1 hr agoLiked by SimulationCommander


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So many of my favorite people in one place, it was like Christmas.

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3 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I'm a tad jealous. There are no such events over here, that aren't full of people talking about themselves instead of actual factual issues.

The exception to the norm is Henrik Jönsson. His Youtube-show is in Swedish though, and while AI-texting is a thing, it's not up to the task yet. Jönsson is quite loathed by the left-leaning establishment, especially after he has become popular enough and respected enough to have had the Minister of Finance as a guest on the show. To the Left, this is "legitimising right-wing extremism"... Dropping links in case you'd like to have a look.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HenrikJ%C3%B6nssonSverige/videos

Homepage, also with Youtube-videos: https://henrikjonsson.com/

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3 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for taping this. If I understand, part of the remainder is on YouTube, and the final is on the link here. ?

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The two links at the end - between the two of them - cover the entire event. It looks like the link broke around the 5-hour mark. If the copyright issues get taken care of for Bret W's link, I'll post that since it's just one long video.

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3 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Ok, thanks. Looking forward to Brett’s remarks, but I am sure he will publish them somewhere.

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4 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I like the people on this site. Sometimes I wonder how a Midwestern kid like me ended up in the Amazon for six months working on a big production movie. I reckon, Midwesterners deserve an adventure or two.


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I approve of anything with Enya background music.

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3 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

SC, LOL! When I returned to the rainy cold winters of Edmonds, Washington on the northern border of Seattle facing Puget Sound, I sat at the computer writing my Brazil memoirs with a roaring fire in the fireplace behind me. I always played this Enya music while writing.

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Enya was my sleep music for decades.

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2 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

SC, I thought of using "Orinoco Flow" as the background music as that is the second biggest river in South America, but "Caribbean Blue" is more in keeping with the dreamlike quality of the Amazon. Not saying it's a good dream, but it had its moments.

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Orinoco Flow is played out anyway.

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2 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Enya is the antidote to chaos.

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Having now watched to the end --

I can't really be impartial, because I'm a Midwestern lady of a certain age and I have a *massive* crush on Walter Kirn.

That said, I think his talk really encapsulated what we are trying to do here. We are a bunch of misfits who have no natural political home, but when we hear that song, we all know what's gone wrong with this country and we feel common cause with everyone else who wants to fix it.

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Wow, you watched them all?

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5 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I just read Matt Taibbi's speech and I couldn't stop laughing. I was half wondering if he was going to get to end the speech with a "Deez Nuts" question of an imaginary fact checker.

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“Merica ..fuck yea

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6 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Huh? I just noticed Jordan Petersons jacket is half red, half blue. Nice! Subtle reinforcement!

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Yep! But not the bottom half, which drove me crazy the entire day.

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Do you think he had access to Don Cherry's tailor?

(I have been wondering about the tailor's fate after Don's Howard Cosell-like fall from grace.)

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5 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I get that, it should have been reversed too, right side blue, left side red, to real mess folks up 🤣😂🤣

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Thank you for all the work you do, M. Sim.

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Today was a picnic compared to watching the MSM!

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5 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

My old boss, back when I was a national manufacturer sales rep, used to carry around a big bottle of tums, something I suspect many who watch the MSM for a living likely do too! 😳

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6 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I liked the Walter Kirn speech, too. Rural Minnesota is where my relatives live. I know them well. Kirn is a good example. I liked the movie "Up in the Air." I haven't read the book. I've spent a lot of time up in the air as a seaplane mechanic. My brother spent a lot of time up in the air as a McDonnell/Douglas now Boeing engineer. My Dad spent even more time up in the air as a traveling salesman and businessman.

Being up in the air is liberating. I remember one flight from Miami to Seattle in winter. I had a window seat. I crossed the country and watched the landscape below go from the tropics to cold snow and orange sodium and blue mercury street lights in the cities, town, and farms.

Then, over the Cascade Mountains and all was green and snow free again for the landing at rainy SeaTac.

Every American should take a cross country flight at night in winter from the sub tropics to the north. We live in an amazing country.

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I have the same feeling every time I go back to Portland from Tucson. Brown....brown....brown.....brown with a big lake.....brown.....brown.......GREEN.

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I really like the Matt Taibbi speech. Especially liked the part about the restaurant in Moscow. Yeah, there's more than a little asshole in every American and that is a good thing. Americans need to rediscover their orneriness.

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6 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Taibbi's speech was the shit. He is a national treasure and must be protected!

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7 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I just posted Matt’s speech on FB an and FUCK in less than one minute I was notified that my comment was removed because it “ looks like you are sharing a third party” blah blah blah. .. UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!

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7 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Now I’m posting your article… it’s all masterful!!! I love Walter Kirn!!

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I'm looking forward to watching all of the clips. Thanks, SimulationCommander, for posting them.

Ahhh, power and sacrifice. Maybe this is a story about that. I'm not sure:

Back in the 1980s, my Dad was the Chief Operating Officer at Marion Laboratories in Kansas City. One of his jobs was to fly to Japan and negotiate with the Japanese officers of a company that made the drug used by Marion Labs. Marion Labs would license this chemical compound from the Japanese company to make Cardizem, the heart medicine drug.

Marion Lab worked hard to get Cardizem approved by the FDA (that's another long story), then build a plant to make it, and send out hundreds of salesmen to sell it to doctors and hospitals.

But every few years, my Dad would have to fly to Japan from KC to renegotiate the licensing agreement.

The Marion company Falcon jet took my Dad and his #2 to San Francisco. There my Dad and his friend would woo investors to buy Marion stock. Then it was the long flight from SF to Tokyo. Sometimes there was a big headwind and the plane would have to land in Anchorage, Alaska (that's why the city is there), to refuel.

Dad had a way of dealing with the long flight. Two vodkas and a good nights sleep on the upper deck of the 747. On landing at Narita and making it to the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Dad would get a massage, go for a swim in the pool in the hotel, and go to bed. (My Dad was captain of his high school swim team in Minneapolis.)

The next day he was fresh and rested for meeting the Japanese.

There in the board room were 10 Japanese executives, all smoking cigarettes, facing my Dad and his friend Harley. The Japanese always wanted more money for the drug licensing. Dad would listen and then they broke for lunch.

In the company cafeteria, Dad and Harley would have their lunch with waiters hovering nearby to hear their every word.

Harley asked, "What are you going to do."

Dad just smiled.

After lunch, it was my Dad's turn to propose what Marion Labs was offering. It was the same amount as in the previous contract. The Japanese bowed, shook hands, and the deal was done.

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7 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

gosh golly thanks. but I didnt need to read this... CNN and MSNBC covered it all so well

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8 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Appreciate the clips, especially when there are so many speakers. However, I've seen many of those folks in Tucker's September tour of America. And I follow most already too. I'm sure Hewitt will have a field day this week with even smaller clips 😏 I mean sound bites. I'm reaching the saturation point BTW. 😁👍

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8 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I just watched Kirn's talk (not formal enough to be a speech). He doesn't play it for laughs, but there are a few funny lines.

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