I remain in disbelief at how crazy some have become. A bunch of people thanking God for abortion? All I know it that is a tragic decision nobody wants to make and will harm both the mother and the unborn child. Then the fear displayed by those masking in their car, solo. A sign of total submission without questioning the need. Then 30 year olds pushing to the front of the line in early days to get their shots when the shots were quite restricted such panic and fear for something of mild consequence to that age group.

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Violence and threats can only be met with superior and decisive force, nothing else. When the enemy uses violence, you must either destroy them completely or run: they will not stop because the goal is your subjugation, not once but perpetually.

This is something which is so depressing that we do not want to think about it, we want the world to not be like that, but it is; it does not matter if 99 out of 100 opinions and creeds and -isms and so on all agree that peaceful and respectful civil discourse and an open public vote shall decide how we run society, if the 100th insists on violence, force, coercion, threats and vandalism. If that 100th isn't permanently and publicly destroyed - including killed - they will never, ever stop.

What they get away with, they will keep doing, it's as simple as raising a child or a dog: what you allow them as wee ones must be right, and once grown, that's set in stone.

β€œFor man can triumph over man, and weapon over weapon; against the gods we can pit sacrifice, and against witchcraft, contrary magic; but against bad luck no man has anything to oppose.”

― Frans G. Bengtsson, The Long Ships

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Covid-hoaxing elites are more clever than the scorpion and even less honest. They wait till the river crossing is complete before stinging.

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I actually wrote something along these lines but the article was getting so long I axed it.

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Apologies for the fable fracturing...but it is interesting to note that so few of our contemporary scorpions feel the need to don sheep's clothing. Bring on the meerkats.

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β€˜Disinformation Governance Board’

Shouldn’t that more properly be: Disobedience Governance Board?

Thou shalt not disobey thy Government gods.

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Demanding obedience makes a claim of ownership on your body. Demanding that you believe what they say makes a claim on your soul.

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My bet is that the majority of the organizations funding this violence get their support from the Chinese Communist Party - that's definitely the source of their politics - and they are doing this to create internal destabilization in the US - their best hope would be a shooting war - in order to further the aims of the CCP elsewhere (Australia, Taiwan, the Indo-Pacific region).

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Don't read the comments on that tweet. If you own guns, it'll make you run downstairs and start checking everything.

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everything is preposterous, now.

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The real issue is that susceptibility is age-dependent. There is no reason that an otherwise healthy individual younger than 70 should consider getting a shot, let alone endless boosters.

That is not a typo. Up to the age of seventy one is simply injecting a collection of chemicals that may as well be random given how little we understand it.

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And more and more data shows that even after seventy the temporary positive effects are greatly outweighed by the significant long term side effects and potential "adverse effects".

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This is why their claim that it 'protects others' was so important, even though it was clear very very very early that the shot did not prevent transmission.

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Scorpions and leftists must be crushed. That's human nature.

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We are actually in the beginning stages of a sort of civil war. Unless the Communists decide to back down, it will end in some kind of national divorce or worse. Communists rarely back down once they have more firepower than their enemies. That's why they want us disarmed. And as President Brandon so helpfully reminded us, they have F-15's and nukes. Here's to hoping cooler heads prevail...

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The longer this goes on, the harder it gets to believe there can be any sort of peaceful reconciliation within our country.

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I agree 51% but 49% of me hopes that these kinds of things come in waves.

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Now now. We got through the Black Death and the firebombing of Dresden and the melting of human flesh at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, didn't we?

And isn't the Chernobyl Exclusionary Zone the biggest nature reserve in Europe now?

What's a little civilizational collapse, in the scheme of things? (Please, Master of the Universe, don't make me come back as a cockroach...)

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Don't forget "the winter of severe illness and death."

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Where *did* I misplace that? Can't find it anywhere...

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Don't forget rising sea levels due to climate change. Apparently, we are all under water by now, but just too willfully ignorant to admit it.

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baby murderers have no place in civil society and as you say they show you who they are

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Also, is there anything creepier then the words β€œlab produced breast milk?” Other then β€œBill Gates” that is.

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Lab produced breast milk = baby formula... it's been around for a while.

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Maybe now we know why he's got those manboobs!

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Did Steny just say we’re at war? How’d the debate and vote go? I must have missed it. Can someone send me the congressional record for how my representative voted?

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Silly rabbit, Declarations of War are for rubes!

The U.S. hasn't declared war since 1948. After that, all the cool kids got together and figured out that they didn't need to bother with declaring war when they could just have a police action, military intervention, or military conflict. That little discover was a win-win for politicians all the horror, expense and profiteering of a war without the pesky political accountability for our representatives.

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Most certainly it has. What do you think the various AUMF votes were about? The Constitution requires that Congress declare war, but it does not specify the specific wording that must be used.

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I think AUMF are exactly as I stated above - all the horror, expense and profiteering of a war without the pesky political accountability for our representatives. The president can authorize military force without the input of congress, thus giving them plausible deniability, and giving him expanded powers.

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AUMF votes are not authorization for war, ESPECIALLY when they are so open-ended that they can be used against anybody.

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or a minor incursion

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Kinetic military action

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Fiery, but mostly peaceful, regime change.

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Imagine, your country is at war and only a handful of people know about it. When do you think they intend to make the declaration public?

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The "government" is at war with the people.

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Yes he did. And you know, all those politics are a burden when you're at war! Just shovel the money out the door!

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And don’t forget 10% for the big guy!

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Great post. And regarding the possible Roe reversal... What has me scratching my head about those now frothing at the mouth and threatening violence against anyone who dares even question the validity of Roe is:. If it's overturned, there will still be plenty of "legal" and "safe" murders, I mean abortions, in pretty much every state in the nation. Especially in the so-called "blue" states that these radical maniacs call home. In my opinion, they aren't going to get the reactions they are hoping for because most Americans realize this already.

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The Roe reversal is not so much a strike against abortion, but against legislating from the bench. The left wants their constitution to be 'living' and their babies to be dead.

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I'm pro-choice, but the weird thing is that most European countries (that progressives claim to admire) have abortion restrictions stricter than Mississippi's proposed 15 weeks. Most of them are at 12-14 weeks. I think popular opinion in the U.S. would favor something similar. Why not let the voters decide? All the crazy shrieking and violence and the handmaid costumes are way over the top. You'd think the court said they were going to make abortion entirely illegal tomorrow.

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Most of them think that precisely that; they have no idea what the Roe decision actually did and what the overturn would do.

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"make abortion entirely illegal tomorrow". That is precisely the message! We are going to be on the receiving end of a propaganda blitz that makes the last two years continuous, relentless, multimedia vaccine hysteria look like calm rational discourse. The loathsome, foul, evil creatures we allow to rule us may be able to leverage a frenzy over abortion into a justification to postpone election in the fall. If I am right, (and I pray I am wrong), we can expect 'civil disturbances' on a scale never seen before in a (formerly) free country.

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I don't think they will try to postpone the election, but I won't be surprised if they send in the FBI to whip the antifa goons into a frenzy again. However, with BLM showing their true colors and the defund the police movement failing so spectacularly, I think people have had enough of their shit. If they try that again I think it will only work against them.

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Phone data shows that some %10 of the people involved in the riots doubled as ballot mules, delivering multiple ballots from non-residential NGO headquarters to drop-boxes. Presumably less rioting means more people available for election fraud.

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And this is exactly why the Constitution puts these matters in the hands of the states (and the states can further put them in the hands of counties). Nearly every state will end up with something that resembles Europe, and the extremists at both ends will be punished by the now-enabled voters of their area.

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You peasant! The voters don’t know anything. That’s why we have the elite. They certainly have our best interests at heart!

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