May 24, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Why would the US go to Somalia at all? The piracy was handled by mercenaries and russian marines. The regime is as corrupt as ever. It's still a hotbed for slave trade, smuggling, and terrorism.

It's like all of US foreign policy since 1990 has been shaped by the ridiculous "end of history"-hypothesis, and still is to this day despite even the main proponent (Francis Fukuyama) of said hypothesis having stated that it/he was wrong.

There are only two options when attacking and invading (that's what "sending troops" really means) a place such as Somalia: you either go in hot and heavy to stomp them flat as warning, "Don't touch our assets or interests, or it'll go really bad for you next time!" and then you get out leaving them to live in ruins - or you go in and establish total military rule for several generations all the while civilising the populace by force, takes at the very least 5 to 6 full generations.

And your leaders will never stop doing this as long as enough of you vote them into office. What would it cost to actually solce homelessness by using Nissen huts and setting up supervised settlements for the chronically homeless? I'd bet you it's less than /one/ F-15.

That's how much they care.

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May 24, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I wonder if Klaus Schwab and Doktor Gates will fly a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner as they stand almost alone on the earth peering over a dystopian landscape of mass graves. Guess most of us won't be around to see that if they get their way ...

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May 23, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I have 1984 on kindle, think I better get a real copy before it gets removed or 'updated'

Can you imagine if they rewrote it!

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May 23, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

What are the chances Sussman gets convicted? Let's hear from someone who predicts a conviction. Anyone? And even if there were a conviction, what a small victory. I have so much cynicism that my cynicism has devalued cynicism worldwide. And I know I'm not alone.

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ā€œOf course, this misses the most obvious point: Without the FBI ā€˜investigationā€™, there was no story at all to begin with. The point of leaking it to the FBI before the press is to grant the story legitimacy it didnā€™t have.ā€

1) Jake Sullivan should be lawyering up at this point and immediately removed from his post.

2) Countess Machiavelli is upping her ā€œthey who must be silencedā€ strategy...and

3)where do we all apply for our Muller Report refund???? Because that was nothing but a COVER UP. Muller knew exactly what was going down.

4) How about we inundate Hillary with her favorite ā€œ NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAWā€ postcards.... Alinsky would be so proud of her...šŸ¤®šŸ¤¬šŸ¤®šŸ¤¬šŸ¤®

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Absolutely nothing surprises me, except for the extremely rare experience that one of my fellow human beings is actually compassionate, psychologically highly evolved and aware, and / or has a significant degree of deep spiritual integrity. The sickness, cruelty, psychosis, and evil which humanity embodies is overwhelmingly evident in my daily life. I truly believe the sooner our species is gone - by which I mean extinct - the better.

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May 23, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

But good ol' aw shucks GW now paints delightful pictures of the soldiers he's personally responsible for killing and maiming.

That's gotta be worth something, right?

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There wasn't a vomitorium big enough for my needs when I watched (God help me) the funeral of John McCain and saw Dubya and Michelle Obama all cuddly cozy, best friends forever.

The absolute naked unashamed-to-show it total absence of any moral or ethical standards about anything; the "ain't it great we're in the best country club together forever and ever"-ness" was--well, I don't know why I got any kishkes left inside me, is all.

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