Greetings, Screamers! Hope you enjoyed your (silent) holiday weekend! I told myself I’d try to unplug the entire time — and succeeded only because a late-night internet outage stopped me from posting early this morning. (That post will go out tomorrow morning instead!) But enough yammering, let’s get the week started! If there’s one thing better than a Monday pawsitivity post, it’s a TUESDAY pawsitivity post because we just had a three-day weekend! (I guess this brings us up to one good reason to have a President.)
The sun is starting to shine around these parts, which is the perfect segue into our first video: How normal people handle the first sunshine of spring vs. how I handle the first sunshine of spring:
Yes, the entrance music is accurate, too.
Last week, Tucker Carlson went to Moscow and extoled the virtues of shopping in the city. How he could miss the REAL story is beyond me! (Best without sound)
At one point I thought about getting a raccoon, and the first thing a web search popped up was “SO YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT GETTING A RACCOON — DON’T” — that was maybe the only time in my life I’ve listened to advice.
More likely — you didn’t know you needed them until just now.
This Presidents’ Day, we honor the men doing the impossible:
And never forget what we will have in the future:
Cat: I got important kitty stuff to do.
Important kitty stuff: (Best with sound)
(This one got quite the reaction from G!)
Ironically, this will lead to a permanent chair in the yard:
I don’t know what this is, but I saw it so now you have to as well. (Best without sound)
Space. The final frontier.
And we finish today’s post with the onion cutting. This is Zip — she used to compete in agility competitions until she was struck by a car. Despite the numerous challenges Zip now faces, she’s always pawsitive!!
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It may surprise no reader here that brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable. Roasted with butter. Can even eat them as a main course with great pleasure.
I'd never thought about it until your President's Day reference. "President's Day" is a form of propaganda and indoctrination. Whoever came up with this is conditioning us about how important these people and this office is. "Got to have a president to take care of us, etc."
I still want to run on the campaign slogan - "Vote for Bill Rice. He ain't going to do Jack as president."
I'd be the best president in history by just doing nothing and vetoing every bill that came to my desk.
I would spar with the press every chance I got and tell them we don't even need a CDC or NIH. "Heck, the sky won't fall if we don't have the FBI or CIA."
I'd park Air Force One and fight Climate Change. I would watch a lot of movies in the White House movie theater and work on my jump shot on the court Obama installed. I think the White House even has a putting green. I wouldn't play golf and make the Secret Service block traffic while my motorcade went to the links, but I'd work on my short game.
I think the White House has a chef so if he or she wants to make me a pimento cheese sandwich or a Western omelett on demand, I'm not going to argue with them.
.... Like you, I do appreciate the 12th Monday holiday we all get for Clinton and Nixon Day.