May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

The whole of "The Government" is organized crime that puts the Mob to shame.

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It's like if the mob could print their own money but still fucked with the mom-and-pop restaurants just because.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

I t has come so far, that, the moment I read something is said by some 'expert', I stop reading. It is that bad. I do not trust anyone calling themselves experts, nor any studies done (or nor done but money received) by 'experts', and God forbid if in the same sentence someone is called a scientist.

It has been known for years that the govt of the USA (and in the meantime of something like 52 countries) try to change the weather. Is that what causes 'the climate change'? their own stupid experiments that are good for nothing? How much would it save if we could lay off all these so called experts and put them to real work? (like taking down their labs and instead grow veggies)

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Seems like their dastardly plan worked beautifully!

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

I was suspended from FB and Twitter towards the end of 2021 for posting the California Dept of Public Health (CDPH) data, and encouraging people not to covid vaxx their kids. Oct 20, 2021, CDPH data stated that 11 under aged 5 kids had died from covid and 26 ages 5-17 had dies from covid, from a population of 2.2M and 6.5M, respectively, for the entire pandemic, Mar 2020 to Oct 20, 2021. Out of 8.7M kids, CDPH reported that 37 died of covid. 0.000425% of kids aged 0-17 died from covid, using CDPH data.

And I was posting misinformation.

If we lived in a world that supported the truth and penalized liars, charlatans, and traitors, almost all of our "leaders" would be on trial for murder by now.

We have a lot of work to do.

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Exactly. Official information from official sources was somehow "misinformation"....

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Musk and Zuckerfuck are a big part of the problem, but they are simply front men for the machine.

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I also looked at the Wisconsin Health data because I did not trust any of the info from left/right media. If it had shown kids being affected I would have be the guy yelling " get back in your house". Covi was bad for the old and unhealthy and like any virus if you were eating right and were in good shape chances are you would survive. I have never taken a flu vax because I want to build natural immunity.

2 degrees up or down will have minimum effect on humans period. 10,000 years ago glaciers formed the Great Lakes and in southwest WI we have the drift-less area that they missed and is my favorite place to ride my snowmobile. : ) Rand Paul 2028

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

@WI Patriot ~ I didn't expect to see good news in the comments ~ but I was delighted to see "Rand Paul 2028"!😉👍

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

“The sun isn’t being blocked, it’s just not being allowed to shine through, you ignorant rube!”

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You can still see it up there, so OBVIOUSLY it's not being blocked, rube!

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

There are patents for the actual spraying

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Yes, I am hoping somebody has the receipts bookmarked because I don't -- but I know the official information is out there somewhere.

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Could you document these?

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Would Gen Zzzz like fries with that? Ya mean we have to do things? Sorry, it's every man and women for themselves - once you've been red-pilled you are in the fight or you die. And if you know the truth it is past time to tell it - even us ignorant rubes.

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But that one says abandoned. If I were more organized, I could list a whole flock of patents that have not been abandoned because I'm part of the Stop Geoengineering crowd around the world. But I'm not sufficiently organized.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

Time to settle in for a pleasant evening re-watching "Frogs" and "Swamp Thing." I am very partial to creatures from actual swamps and live in hope that someday they will eat Washington (DC).

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Wishful thinking Lass!

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Don't step on my dreams. They are so fragile...

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Nothing could possibly go wrong with experts conducting wild-ass-guess-experiments with our weather.

The flooding in Dubai a few weeks ago only killed 21 people. TOTALLY WORTH IT YOU RUBE.

The problem with the 'normie leftist'--the life-long Democrat who is moderately liberal--is that to question any of the narrative is to pull on the singular thread that completely unravels the entire sweater. They are in a pinch.


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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

It is very painful for a person to see the ideas he has used his whole life as the basis for his own moral superiority be proven a total sham. It takes a strong person to acknowledge the truth in that situation.

That is why it will be almost impossible to convince them to change course. It’s not simply that they are impervious to rational thought. Their own view of their moral integrity demands that they keep going.

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Exactly. It's not about right and wrong anymore because they've wrapped up their entire self worth into BEING A GOOD PERSON ON THIS SIDE. If they are wrong then they aren't a good person, and they might have to admit the other side was not only right, but that they AREN'T ALL BAD.

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Yep. That is what happened with my in-laws and my family. We were the filthy lepers that wouldn't take the magical poison jab, so we had 2 year's worth of Christmas and family gatherings canceled. Then, without warning, we got an email that said that they needed time to "figure stuff out" or some such nonsense and 'boom' cut off all contact. They injected that poison into their very young kids and I think them not being able to label us as BAD and WRONG has really destroyed their reality.

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Backfire effect. It is like confirmation bias on steroids. Basically we double down on stupid AFTER we learn facts that ruin our own narrative. We are rarely rational.


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Superb article. Thanks, from a fellow ignorant rube.

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I know it's sort of rambley and all over the place, but this is what it's like inside my head ;)

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

That is what sanity nowadays is like...

Most of us don't sleep through the night anymore for some reason.....

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again dear Duchess: yes indeedie

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

Have to say SC, this was somewhat disjointed, but got into it as I went along. There's so much BS out there now, ya gotta sometimes...sorta incoherently, scream.

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The first draft was even worse, lol. By the third pass I was just like "it is what it is".

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

Sometimes you just gotta let it pour out of your head and the readership can make of it what we will.

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

I started noticing this during the pandemic and now I can't not notice it everywhere. It has made me extremely skeptical of the corporate media and I know that happened to a lot of other people as well.

The NordStream pipeline story sure went away fast, didn't it?

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Every inconvenient story goes away quickly. That's why I have to scream about them and remind people!

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

The only way to learn anything from the corporate media these days is to watch for what they DON'T report on.

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

The USS Hornet is an aircraft carrier museum docked in Alamdeda, CA on the east side of SF Bay. I suppose that's where they launched the salt crystals into the clouds.

Gee, I thought we liked fresh water from clouds, not salt water. What could go wrong?

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And on Easter Sunday. Pouring salt in the wound. Literally. That salt has to fall somewhere...and it won't be good for plants and other living things.

Jesus said forgive them they know not what they do.

I cannot because they know what the do.

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Duchess: It also says in the Bible that forgiveness is God's job, not ours.

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Thank God for that...cause I'm having trouble forgiving...

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Duchess: I tolerate a lot and avoid criticism of family and people as best I can, but I'll never forget or forgive some people for things they've done.

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Are you all old enough to remember “ It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?” .. yea, that!!

PS.. Mother Nature played by “ Jerry Seinfeld’s mother” in the show..

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

RE: salting the sky

Didn't they just try this in Dubai and it brought torrential rains and disastrous flooding? No one thought to include an Ark in the master plan apparently.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

If global warming can cause insomnia, then flooding in the desert is certainly not out of the question.

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Sim Com mentioned me early in the article. Making people aware of climate manipulation has given me a purpose in life. I communicate with people all over the world. Dubai was one small thing. It got lots of notoriety, so people talk about it. They try to pass it off as cloud seeding. To seed clouds, you need clouds. I live in NM a high desert area. Before they started f'n with the weather (see NM Weather Control Act), we had months with no clouds. Yes drought. Then we would get monsoons. Now we have gray, gloomy, cloudy weather with rain and snow for months. Geoengineering creates clouds. The stuff they use to create clouds is worse than "just salt". According to the programs they are free to use whatever they want. They use aluminum and plastic nano particles, along with barium and strontium to electrify (so I'm given to understand) the particles to produce some precipitation and block the sun. They aren't always successful. It's science, don't ya know. I have to see what kind of gas lighting the TX governor is doing regarding the floods in East Texas. There was a media event today. I haven't looked yet. You can actually go to the Texas weather modification board and see their meeting on Zoom. They are a bit upset when it floods and they can't fly.

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That was cloud seeding... spraying small particles of silver iodide onto clouds (and that had nothing to do with the flood... shut up!) 😆

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

Ah Chris Cuomo… time to pull out one of my favorite words for huffy puffy pretty boy egomaniacs… “ Tool”. Chris Cuomo is a certifiable tool….so when did he know the whole thing was bullshit? …. before or after he claimed that he was quarantined in his Long Island basement while actually riding his bicycle “ look no hands “ around the Hamptons ??? Well, whatever, I guess he’s proving to be a useful tool… I shall write him a letter doing my sycophantic best to blow smoke up his ass and thank him for coming forward about his vaccine injury… and will try to refrain mentioning his psychopathic Big Bro who for disturbingly no logical reason planted COVID patients into Nursing homes instead of quarantining them on the Hospital Ship that the Trumpster managed to deliver to New York Harbor ahead of Gov Cuomo’s “or else “ deadline…. Andrew Cuomo is not a tool, he’s just a giant Dick. Great piece Sim Comm!

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Right?!?!? It would have been one thing if he had the balls to quit his job and strike it out on his own to get the truth out.....but he basically got tossed out on his ass and NOW he's suddenly going to speak up?

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

It always boils down to being in eternal search for a paycheck…..Wish I could SCREAM more but these gosh darn houseguests I’m supposed to be feeding…..😝

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

"But what am I going to do with 400 ventilators!"

-signed mass murderer Cuomo

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh that’s easy… use them on patients who actually don’t need them, over oxygenate the innocent souls and have them drown in their own oxygen ….and die.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

I was once an expert. Made my living for a couple of years as such, serving on independent blue ribbon panels. I wouldn't play the game of rubber-stamping the conclusion that was handed to us on day one. More BS than I've ever before encountered

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Right? Too much of that and people might start to think you weren't really an expert....

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

That guy Jim Jordan was questioning, he sure had a lot of faith in experts. I bet most of them are tax payer funded. I’ll bet he is taxpayer funded, I mean he sure looked proud of himself. Although he never bothered to apologize for the millions of tax payers they killed or injured because they were WRONG. I’m sure he went home and had a big meal, maybe spent some time planning the family vacation, all the while looking forward to his gold plated, taxpayer funded pension for life. Meanwhile every taxpaying small business owner has their own expert, themselves. If their expert fucks up , well there goes the business, and any employees are out of a job too. That is what is sooo wrong about this scenario.

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Nailed it through the board. But the small business owner ALSO has to worry about the idiot experts issuing idiot edicts that bankrupt the business, too.

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Welcome to the plantation.

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... way too much self-referrential integrity for the put-together packaged voices of accademia... I mean suckups.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

Some fish can change sex, and caterpillars can turn into butterflies, and lizards can re-grow their tails, and birds can fly.

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None of which require the poisoning of their endocrine systems or radical surgery.

Or TikTok.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

I guess I have to check email more often than every ten minutes to be the first to comment.

Oh, wait. I have to read it first...

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Our Government is evil. Our security services are corrupt and dangerous. We are in REAL trouble.

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May 5Liked by SimulationCommander

We get it.

I'm so PO'd most days reading Epoch/JTN/Brownstone and here on Substack. Listening to some podcasts like Bongino, TC, Catturd etc...I can't get it all together in a coherent post. You do. The community of us rubes then pitches in. All good

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May 6Liked by SimulationCommander

Same bad habits. Same high blood pressure.

So I try to limit my reading, and ration the podcasts.

But damn - it feels good to know there are so many others who see the world from the same perspective I do.

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