehow kickstart another wave by removing their masks is insane. Yet Fauci just casually asserts it, knowing CNN’s Washington Generals-level reporter will let the claim skip right on by.
But EVEN IF THE NPIs WORKED, the literal function of our court system is to uphold the rights of the people. When a government agency oversteps its bounds and violates those rights, IT IS THE COURTS that correct that injustice. Fauci is stating that the highest law of the land should be written by unelected bureaucrats as long as they first say it’s public health. (Or maybe public safety!)
Yet this is exactly the type of thing that ACTUALLY undermines our Republic! By now it’s obvious that the people in the lab coats will say whatever they are told to say, and the ‘leaders’ using these people as props to sidestep the law-making process is about as un-American as it gets!
And while covid rules have been the most obvious examples of the suspension of following the rules of the Republic, there are many more. The political prisoners being held for January 6th are an example. The CDC’s eviction moratorium is another, which the courts struck down — because that’s what the courts are there for. Biden urged people to ignore the ruling.
I’ve read enough history books to know that when normal lawmaking processes are suspended, the whole thing tends to go off the rails. We’re two years into the covid ‘emergency’, surely we can re-establish regular lawmaking (and election) procedures? At the very least, maybe Biden and the Clowns could ease off on the “defending democracy” mantra as they destroy everything that made our Republic unique.
One little quibble. The idea that no one was above the law was our great inheritance from England, where even the monarch had to show legal justification for, say, cutting off the heads of wives.
It's a considerable irritation to me that the Republicans are almost entirely morons and do not deserve any more than the Democrats to have the least scrap of trust of the populace. People tout DeSantis, and I always like a guy who can say "fuck 'em" and mean it, but there are areas where I feel a failure of courage in him too.
It's only when a majority in this country identifies as independent/unaffiliated that we may have a chance to restore Constitutional values and common sense.
Fauci’s arrogance is unbelievable, beyond pathological.