
Verdict incoming..........

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The entire “election interference” is nonsense. Candidates are supposed to influence elections and voters. It’s how they get elected unless maybe you’re Biden and too brain dead to string together a coherent thought. Then your surrogates “influence” the election.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

How the hell is a prosecutor or defense attorney supposed to do their job if they stay away from the law?

This case should be thrown out due to jury tampering, judicial tampering, and violating due process.

I hate partisan actors and that judge is out to stick it to a republican.

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It will be thrown out, but Biden will get the short-term gain. This is why they waited so long to bring these cases in the first place.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

You shameless hussy. Feeling neglectful and perhaps even some sorta 'ism ist ic', I was about to hit the subscription button. Then I checked, I already am a donating reader. You almost got the two-fer.

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I don't think you can even do that, can you?

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Dunno...but it wasn't stopping me as far as I got.

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Buy him a monthly coffee. Unsolicited support from me. Even though reading his substack with comments takes up more of my "valuable" time, I think he deserves it.

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

The only purpose of the fake trial is to convict Trump and keep him from office in 2025 and beyond. There is no law breaking, no justice and no equal rights under the law. Just a movement to put Trump out of reach of the 2024 elections. The Dummy or his A/I bio-clone must win at all costs...even the cost of America. Gates has made his demands known and his money buys the results.

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The cost of America is not even a consideration to them. To the contrary, they have been deliberately trying to subvert and destroy America for decades and now they have thrown caution to the wind, bc they're panicking and they've become very obvious. They may win a few battles, but they won't win the war. Painfully slow as it may seem to those of you who have been aware for so long, people ARE "waking up". Yes, damage has been done, but they will never complete their ultimate goal of Agenda 2030. Is that even a thing, anymore? They may be rich, but they're mentally impaired. Fuck Bill Gates and all of his psychotic cronies.

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I'm trying to think of something more important than controlling the trillions of dollars in government spending.........maybe ownership of the Fed?

OF COURSE they would cheat to get control of government. OF COURSE they would.

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How about both? They already own the Fed.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

I guess record crowds for Trump in The Bronx (of all places!) wasn't enough to show them how insane this all is. I certainly don't support any great leader for "el presidente", but I can't stand the insanity surrounding all of these ridiculous charges against Trump and the subsequent show trials. All of this sets a terrible precedent. I hate to use the cliche of "imagine if" because it's often used in the whole left/right paradigm... but imagine if this was being done to one of the darlings of the so-called left. The entire country would be smoldering.

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At least for somebody like Obama, we have a long list of actual crimes we could charge. Drone murdering an American for one, Fast & Furious for another.......

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Yes, and more.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Destroying the country of Libya with your sidekick, SOS Madame Psycho….

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Yes! *Real* crimes while sitting as "President" of the "free" world! lol. Same goes for Clinton. And if we want to start throwing darts at the fake "right"... George W Bush! I mean, come on! lol. I guess if I love one thing about all of this it would be that it shows just how desperate these people are. Personally, I think Trump will win and he will start the ball rolling on getting the right on board with a whole bunch of other crap like CBDCs, more pandemics, etc. But, hey, maybe I'll be wrong. But this is the trend I've seen over my voting years (40 years now).... the R's get all of the tyranny put into law and the D's enforce it. And there's some of that the other way around as well but I've noticed most of the loss of liberty and encroaching tyranny is done under an "R" because most of the country goes to sleep every time an "R" is in office. But, maybe I'm just paranoid.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

This is, All of it, pay back from Hillary for shaming her, her husband, all of those 8 treacherous years.

It was difficult enough for her to constantly play "kill a mole"

Democrats are criminals

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

Predictions: Trump will be convicted. The coordinated Democrat talking point will be "No one is above the law". What will we learn from all this? The left will continue political persecution. The right will continue to support them.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

And yet, the guilty as Hell, Hilldabeast continues to roam the political landscape whining about losing the election to Trump in which she and her team actually did interfere!! It’s so outrageous, it’s hard to believe! And that makes me SCREAM!

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Merchen seems to be doing all he can to guarantee overthrow of any guilty verdict instantly on appeal.

Democrat lawfare (not just against Trump) has accomplished a few things:

- All but ensuring DJT becomes POTUS next year - oopsie!

- Complete loss of faith in the justice system for a majority of Americans. (This is actually one of the positives since the US justice system is inherently corrupt, for decades now and does not deserve our respect.)

- Set the precedent for applying criminal justice to former US presidents, their families AND everyone who worked in the administration. This could be diminished by a SCOTUS ruling, probably should be, but immunity will not prevent very public disclosure of the shockingly long list of extremely serious crimes committed - IN OUR NAME - of previous administrations. At least half of America desperately want this, and probably most of humanity as well.

Karma time, bitchez. I doubt Jimmy Carter has anything to worry about, though he is not completely innocent either, no US president ever is.

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It's the Biden way -- get what you want in the short-term while getting smacked down by the courts in the long-term.

I am not sure they appreciated how badly this would play to Americans.

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It’s hard to imagine they could be so stupid, but then you look at how they have governed, …. my entire life, and then you think, yes, they are THAT stupid, and corrupt, and evil.

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander


I don't always agree with SimCom, but I do appreciate and enjoy the daily screams. Even at $5 dollars a month, that equals 25 cents a day. How long does is take you to earn 25 cents? Even at federal minimum wage that's like 2 minutes.

Full disclaimer: I have no affiliation with anyone, especially after a fun dinner with neighbors and 3 bottles of wine. Also typos.

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Thank you!!!

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Bernie Sanders cracks me up. He's never had a real job in his life. His wife was under charges of some fancy bookkeeping at a college (that then went broke.) Don't know how that turned out. I think Bernie has at least three houses and he drives really nice cars.

Bernie went to the same school in Brooklyn as Walter Block, the famous Libertarian economist. Bernie was a track star in high school. I guess he never quit running for something.

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Speaking of orange, years ago, we catered a gay party in West County. The gay couple had everyone wear tight-fitting orange T-shirts, and there were about 100 oranges floating in the pool. All the gays and their guests wanted to drink were margaritas. Our chef got bombed on them. That was a helluva party. The gays tipped us all $100 each.

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funny "big orange" memory. I have an old friend that did catering here in the Washington DC swamp area, she shared many many hysterical stories. It is great that you did not have a boring job. I was a nurse, started in a hospital then in a private ortho practice. Funny funnnnnny stories.

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Rosemary B: Here in the SF Bay Area, my wife and I catered for 7 years. We worked at wineries, rich homes, and down in San Francisco. It was very interesting and diverse. I would write stories about our catering adventures.

I drove the catering van and my wife ran the jobs. We went everywhere. Now we never want to leave our small town. LOL! Driving home from San Francisco at 2 AM after working 12 hours with all the drunks on the road in the rain and fog was interesting, too.

We catered at mansions in Pacific Heights (where Nancy Pelosi lives) and up the coast in old hippie communes that now rent out the space for weddings. Those old communes are strange indeed.

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Yes, I could write a book about patients, mostly funny stuff.

Catering is big, you get out there and deal with many people. I am sure you have a million stories, and superb great memories to share with your wife. Humans are hilarious.

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Rosemary B: You dealt with hoi polloi on an individual basis. That must have been fascinating especially since health was involved.

The weddings we catered were interesting. Russian, Jewish, Siberian Jewish, Filipino, Chinese, American, oh, lots of weddings.

The time an Indian (from India) man married a local Mexican girl was hilarious. The Indian parents flew over from New Delhi. This was right after 9/11 and the Hindus were nervous as Americans confused them with Muslims.

The Mexican bride's family hired a 12 piece Mariachi band. As everyone was sitting down for dinner in the big room at Trentadue Winery, the Mariachi band came out to play.

The first note was full blast trumpets and tuba and a singer screeching away.

The poor Indian family at their table jumped about two feet straight up into the air!

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May 30Liked by SimulationCommander

After Matt Taibbi, neophyte here stumbled across SimComm and a few others that were speaking my language aka bias confirmation…but it was more than that. No one was brutally insulting strangers and the conversation was constructive. I’ve taken refuge in SUBSTACK…. it’s $ well spent in my opinion!

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The Democrats should've kept in mind Alcee Hastings, a federal judge who was impeached and convicted, removed from office, in 1989--then he was elected to the House in 1992, and didn't leave until he died in April 2021.

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Andew Weissmann and his "man crush" on Judge Juan Marchan and his "judicial temperament" must be insane. (It was so absurd I at first thought he was joking.)

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220 paid subscribers for over two years' great work is kind of depressing. IMO, you should have over a 1,000 paid subscribers by now. I have to "pause" my paid subscriptions every now and then. I think yours was one I paused a few weeks ago when I had to cut expenses. It's the first of the month and I just got a new paid subscriber so I'll now ... unpause!

Thanks for your great work. I enjoy your writing and all your posts at other sites, including my own!

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I know exactly how you feel - I still have a bunch of people on my 'wishlist', too! And honestly I understand that people might rather 'unlock' some sort of benefit by a subscription on another site considering everything here is free regardless......

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SC, if you get a chance, shoot me an email. I want to share something with you and see what you think.

My email is wjricejunior at gmail dot com.

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