Sep 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Hello Kitty is not a cat! She’s a little girl!!


Makes me wonder if anything else in that video is faked …

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You know, I'm a week behind on emails.

Ha! I finally found some pawsativity!! On Wednesday, no less!!!

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Some say you find the pawsitivity when you need it most...

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I love that! I'm writing it down...

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Just letting you know I'm doing video editing for the next hour or so, so responses will be sporadic until my screen is free again.

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Never a worry with me, Commander.

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Loved the video about kittens for cons. In general, when given something to take care of/protect most men will step up.

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And just imagine the beating that a con would get for abusing his kitten -- especially if it put the entire program at risk.


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Something tells me if a prisoner did that to one of the kittens they'd be bunking with the pedophiles at the prison.

I hope they look to expand this program to more prisons and not just for cats but dogs too


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Sep 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Love love love the meow mates story.

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Here's a horrible-to-heartwarming story and if anyone has some spare beer money they want to redirect:


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Sep 25Liked by SimulationCommander

That foul ball was scary, but then Gallo did what he does best.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Author

I don't know if I could have handled that ball staying fair.

If that run snaps the Royals out of the funk, I may reconsider the ghost runner being the worst rule in sports.

Also related note: Sorry guys, I got absolutely ZERO writing done during this game. I did put in 70,000 steps, though.

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Sep 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for these great videos!!!

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Glad you liked them!

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Sep 24Liked by SimulationCommander

For anyone interested the dog in the first hilarious video is Stella. She has a fir sister named Mabel. To follow their antics, they have a YouTube page called “A Dog Named Stella.”

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Sep 24Liked by SimulationCommander

SPOT completely fooled me! That was hilarious!

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I was a little worried about it ;)

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Awesome post and uplifting to boot

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My uncle was a navy fighter pilot in 1950 in the Korean War based off the ship the U.S.S Philippine. Any pilot who can take off and land on a ship has to be a really great pilot. My uncle was preparing to come home (even started shipping his belongings home) when they sent him out on a flight in a snowstorm. Bad idea. He was lost in the snowstorm.

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Oh my, so sad

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I met my wife at a Stampede Party in Calgary and Calgary is as American as Mississippi and TEXAS it isn't CANADIAN and that is Canada's CROSS to bear. I know history and Alberta leans FASCIST and is100% Trump tit for tat democracy without ethics or values. Pierre JD VANCE Polievre (the leader of Canada's Fascist (Conservative) coalition and Danielle Smith the Alberta, Prime Minister are about as informed as Marjorie Taylor Green. Not all Okies are from Muskogee. Some migrated from Utah and Boulder Springs and some like the ORIGINAL Fascists came right out of Major Clifford Douglas' English Social Credit, the Third Reich and William F. Buckley Senior's Texas. The only thing saving Alberta is its large Ukrainian population that knows like Mark Twain in the 1860s is that the only good Russian Oligarch is six feet below the ground. Social Credit is ELON MUSK and PETER THIEL without restrictions.



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Old dog of mine did leaps like that, into any body of water. Run-off from a peat bog, no problem. Water-filled furrows on a newly fertilised field, perfect for a belly-flop crawl session. Ocean in the Autumn, when the shore is covered in rotting seaweed in a thirty feet wide belt sloshing to and fro, woo-hoo.

Bath-tub? Oh Heck no!

Speaking of, when I crashed & burned from work-stress, it was that dog and his mate who saved me. I was out walking them, head full of stress. We were living in the city at the time, smack bang in the center of one of Sweden's top five most dangerous districts. When the blackout hits me, I'm about 7-8 miles from home, in a park. When my head clears, we're rounding the corner to our block.

The dogs walked me home. I got told from a neighbour that the male had been leading the way, pulling on the leash while the female nudged my knees to get me to round corners.

I miss them something painful, but it is the good kind of pain.

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Sep 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Stella does it too as well as her alter ego Judith. She has a YT channel

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Dog + pilot, 10's for sticking the landings!

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Loved the videos, especially the dog into the pile of leaves. The leaves are just beginning to shed and the newscast said that we will have one last gasp of summer this week and then it is back to the usual gray skies here in the PNW. :(

Our happy this weekend was celebrating birthdays all weekend long. We celebrated a combined birthday on Saturday and wished the birthday boys a Happy 120th Birthday! They look pretty good for being over the century mark! 🤣🤣

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Check out Stella. She has her own YT channel. I’m not the owner. Just someone who loves watching her and Mabel jump in the leaves and water.

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Thanks! Will do.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Many years ago, I played a flight simulation game. It was set in WWII and I was flying off a carrier to fulfill this mission or that. Then I had to find and land on the carrier again. I got pretty good at, but sometimes the carrier was half sunk and the deck was at a 30 degree angle. I did manage to land on that, too but it was a challenge. These F-18 pilots landing on carriers at night amaze me.

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