“Balkanization” is the fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile or uncooperative with one another.
“Bidenization” is similar - a divisive, angry philosophy that divides Americans along political lines. We saw this clearly in the demonization of the unvaccinated, long after it was clear that the vaccines didn’t stop the spread of covid, as we were promised. Another clear example is the FBI and DHS declaring parents and ‘spreaders of covid misinformation’ domestic terrorists! (More on the DHS later, but remember this part!)
Once you see how this works, you can’t unsee it. Every problem of the administration is blamed on the aforementioned ‘anti-vaxxers’, or greedy oil companies, or Vladimir Putin, or the specter of white supremacy — the list of scapegoats grows with every failure of the administration.
Perhaps more than anything, Bidenization involves the normalization of government officials blatantly lying to our faces. When you hear government officials speak, you feel like you’re living in a completely different reality than they are. Worse yet, the dutiful press laps these lies up and repeats the talking points as fact instead of wishful thinking.
During the 2016 election, I slightly favored Trump because I knew that he would face an adversarial press. As a libertarian, I LOVE a real adversarial press that hounds government officials. I knew Hillary would get the Obama treatment, with favorable slants or outright suppression of negative stories. Of course, nobody could have foreseen the complete meltdown the media would have after Trump’s election. Day after day, the papers were filled with anonymous ‘officials’ proclaiming that Trump was the second coming of Hitler. Lies about Russiagate and the Pisstape filled the airwaves, with serious-sounding idiots proclaiming the walls were closing in on Trump.
And, right on queue after Biden’s inauguration, the media that hated Trump with the heat of a thousand suns traded the boxing gloves for velvet gloves. No story was too big to suppress, no lie was too big to repeat. The media continued to act as an extension of the Democratic party, which was now in control of the federal government. Social media was under control of the establishment as well. Behind the thin veneer of ‘private companies’, government directed bans and established boundaries for free speech in the country.
It’s worth repeating: Under the guise of ‘private companies’, government has been violating the First Amendment rights of Americans. This is exactly like government hiring a private security company to go through your home without a warrant, then claiming there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment because government didn’t do the actual searching. This argument would be laughed out of court.
But this is an important strategy of Bidenization. The administration finds a CEO or bureaucrat or scientist who gives cover for Biden to violate the Constitution. The most obvious example of this is Anthony Fauci and the rest of the clowns running “public health”, but the CDC eviction moratorium is another example of government breaking private contracts in violation of the Constitution. Even when the president admits such actions are unconstitutional, he continues with them anyway.
With the pending sale of Twitter to Elon Musk, the link between the federal government and social media companies is threatening to be exposed. Musk can show the public exactly how deep the rot goes, and the left’s freakout about the issue can’t be understated. They know they’ve had their thumbs on the scale, and they ALSO know that without that advantage, they’ll get destroyed in free and fair elections.
That’s why Biden is willing to take the MASSIVE PR hit and create the Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board. One of the jobs (if not the only job) of this agency will be scrubbing the internet of anything that goes against the current narrative. If Musk won’t do this censorship himself, I’m sure the thinking goes, then we’ll FORCE him to do it via court orders or official proclamations!
Just think of the stuff that has been ‘official’ disinformation lately: the lab leak theory, vaccines stopping the spread, Hunter’s laptop, Ukrainian biolabs, gain of function research in Wuhan….the list goes on and on. The job of the KGB DGB will be to make The Narrative the ONLY story, and Nina Jankowicz is the perfect woman for that job. As Glenn Greenwald notes, there hasn’t been a story yet where Nina isn’t backing up the party line:

Thus we have the next step of Bidenization. Nina Jankowicz is simply the disinformation version of Anthony Fauci: a puppet who will parrot the party line without fail — even if that means saying the pandemic is over one day and the pandemic isn’t over the next day. The administration will then point to their favored puppet to ‘prove’ whatever bullshit they’re spouting. It’s one (very small) step removed from Jen Psaki citing herself when lying her face off in the White House Press Room.
And it’s worth noting which government agency this DGB falls under: The Department of Homeland Security. The very same people who declared ‘disinformation spreaders’ domestic terrorists and the biggest threat to ‘democracy herself’. Clearly we have to ignore the Constitution to save the Constitution!
I'd like to note that a lot of this stuff didn't start with Biden, a lot of it kicked into high gear under Obama. But Obamainzation doesn't sound as similar to Balkanization. This is what we call artistic license. 😉
I talk to people all over America every day. From giant "blue" cities, to small Midwest towns. Although I can't talk "politics", when someone does bring them up I can kind of comment. And I am amazed at the amount of people who aren't buying all of this! It's very exciting. We can't let the corporate media fool us into thinking that most people are on board with what's been going on the last couple years. I even talked to an 80 yr old woman in NY today who proudly said (in so many words) that she'd like to tell "them" where to stick their "covid" "vaccine". It feels really hopeless at times, and there's definitely a lot of very sick and *dangerous* "Bidenization" going on, but I really believe people are starting to get it. I'm still of the belief that things are not going to go the way they are desperately planning and hoping they will. Great post! :-)