I agree - some, maybe many, folks are adaptable. Some can, and will, learn to cope. Sadly, many others will learn to eat bugs, take their soma, "own nothing, and be happy".

The "normal" state, for the great mass of humanity, for most of history, has been abject poverty, punctuated by intermittent war, famine and disease. The great unwashed have been ruled by very, very small groups. Who have often been disproportionately wealthy. Often to a degree beyond, far beyond, anything our modern billionaires can imagine.

It is possible to conjecture that this past few centuries, with the industrial revolution, rise of the 'middle class', and the resulting insanely high standard of living and life expectancies, (for some people), is a tiny blip in the cycle of history.

It's also possible to imagine, and hope, that sanity will prevail, and that our immediate descendants will enjoy "lives of peace and plenty". But I'm not holding my breath.

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the manure is a nice touch

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Can’t help but keep thinking about this scene from the 1976 film Network: https://youtu.be/35DSdw7dHjs

Pair it with the book I’m reading: The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and the light is before me. Only it’s very, very dark!

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I've been stockpiling food for a while guess it's time to step it up

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We're really quite fortunate that the 'boring' staples are still relatively cheap (but not as cheap as two years ago)

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our farmers were always more expensive than grocery store crap but thanks to inflation, the industrial "food" has gotten expensive while the farm food has stayed the same in price. they aren't using any chemical inputs and their animals are on pasture. they collect rainwater.

their extra expenses would be the gas that it takes to drive their animals to the slaughter house and their meat to the farmers market. i've talked to one of them about what will happen if Bill Gates decides to shut down slaughter houses so that he can feed us all crickets.

farmer david will then do the slaughtering and butchering himself. it won't be legal but at that point, my guess is pandemonium will reign

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im a full carnivore so all i eat is meat, fish and eggs (very boring). i bought about a months supply of tinned steak and kidney, enough tuna to get mercury poisoned and a kg of powdered egg!

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God bless the Dutch. That shit is 😎!

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The crises must be perpetuated. They rely on crisis to maintain fear in the population. They rely on fear to keep the population submissive and obedient. If we allow it, we deserve it.

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Ahem, In a locale adjacent here to Bedrock the world famous hospital built overflow capacity to handle a rush that never materialized. Then the same crews were paid to dismantle it in fall 2021 only to get orders to rebuild it again weeks later in early 2022.

Empty hospital beds make no money. Value engineering hospital capacity has been ongoing for more than a decade.

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Here in WA we had an 'emergency hospital' set up at Century Link field. It never saw a patient and was dismantled in early April, 2020. That was the day I knew covid was nothing to worry about, because if there was even a 1% chance that hospital would be needed, Jay Inslee would have kept it up.

We were locked down for 18 months anyway.

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Lots of hospitals set up tent cities in the parking lots -- never used. Trump foolishly built out Javits as an emergency center -- never used. We were played. We still tolerate it. There is little hope for those who won't defend themselves.

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meanwhile Cuomo sent the contagious elderly back to their nursing homes to infect everyone while that Javits center sat empty!

we're down here in SC and all the hospitals had triage tents, like you said, in the parking lots. then they took them down but the newspapers kept ramping up the fear- "cases are rising!!!" "covid reaching new heights!!"

i could bike past MUSC, Roper and the VA and see that the tents were gone

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David, your last sentence…….sage advice.

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I most sincerely hope the Dutch will be better at this than the Canadians.

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Exactly, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any new ICU beds were built. The number of ICU beds pre-dated the Contrived19.

They wanted a problem. Solutions would've ended this well before instilling fear in the public.

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i took my father to the VA hospital here one night in 2019, before anyone had heard of covid. they decided he needed an ICU bed but they were full. they called over to Roper and MUSC but they were also full. we waited in the ER until 3:00am when a bed came available at MUSC and an ambulance took us the two blocks.

so what was the excuse? certainly you couldn't blame unvaccinated people for swamping the hospital system. hell, you couldn't even blame covid since the word hadn't been invented yet. they make a big deal out of it- "oh my god, the ICUs are full!!!! we're all going to die!!!!"

newsflash, ICU beds are always full

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We haven't needed the ones we had. Lots of hospitals laid off staff. This was an entirely manufactured crisis.

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Yup. Contrived19

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Here in WA our capacity fell:


Note that actual hospital usage remains flat, and at the end you see the number of available beds falling. This is because of Inslee's stupid vax mandate. However, since that is inconvenient, we must move the goalposts again

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"I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself'

- Churchill

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Now THAT’s funny……

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Churchill was a wise man with a dry sense of humor.

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What is amazing to me is that *nothing* that has happened over the last 2 plus years had to happen. None of it. There's other ways to "save the planet" without destroying everything and killing people... If saving the planet really is the goal of these despicable monsters. But those of us here know that there's a much more sinister plan afoot. And we are definitely not part of that plan. Personally, I've absolutely had enough of all of it.

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Unless they have some special knowledge that shows our planet will be destroyed in two years if we don't do a green new deal then maybe they have a good reason. I just don't see them doing it in Asia. This leads me to believe they are idiots.

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and honestly, what's the point of "saving the planet" if you've killed everyone and turned it all to shit? so the earthworms can recreate civilization?

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Exactly. No humans means no value in anything. Value requires valuers.

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The proper approach to Contrived19;

Would've been to do NOTHING

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I suspect you may not know just how right you are.

We learned more than a century ago how to deal with respiratory pandemics. First, outdoors is always better than indoors. This is because vapor clouds can remain airborne in a room for three hours after everyone has left; outdoors, the slightest breeze can dissipate a vapor cloud in seconds. Also, sunlight damages viruses.

Second, put all protection resources into keeping the old and the fat safe; leave everybody else alone until you have more information.

So, we did the opposite.

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Exactly. The only other time we've quarantined the healthy was when the astronauts returned from the moon.

A lot of this is just common sense. But I also had the benefit of selling medical devices to surgeons. Some of which were pulmnologist.

My FIL is also a respiratory therapist and he call bullshit on this from day one

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I went to med school, sort of, in Germany to give me an excuse for raping the East Bloc biowarfare research efforts. I did enough work to be certified to practice medicine if I could have passed the surgery rotation. Catastrophic clumsiness doomed me, so I received a terminal degree in clinical physiology. Every time I got thrown out of surgery I went back to psychiatry where speaking six languages was a real plus.

Your father is a miracle-worker. Fully-trained respiratory therapists are among the most valuable people on the planet. We turned our efforts to producing respirators, without producing any more respiratory therapists. Thank God the whole thing was a hoax.

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Saving the planet isn't the goal -- controlling the planet is the goal.

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My prediction from studying history, they will lose almost all control because they are not nearly as competent as they think they are, other horrible people will take advantage and try to take control themselves, the world will also have to deal with these new horrible people, and geriatric neocons and neolibs will claim this was all everyone else's fault years later.

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"... controlling the planet is the goal" Sort of. I suspect it might be more accurate to say, "controlling all of the people on the planet is the goal". I very much doubt that our lords and masters give a shit about the planet. (Had to stay with the theme of the post)

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Between you and SimCommander, I am now going into my dark corner or out on my ledge………pondering

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If we lose you to the ledge, that's a win for them. Don't let that happen!

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Not to worry. But I have to say, you are a reassuring factor. Thank you so much.

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It's not all bad! There are tens of millions of people, mostly rural folks, all over the world, who still know how to tend a garden, and 'put-up' their produce. They can raise and process livestock, and grow and harvest crops, and dig wells. They have tools, and know how to use them to build things, and fix whatever is broken.

And those same country folk are still having kids, and teaching them to hunt and fish. And build things, and fix things. And to tolerate the "not us". And to avoid the urban hellholes that seem to breed the ills that plague society.

The further you live from what passes for 'civilization", the more likely you are to be able to cope. No question there are tough times coming. For many, those times are here. Now. But this too will pass. At the risk of preaching a little - "The lord helps those who help themselves".

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AndyinBC OMG…..COMNG OFF MY LEDGE…I actually started to laugh at myself because all the things you said that people do (mostly rural folks), described me and my entire family and we are all city people. We all sew, make patterns, canned my own food, AND, my girls were raised to do everything as well. I think what upsets me so much is that I just plain

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forget that my family and relatives have always been of (what my mom always called) pioneer stalk. It was the can-do mind set that sometimes we just forget about. By the way, your last sentence just stopped me in my tracks and all at once, I was just fine. Thank you so very much for your calmness.

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The UN just pulled down an article about why world hunger was a good thing. Cliffs notes: hungry people are willing to work for much, much less than other people.

The old URL you might be able to wayback? https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/benefits-world-hunger

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.

We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying "Will Work for Food". Actually, most people work for food. It is mainly because people need food to survive that they work so hard either in producing food for themselves in subsistence-level production, or by selling their services to others in exchange for money. How many of us would sell our services if it were not for the threat of hunger?

More importantly, how many of us would sell our services so cheaply if it were not for the threat of hunger? When we sell our services cheaply, we enrich others, those who own the factories, the machines and the lands, and ultimately own the people who work for them. For those who depend on the availability of cheap labour, hunger is the foundation of their wealth.

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It is far more sinister than that. There is an enormous industry of NGOs and “charitable” organizations that make ludicrous amounts of money off poverty. None of them support any programs or efforts that actually help people become more affluent. The profits made from depressed wages are minuscule by comparison.

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Notice that "enormous industry of NGOs and “charitable” organizations" exists only because we can somehow afford to have them. They produce nothing of value aside from platitudes. They are a product of excess wealth accumulated via the sweat of us all.

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Ok, what you just said makes me want to go out on my ledge again……OMG what you said is depressing. Then put what you said and add it to what AndyinBc said ……yep…….ledge looking good.

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Well... maybe the “shit” needs to hit the fan & something will be finally done to diminish the globa”lust” tyrants! 🤪😎🤣💩

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What does that "shit" hitting the fan look like?

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From your keyboard to Gods ears.

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yup. better find the place those Antifers get their gear.

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It will be interesting to see if they attack the bank accounts of the farmers like Canada did.

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that scared the crap out of me! i had donated to the truckers and also called Doug Ford's office and told his receptionist that he was a criminal and common thief for freezing the money meant for the truckers. in the end i decided that i was protected- for now- from Trudeau because i'm a US citizen.

but how long before grandpa joe tries something similar?

we decided to move our retirement money into self directed IRAs and buy an old plantation (yes! i get to use that word!!). cows on pasture out back and sheep to keep the front lawn trim

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Brava Carolyn!

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Same here. This is why my rule of banks is the same as the rule of crypto -- only put in what you can afford to lose.

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Exactly. So enjoyable to read this substack and comments.

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2021 had people become violent.

2022 .. when? Will it be worldwide?

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Everywhere that these evil bastards have their talons dug in. Think that Canadians are going to be happy with boosters every 9 months?

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I know they are at fever pitch... I've seen tapes of fury, cursing of crowds at Trudeau, Jacinda, Macron.

Problem is... they are unarmed. I bet pockets are stealing guns, alliances with some patriotic police and holy military with citizens and transfer of guns occurring.

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Yes, I grimly expect the Canadians will be unhappy but obedient. They've proven to display an overwhelming absence of what used to be considered essential parts of the male anatomy, and is now regarded as medical waste.

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Jul 10, 2022
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Yep. All of this is government-related shortages, not market-created shortages.

But the WEF is making the same mistake that Thanos did -- they left people around who remember full shelves and how good life was before they showed up to fuck everything all up. Americans won't put up with a decreased standard of living while the 'leaders' continue getting rich.

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Jul 6, 2022
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Well, these things DO tend to balance out eventually.........

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Not necessarily. Fewer people also means fewer producers. Most people don't know how to produce what they need.

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I was simply stating that people will starve to death until equilibrium is reached....

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That's how nature has always worked. Subsidizing incompetence is a new concept our ancestors couldn't have afforded. The best path to a prosperous future with steady growth is encouraging self reliance.

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Jul 6, 2022
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Don't worry, at this rate everyone will be homosexual or mutant pretty soon. Importing illegals is the only way we've had meager population growth for decades. Well be the first society to self destruct.

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Except most of those "imigrants" will become us within a generation or two.

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A lot of them will. Many won't, especially if it requires becoming neurotic pervs. That might take a few generations.

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Exactly right.

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Exactly! Nobody knows how stuff is made anymore...let alone work with their hands.

Voila everything just appears at the door!

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Victims of modern 'education'. Can't prepare a meal, build a house, tend a garden, sew a garment, drive a tractor, or change a light bulb - but they know which pronouns to use. These are the people who think food magically appears at the supermarket, and electricity comes from that thingy on the wall.

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Yes, but...we're tougher and more adaptable than most here seem to think. We'll learn and do everything we need to do to survive and start making life better again.

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Modern society is a temporary break from the abject misery and hunger that is the natural order of things. If I'm wrong (in my lifetime), hurray!

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A lifetime could possibly be a "temporary break," so you could be right, hurray, also.

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Yes, I don't care much if the world turns to shit after I'm gone.

Or, put another way, I'll care about the universe exactly as much as I did before I was born.

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perfect. I'm laughing at the way you wrote that. but I shouldn't.

good one!

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Jul 6, 2022Edited
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You should see the stuff they inject their livestock with. Probably seems pretty normal to them.

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I hope so. I try to get organic meats that claim no hormones or antibiotics. I often wonder how clean they really are. Profits are their prime directive.

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Well, seems like you should be able to verify no hormones or antibiotics.

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I don't have the capability to test it, and dont want to learn. The government has the capability, but they haven't been very reliable in many respects. My grocer probably takes reasonable precautions to assure their quality, but no guarantees.

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OMG. hilarious. but not really...

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