Aug 9, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

This makes too much sense.

And if you go back just a couple of years you will find that this was the basis for pre-pandemic planning in almost every jurisdiction across the world. Certainly in the western countries. Basic stuff.

And now it has become anathema to the new covid religion.

And, no, this is not about covid, nor science, nor what makes sense. It is about evil.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

'We know' (she says) like a little cloned PR person ...

"that the most effective steps are to get vaccinated, get boosted'

Probably the worst health advice ever: then, now and at all times.

It is crystal clear to any sane normal person that the most effective steps to stay healthy are to eat and live well and to boost your natural immune system.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Love this. Thank you and sharing!

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Driving under the influence makes you a worse driver.

To prevent anyone from driving under the influence no one may have the ability to start a vehicle before having been tested to show proof positive that they are under the influnce of anything which hampers performance.

Et voila, no more unemployment!

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Excellent commentary, you get right to the crux of it all.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

“The experts”…Rush accurately called them the “wizards of smart”…those who thought they knew better, than the individuals, on how to run their own lives…health wise, money wise, self defense wise, etc.

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My European relatives who weren’t necessarily pro USA to begin with were shocked when they learned there has never been a campaign for health or for preventive measures like losing weight, increasing vitamin D etc. here. They could not believe it. That fact alone opened their eyes to what is going on.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

What Alex, Bobby, Clint, and David should do when Fauci shows up is...

Throw Fauci off the bridge. :)

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

To be pfair to Psaki, in the past I do believe she has recommended kickboxing and drinks containing lime juice (high in Vitamin C), although perhaps not in this context. Seriously, though, thank you for pointing out the idiocy of the "experts" who decided to substitute a paternalistic form of peer pressure (though they definitely don't want us to think of them as peers) for information.

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Great analysis.

There are risks I chose to take all the time... so involve science, some don't.

The ones I take not involving science involve moral beliefs I have. Basically, o am a coward. I don't enjoy taking them.

Regarding this... I Basically trust those against kill shot. There are some outlandish things said, that I reject. There are pointed questions I would ask... but I think they are intelligent, love natural truth.

I don't trust other side one bit. They cause me fear, anger. Viscerally.

If trust in both was same, I'd rather die of Covid than risk bells palsy.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Such an excellent analogy.

I know of some Canadian truckers (and a certain Canadian PM <cough cough>)who have made their own personal risk assessment.

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