Nov 21, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander


The worst possible outcome, but not the only info here.

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None of which actually makes any sense. This is only barely a crypto story, it's mostly about this dude knowing and paying off the right people so they look away from his obvious fraud.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The thing is, *every* story is now politicized. I have been "trained" to expect the State to use every issue.

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That word candy you used...”beclown!” I love it. I think you pulled your sentence describing what the media “intended” to say right out of my head. I couldn’t improve on it.

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"The media reports the news: news is what the media reports."

That about sums up what anyone and everyone needs to know and understand about what media are and how they always must function.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Y'know, I don't like to judge a book by its cover but honestly the name "Sam Bankman-Fraud" probably should have steered people away from giving him large sums of money. I'm just sayin'.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

I mean, I get it, it is *literally* the definition of prejudicial.

And yet, here we are. Like, it's exactly what was written on the side of the tin.

All I can figure is that people thought "I'm going to take your money and use it to snort cocaine off of hookers" was some kind of ... **code** for something that was really smart, if only they were smart enough to understand it?

Who can say?

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That's some good writing, M. Mek. But wasn't the message "I'm going to take your money and save the world"? Or...is that what you are sarcastically saying?

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Yeah, it's hard to be ironic *enough*, these days, sometimes. I mean, obviously that wasn't what he was actually peddling, but it's undoubtedly what he was basically doing, and the more I read about it, the more it sounds like a fair number of people knew about this and were just sorta going with it because they thought it was billed against real profits or something. I dunno.

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So, here's my substantive question in response:

Is he just an Epstein wanna-be, or a case of history repeating as farce?

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"Yeah, it's hard to be ironic *enough*, these days, sometimes."


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Yes. There's simply no way that the regulators 'missed' something like this. It was run worse than our 6th grade lunchtime concession store -- which at least had proper documentation of money trails!

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Wasn't it just a case of immoral preying on starry-eyed Leftist investors. they of the esg abomination.

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It makes sense if you consider that their goal is to (A) force Elon Musk to play by their rules by holding his investment hostage (they think if enough news outlets and advertisers leave, Musk will be forced to capitulate) or (B) just destroy Twitter so it is forced to go bankrupt or Musk is forced to sell it.

I suppose the only question is, will it work?

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Nope. They're too addicted.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I guess the fake news agency is afraid that Twitter will no longer be the "ministry of censorship" They're waiting to see if Twitter is going to toe the line and be a force for the left wing. That's when they'll go back to posting on Twitter. Until then, no fake news organization wants to be called out on their bullshit.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The media have done more damage to themselves than they yet realize. They will never recover. Fortunately, they no longer matter.

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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"The system" is composed of people, and people and our interactions with them is a major determinant of our quality of life. But quality is a perception, and decisions about it are internal. The system and its people only control our perceptions if we allow it. Those who are dissatisfied with their lives always have self imposed expectations they cannot meet which cause their unhappiness.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

It looks like the Waters blown kiss happened on Dec. 8, 2021, at a House Committee on Financial Services hearing on "Digital Assets and the Future of Finance: Understanding the Challenges and Benefits of Financial Innovation in the United States." See the link: https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-167/issue-212/daily-digest

There's no list of people who testified. It just says: "Testimony was heard from public witnesses."

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Then, on Feb. 9 of this year, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry held "a hearing to examine digital assets, focusing on risks, regulation, and innovation," and heard testimony from "Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, Chicago." Yes, Chicago.



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Perplexed, Vexed, Baffled... The 3 most popular words used by corporate media for almost 3 years. Real reporters don't need to use "catch all" words like those because they've actually done real research before releasing a news piece...

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I had the same reaction to the CBS announcement, like, good thing they told everyone, because otherwise, literally no one would've noticed.

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You implied I might be controlled opposition. Because I advocated Nuremberg trials, hangings. Like 80 per cent of people on our side.

Then you would not respond to anything I said.

I don't respect you. No intelligence. No ethics. No bravery.

Oh, and I will be glad to respond.

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I think I'll survive without your respect.

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A normal person would have challenged such damning comments.

You don't say I'm wrong, or lying, or how I misinterpreted.

Readers will lose respect in you also.

Attack someone with stupid, nonsensical comments and then refuse to answer.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Did anyone catch the news, cannot recall cbs or cnn, stating mrs. polonaise was suffering from survivors guilt.

Love spell check I was trying for polousy

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Now I'm hungry.

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Lol. Let me get some eggs. Farm price only $7.50 this week.

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Holy shit those are expensive eggs.

Are you serious about that price? Are they X large, cage free?

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Serious, from farm co-op limit 1 dozen per order. Love to support local farms however…

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X-Large and fresh!

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Geez, I'm not charging enough.

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we can't have thaaaat

True stuff? but then everything needs to be fixed accordingly and that is impossible

We do not even know which department is in charge of true stuff.

Can we speak to your supervisor?

Hi yeah, I would like a charge back please. 😂🤯

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

So someone going by Bonchie is doing determined reporting while the MSM generates bullshit about this and other matters at a catastrophic rate.

It wasn't that long ago that people wrote under pseudonyms mainly so they could get away with lying, not perpetrate honest reporting. WTF.

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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Ironic, isn't it? Meanwhile they bleed support and anonymous people (and cats) on the internet continue to generate a following by showing the receipts and generating honest discussion!

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

You have to show receipts!!!?? Can we pay Gangster?

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Of course! He loves toys and treats - earmark donations however you wish! Even if you can't donate monetarily, you can request he gets 'a sufficient amount' of pets (usually 2 1/2), which will be fulfilled at his earliest convenience.

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Smiling……a lot

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(and dogs)

Natasha, get down!

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You have a dog named Natasha?………how so very proper of you.

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Think Boris and Natasha. She's a border collie mutt, and she is so smart that not only did *she* train *me*, but she chose that name herself!

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Funny………..Weren’t those names of characters in a cartoon-which I loved by the way-also, I’ve heard that Border Collies were one of the smartest breeds of dogs.

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Yes, the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. I never missed an episode, and at first I was too young to get most of the humor. (Thanks, Mom and Dad, for letting me watch!)

Yes, border collies are the ones that herd the sheep. After having one, I think they are the ones that train the humans and the sheep.

Edit: I should have added earlier, Denise, that I am a cat person as well as a dog person, and there are both types that don't believe me. But I can teach you how to have a dog and a cat grow up together as best friends.

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