
Normally I post the full video after it's available, but Fox had some pretty dumb rules about replays, so the only video I can find is in this UK Yahoo article:


Will keep an eye out for a better version.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Yikes. I almost had to scratch my eyeballs out after 5 minutes of watching that nonsense. Good on you for putting yourself through that.

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I haven't been able to watch modern "debates" (since the turn of the millennium, about).

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I remember watching a debate with Ron Paul in the last four, and he got like 5 minutes of time out of the whole hour. ('08 I think? Reagan library?)

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It is certainly a terrible medium for rational, substantive discourse. And do we really *want* to power up politics by soundbite?

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Best analysis EVER.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for the overview, congratulations for making it through without having your head explode! I don't have the patience to watch. The kittens helped even though I'm not a cat person.

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Glad you liked it!

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I haven’t laughed this much in ages. You nailed it. I was busy watching Tucker so I didn’t watch but last 30 minutes or so.

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Glad you enjoyed it!

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Thank you. Loved the interpretive dance version of the debate.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I had the great foresight to buy concert tickets for last night, so I wouldn't have to watch it.

Ok, so it was really just dumb luck, but after this hilarious summary, I feel like I'm all caught up . . .

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More than caught up, you understand what the candidates actually said rather than just hearing what came out of their mouths.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

True, although I had (have) some serious pre-dispositions against just about all of the candidates as DC Swamp creatures, except maybe for Vivek, Desantis, and the guys that nobody knows. Interesting that they kept Larry Elder out. Clearly, they can't have some guy with a higher than room temperature IQ make their guys (and gal) look bad.

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Thank you for another masterpiece, M. Sim. At no time in reading did you disappoint and I can't think of anything you left out!

Since I am at a loss even for my usual what-about-ism, I offer my recommendation for Roger Simon"s piece on RCP. I will post a link when I get home...if I get a round tuit.

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I look forward to it!

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy paid to have his Soros Fellowship and covid-era role scrubbed from Wikipedia. His campaign is designed to dilute the Trump vote so a Dem candidate can 'appear' to win the election. The vote needs to be close to obfuscate the cheating

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Good to the first claim.

As for the last bit of breathless hyperbole, Ramaswamy is running as a 3rd (third) party candidate already!?!?

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Paid, or sued?

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A Wikipedia editor with the screen name “Jhofferman,” has disclosed that he was paid by Ramaswamy to make alterations to the page

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To the WEF Wiki page? I heard that he actually sued the WEF because never agreed to be on any of their lists in the first place.

What shows up on Wiki is barely a footnote, IMO.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Wikipedia, not WEF. I was not aware of the WEF lawsuit.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Author


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is suing the World Economic Forum, claiming the Swiss-based organization falsely portrayed him as one of its “young global leaders” and refused to take his name off its website for two years.

Ramaswamy, 37, the son of immigrants from India who says he is worth $500 million, does not want to be associated with the WEF’s “progressive” and “radical” policies and positions, according to the lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in a Cincinnati, Ohio, court.

“This is an organization that does a lot of wrong and I’ve opposed it publicly and believe it should be held accountable,” Ramaswamy told The Post.

“The WEF has a radical worldview that rejects the principles America was founded on. I’m not interested in being a ‘global citizen.’ I’m an American.”


The WEF emailed The Post a response after this story was published:

“The World Economic Forum invited Mr. Ramaswamy as a potential member of the YGL community. However, an individual does not formally become a member of the YGL community until they accept a nomination. Mr. Ramaswamy declined to be nominated and was therefore never an active member of the YGL community.”


Well now that the WEF said it was a mistake, I don't know WHAT to think.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for sharing this. I hope Vivek is being straight with us, but I fear he is covering his tracks. Social media (MSM and Alt) can make or break a candidacy.

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Perhaps this is J. Hofferman's job at Wikipedia?

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That is possible, but the timing of the change (two weeks before Vivek announced) is suspect. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...

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I agree. And I would like to hear what Mr. Ramaswamy says, or has said, about the action. Still, I don't hold it against an office seaker to "correct" the "official" record, as long as said wannabe politician is not, in fact, simply engaging in "whitewashing."

(Jeez, why do I feel the need to "scare quote" every other noun!)

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Wow... I was so exhausted and so beat up after that Food Fight last night, I adjourned for the evening only comforted by the fact that over 76 Million X-ers were watching Tucker and Trump. My take away .. Vivek is obviously a threat and almost unflappable, Chris Christy was in full blown Jersey Boy Bully form and Mike Pence....there are no words.... he oozes awkwardness and Nerdom to the ninth.... creeps me out.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I live in North Dakota and have no idea why Burgum is running. Probably as an audition for a Cabinet position and $$$.

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At a couple points last night, it seemed like he didn't know why he was running, either.

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came across this, but i still thibk yours was more fun to read :-)


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I'd rather vote for the kittens. They're cuter and they literally can't sign any bad legislation. 😸

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm old enough that I'm on the fence of do I really give a shit anymore ?

The crimminals get a free pass, LA alone is a infested dump, the common citizens flinch at the flu and the GOP debate is a fucking clown show.

But the sun is up and the pool is open...... sooooo fuck it ! :-)

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At some point you have to enjoy what's in front of you and not despair about the things you can't control. (And instead laugh at them!)

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Your right. Thanks for the reminder.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for going through all of that so we don't have to, but I have to be honest here, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

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Only a little bit? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I think most of us agree the kittens poll numbers could easily double the combined numbers of last nights contestants. They were adorable...the kittens.

I lasted only 5 minutes before quickly bouncing back to scrolling thru the channel guide for something to keep me awake. The 5 minutes I did see reminded me of the experience of watching NFL strike football in the 80’s; an uninspiring day in the spotlight for the combatants before returning to their regular jobs.

I salute your dedication and will power to sit through the entire thing and THEN taking the time to translate it to plain English for us, AND injecting the humor missing by Trump’s absence. Nice work.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

This country really needs more political parties but will the WEF and their 10 ton gorilla (captured MSM) allow it?

I noticed nothing about protecting the constitution from any of them.

The WEF/UN/WHO, including Bill Ghates, have to be removed from US politics. They are not part of the process..

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Burgum pulled out his pocket constitution at one point.

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Doesn't count unless it's signed by Ron Paul.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

All kidding aside, I liked Burgum. The Tenth Amendment, for God's sake. Maybe Walter Kirn is right - the only places in the US that retain any normalcy or sanity are small towns.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Counter: Sweden's got 8 parties in parliament (at least 4% of the votes equals one seat).

They agree to 90% on 90% of the issues.

Except when parliament votes on its own wage-increases and privileges - such as parliament members not being subject to the normal taxation for pension funding, then it's 100% for 100%.

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