It may surprise no reader here that brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable. Roasted with butter. Can even eat them as a main course with great pleasure.
It may surprise no reader here that brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable. Roasted with butter. Can even eat them as a main course with great pleasure.
It's very similar to a hawaiian cooking method you dig a hole in the ground Approximately Two feet deep Around two foot wide doesn't have to be perfect Build a fire using oak Let That burn down until you have a nice bed of Glowing red hot coals. Take Several pounds of brussel sprouts Place them directly on the Red hot coals Shovel 2 to 3 more loads of coal on top of the Brussels sprouts.
Fill in the rest of the hole with the remaining dirt take a large rock And place it over the hole Go back in your house call your local independent pizza place and order a pie. Enjoy your pizza, know that you've done the world. A favor by taking the worst vegetable ever invented And sending it straight to hell where it belongs.
Had I only known! I was induced when two weeks past due date. (Of course, I'd been insisting all along to the doctor that his due date calculation was incorrect and I guess he just had to prove me wrong...)
that would be an extra fabulous touch. hahaha, I know how it is.
Srsly though it's just 1/2 cup of heavy cream warmed in saucepan, add 3-4 tablespoons of dijon mustard (good ingredients matter, obviously), stir, add 1/2 of cream mix to brussels (with chopped garlic optional) that have been halved lengthwise and browned in skillet, stir, remove from heat, add rest of cream sauce. Bon appetite!
It may surprise no reader here that brussels sprouts are my favorite vegetable. Roasted with butter. Can even eat them as a main course with great pleasure.
I have a fantastic Brussels sprout recipe.
It's very similar to a hawaiian cooking method you dig a hole in the ground Approximately Two feet deep Around two foot wide doesn't have to be perfect Build a fire using oak Let That burn down until you have a nice bed of Glowing red hot coals. Take Several pounds of brussel sprouts Place them directly on the Red hot coals Shovel 2 to 3 more loads of coal on top of the Brussels sprouts.
Fill in the rest of the hole with the remaining dirt take a large rock And place it over the hole Go back in your house call your local independent pizza place and order a pie. Enjoy your pizza, know that you've done the world. A favor by taking the worst vegetable ever invented And sending it straight to hell where it belongs.
Ah, they who know not what they do.
I love them! Unfortunately they put me into transitional labor!!! ЁЯШВ
Had I only known! I was induced when two weeks past due date. (Of course, I'd been insisting all along to the doctor that his due date calculation was incorrect and I guess he just had to prove me wrong...)
In my top three. But my predilection for Imperial Stout and hot sauce leads me to believe IтАЩm no arbiter of taste. More likely damaged taste buds.
What is life without cayenne pepper?
The stout--I ain't never learned to even drink beer. So I can't form an opinion on that one.
just discovered mustard cream sauce on brussels. simple af and utterly divine!!!
Ohhhh my. and maybe a bit of grated swiss cheese or the like on top?
My husband does not like vegetables. There are really big boys that still do not like vegs. I have to put sauce on any veg I want him to eat
that would be an extra fabulous touch. hahaha, I know how it is.
Srsly though it's just 1/2 cup of heavy cream warmed in saucepan, add 3-4 tablespoons of dijon mustard (good ingredients matter, obviously), stir, add 1/2 of cream mix to brussels (with chopped garlic optional) that have been halved lengthwise and browned in skillet, stir, remove from heat, add rest of cream sauce. Bon appetite!
I'm just heating some leftovers of them I made the other day. yummmm
I just procured a bag of fresh Brx Sprouts this morning
My hubbs calls them stink balls
Thank you!
Oh, lovely! [adds to her shopping list]
For the third time since I first enjoyed your acerbic wit, we are in complete agreement Ma'am.
If you hate beets we'll be approaching mind-meld.
hate beets here тЬЛЁЯП╝
My girl!
Grilled and butter basted.
I'm definitely not talking about joeBveg.
Save room on that grill for some nice spring lamb. (Definitely not JoeBSkeezy)
Cut in half and bacon-wrapped, they aren't completely terrible.
Darling little baby cabbages that they are already, it's true bacon makes everything better.
Bacon, blue cheese, and balsamic is my preferred way to eat Brussels sprouts.