In response to ‘climate change’ goals that threaten small farms, the Dutch are taking to the streets. Or what used to be the streets before they were blocked:

This is highly reminiscent of the Yellow Jacket protests in France. We can expect these types of things to continue as the government-created food shortages become a certainty.
Step back for a minute and elevate the discussion to a bigger review. In the past several months every single institution of policy making has stated, many emphatically, that a looming global food crisis is imminent. No one is hedging on this point; everyone in the geopolitical system is in alignment saying there will be food shortages.
Joe Biden, NATO, the G7, the European Union, the World Bank, USAID, and every western leader in the United States and Europe has stated there will be food shortages.
They are not saying there might be shortages; their statements are emphatic, there will be shortages.
Accept this basic cornerstone. Then ask why not a single proactive step has been taken by any of the aforementioned institutions or governments to alleviate what they declare is a certainty. Why?
It’s sort of like asking why we haven’t increased healthcare capacity after 2+ years of the ‘pandemic’ threatening hospitals……..
What is amazing to me is that *nothing* that has happened over the last 2 plus years had to happen. None of it. There's other ways to "save the planet" without destroying everything and killing people... If saving the planet really is the goal of these despicable monsters. But those of us here know that there's a much more sinister plan afoot. And we are definitely not part of that plan. Personally, I've absolutely had enough of all of it.
Well... maybe the “shit” needs to hit the fan & something will be finally done to diminish the globa”lust” tyrants! 🤪😎🤣💩