May 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"And, right on queue after Biden’s inauguration, the media that hated Trump with the heat of a thousand suns traded the boxing gloves for velvet gloves. No story was too big to suppress, no lie was too big to repeat. The media continued to act as an extension of the Democratic party, which was now in control of the federal government."

No single media event was more nauseating and shameless than when, during Biden's inauguration, David Chalian of CNN equated the lights set up around the National Mall Reflecting Pool to “extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” It was like listening to North Korean propagandists describing Kim Il-Sung as the product of a divine birth on Mount Paektu.

I knew immediately that our nation was in deep trouble.

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May 3, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Please note, this is a prediction, not an endorsement.

If she goes as heavy handed as the creation of this office a week after the Twitter news broke suggests it might, I'd honestly be surprised if she survives to the election.

**Someone** out there is going to be both sufficiently angry and low on fucks. This is... **Every single person** I have told about this thought I was joking at first. This is **incredibly** contrary to the spirit of this country. There are a lot of people who think Biden shouldn't be in office in the first place, let alone setting up offices like this. And frankly, the general tone of the country is just vastly antagonistic.

And as you say, this isn't someone who is even vaguely non-partisan. She's going to make decisions (assuming she makes any at all) that fall perfectly in line with one side, and use DHS to push it, and she's going to be the one people are seeing all the time as the one who is doing this. Biden might as well have painted a target on her back.

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Biden and his DGB can kiss Mayorkas!

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A minor quibble.

The press traded boxing gloves for anal lube.

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May 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

‘… the link between the federal government and…’

For some reason (🤔) I read it as ‘feral government’. It is much more appropriate as government has gone wild and uncontrollable…. and not just in the USA.

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May 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

The Company has controled the exec branch for decades. First with politcos favorable to the Company then with those recruited by the Company long before they became prez.

The election of 2016 was an anomalie. Trump was not expected to win. For all of his faults of which there are many -- huge ego, naivete, selecting poor hires, etc -- he was not a Company man.

The Company went in to full mode to try to get him gone and if that wasn't possible to at least insure that he did not win the next election. The Company plotted, schemed, and used their media for 4 years. Their media censored info about Sniffy and his son. There was a massive effort to "win" the election at any cost.

Then there was the "insurrection" that was orchestrated and planned by the Company and carried out by agent provacateurs. The purpose of which was to prevent the Senate and the public from hearing of evidence of election fraud.

And now openly promoting censorship under the cover of calling it preventing dis and misinformation when the largest purveyor of misinformation is the Company and their MSM apparatus.

Many people who before did not see the blatant corruption now see it. The mid term elections will be key. There is a lot for Company tools to lose. Unfavorable results for them could lead to hearings and perhaps conviction and imprisonment. Like cornered rats they will do whatever it takes to stay in power including 'fixing' elections, canceling elections, a false flag emergency, declaring foriegn hacking, whatever it takes.

And the Disinfo Gov Board will be right their at the forefront -- promoting lies, labeling any questioning of the narrative as disinfo, calling anything that smells of truth foriegn propaganda.

Many of the party loyalists will lap up the lies because rank and file party loyalty usually goes hand in hand with low information and regularly guzzling MSM.

The biggest hope seems to be in individual states where a sizeable number of the population to varying degrees see the blatant corrupt shit show and are fed up with it.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Now think how Biden's (handlers') ratings will soar before the next presidential election when he fires this woman and some others, and on the surface rolls back the more obnoxious rules and decisions.

That why they hated Trump* in power: the man is a businessman, and knows that when negotiating, start by demanding as self-evident much much more than you are really after. That way you can appear as reasonable and as conceding in the interest of a mutually beneficial deal if the rube buys your spiel.

Or just listen to Eddie Murphy's 'Raw': "I waaant half Eddieee!", is what the woman says when divorcing. That is shrew(d) negotiating: ask for half of what you never earned, threaten court and scandal, and walk away with lots more than you have any right to.

Lots of birds, especially seagulls of all kinds, have perfected this tactic. Don't know what the modern day colloquialism for women such as the "Who do I have to F*ck to be rich, powerful and famous"-woman of the clip is, but here we actually call those 40+, divorced, single mothers, attempting to build a civil service career on having a vagina - for seagulls, due to they shit on everything, scream and screech and mob everyone else.

*Though imagine if Roy Cohn had ever tried to go the political route. Trumps and Cohns and Helmsleys, oh my.

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Yours is one of the better commentaries on what I'm coming to think of as The Great Abomination, or Destruction as its own Purpose.

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KGB….DGB….never put that together before…..<shivers>

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May 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I talk to people all over America every day. From giant "blue" cities, to small Midwest towns. Although I can't talk "politics", when someone does bring them up I can kind of comment. And I am amazed at the amount of people who aren't buying all of this! It's very exciting. We can't let the corporate media fool us into thinking that most people are on board with what's been going on the last couple years. I even talked to an 80 yr old woman in NY today who proudly said (in so many words) that she'd like to tell "them" where to stick their "covid" "vaccine". It feels really hopeless at times, and there's definitely a lot of very sick and *dangerous* "Bidenization" going on, but I really believe people are starting to get it. I'm still of the belief that things are not going to go the way they are desperately planning and hoping they will. Great post! :-)

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Let's face it. Huge numbers of Americans no longer want freedom, not for themselves and certainly not for others. Freedom is messy, scary, and annoying. Freedom threatens feelings of safety and security. And freedom, if exercised by those OTHER people might threaten the status or privilege of vested interests, including left-leaning (or left screaming) "elites".

And as long as people wish to cede freedom, plenty of statists and ideologues are ready to provide whatever the sheeple wish for, from proscribed behaviors to fictionalized information.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

We're screwed because they are all wretched, on both sides. Trump was a miserable fleabag from the get-go--and I don't mean from when he stepped into politics. The over-the-top adulation by his fans--and I don't mean those who pragmatically decided to vote for him, but his actual enthusiastic fans--is utterly baffling to me.

But yeah--not in my worst--or let's say really really bad--nightmares could I have imagined what we have right now. I mean, Dolores Umbridge for real in an actual Ministry of Truth being paid from our tax dollars? A political party that represents hysterics?

Conservatives who are revolted by what the Republican party has become are people I'd like to meet, if anyone can point me to a nice backyard gathering.

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Biden us playing a role, as did Trump.

Who are people controlling White House?

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I'd like to note that a lot of this stuff didn't start with Biden, a lot of it kicked into high gear under Obama. But Obamainzation doesn't sound as similar to Balkanization. This is what we call artistic license. 😉

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deletedMay 1, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander
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