Unfortunately, the obvious corruption of the Biden family (and the Clintons) and MANY other congress-critters and government bureaucrats (Fauci springs to mind) has been clear for decades. The fact that selling out their own country for personal wealth is despicable and illegal (but not punished) is truly horrible because it kills thousands of people (indirectly) for example in pointless wars (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.) and grotesquely mishandled "public health" crises. Unfortunately, it is EVEN WORSE than this! These grossly corrupt people are CHOSEN to lead their respective countries (Trudeau is another one) by even more corrupt (evil) Globalist multi-billionaires.
The WEF is the latest incarnation of that Globalist Cabal. However, they have been around for centuries. The Globalist Cabal picked Woodrow Wilson to be president of the US in 1912. They spent $10billion in 1912 dollars (about $200 billion today) to fund an independent candidate, Teddy Roosevelt, to split the Republican vote and bring in the Democrat, Wilson. Wilson was a University president and had NO experience to be president other than the fact that he supported the Globalist desire to be able to control money printing through the "Central Banks". If you want a detailed explanation of that government coup, I cannot recommend more highly G. Edward Griffon's book on the subject, "The Creature from jekyll Island - a Second Look at the Federal Reserve". Of course the Federal Reserve is neither Federal (it is owned by private banks who themselves are owned by large incredibly wealthy families) nor a Reserve. The Federal Reserve only has the ability to write checks in fake money backed by nothing. Ie. they were "given" (bought) the ability to write effectively ANY AMOUNT of counterfeit money.
You might ask what does the Federal Reserve and the Globalist families who control it, have to do with the corruption of the Biden family?? The fact is that these private families (Rockerfeller family is one) CHOOSE the leaders of most of the key countries of the world. They audition them like actors for plays - that is what they are. They act as leaders doing the bidding of their masters, the Globalists. The fact that the Globalists can print literally any amount of money to do anything they want (including owning the politicians) is the point. They just need distractions WHICH THEY GENERATE to print all that money. 50% of ALL the US dollars in circulation were printed since the beginning of the Pandemic!! THAT is the reason for all the inflation lately. Now, tell me how CERTAIN you are the same people who own the Federal Reserve and who printed 50% of the US dollars in circulation in the last 24 months and used that money to purchase ownership in all the major corporations in the world, did not already know that the "Wuhan Virus" was going to be released? Or that they deliberately released it themselves? Does anyone think that these people have enough morality to prevent themselves from doing that?? Especially, when they OWN the politicians and bureaucrats who put into effect the policies that they (the Globalist Cabal) want?
The hobbling of the US oil industry and the US dollar and the destruction of the social bonds within most countries (but especially the US) is their goal because it makes us easier to control. Furthermore, if you take the time to understand the true terrifying nature of the "clot shots" (Covid 19 jabs) on human fertility and the cancer rates and the brain issues (including alzheimer's) you should come to the conclusion that the incredible DAMAGE being done by these shots (and the cover up of the effects across the world), is NOT AN ACCIDENT, but rather the INTENDED EFFECT. The corruption of the Bidens and the Clintons, the Trudeaus and all the WEF stooges across the world simply ensures that their plan comes to fruition because all the key governments of the world are compromised.
THAT IS THE POINT. If you own the "people in power" by choosing corrupt stooges completely dependent on the money from the corruption they are SO EASY to control. So the uncovering of the stooges (Bidens, Macron, Trudeau, Ahern, etc.) corruption is just another reason that they were chosen. They are expendable in the end. That is why they are financially secure for life. Does anyone really believe that Pelosi, and Biden and Trudeau will be anything but millionaires for life after they leave office? That is the deal, corrupt them, build them up to become the "leaders" and then "take care" of them for life in exchange for doing whatever they are told to do. They are simple but despicable puppets of their masters.
We live in a truly fallen and corrupt world. I would despair except that God gives us all hope. The corruption of this world is but a temporary (but horrible) thing. I pray that you and your family will be spared from the horror of this world and that your faith in God will increase during these dark times.
Great post! As I like to say, "When the money is fake, the economy follows." And when the fake economy of being close to the literal money-makers overtakes the real economy of voluntary transactions, that's when the wheels fall off.
Oh I wouldn't go that far at all......sort of like saying I'm George Brett because I made a good defensive play and hit a home run in little league. ;)
I seem to recall this kind of thing has happened before. Wasn't there officers in Vietnam setting up a drug trade with the help of politicians in DC? And again in the background of the Contras debacle, and Afghanistan too?
As you point out, an underappreciated side effect (or perhaps intended effect) of the US response to Ukraine is that King Dollar is on life support, due to our abuse of the “exorbitant privilege” as it was dubbed by De Gaulle. Dedollarization among the BRICs and OPEC will move faster than people think, due to (a) foreign countries seeing the example of both Russia as a country and Russian individuals being cut off from SWIFT and realizing that holding Treasuries and a large portion of foreign reserves in dollars is not actually risk free, (b) Saudi moves to price some oil in yuan and moves like Russia demanding payment for natgas in rubles, and (c) hyperinflation reducing the attractiveness of the dollar as a currency peg. It will be a rough ride domestically, although in the long run as a minor bright spot perhaps it will help bring the US economy back into some kind of trade balance as a weak dollar would benefit US exporters.
I have been saying this about the Ukraine situation since day one:
Everything that is happening in the Ukraine as far as the US is concerned is happening because half the DNC has dirty laundry scattered all over that country and Putin's troops are flipping over mattresses one by one as they go and will eventually find everyone's porn collections and share them with the world.
Even if we do the most galactically stupid thing and send US troops into Ukraine and trade fire with Russia, an act of war, it will be too late.
We have half the leadership deliberately systematically dismantling the country and the other half (there is overlap) scrambling to cover for historic corruption re: covid, vaccines, and Ukraine.
Would anyone tell me who in the Federal Empire is not carrying water for the Globalists who smile on all tyranny everywhere and seek to improve upon it as much as possible in their mortal life? How is it possible to roll in mud and not be complicit in the ongoing collective criminal enterprise of governance?
The fundamental presuppositions of self government and everyman a franchise holder are absolutely false and bunk in regards to the existence of governance as presently said subject to law. Not only are men above the law, but power is consolidated as much as possible in the people beyond the reach of law. After the 2020 Putsch the Partisan okey doke demonstrated one agreement-Trump must die like John Barleycorn. Now that this fraud is exposed to daylight the Ukraine combined forces operation in the political space once called Ukraine involving NATO and the Russian Federation and friends is ongoing and busy saving Joe Biden's Commander-In-Chief status,or Jill Biden and the Neo-Con toilet cabinet.
There are plenty acting right now that are just corrupt and guilty and scrambling to protect themselves. The ones serving the globalists are simply dancing in the fire.
It's pretty remarkable the propaganda media still has any viewers. Apparently some people prefer not to know. It shows the outlook for our civilization is pretty bleak.
The Sussman trial showed the outcome of that. I'll be writing about that one next time I have time to write about something (it's a very busy time ATM).
One of the scariest parts of all this is that Big Tech is mostly certainly in bed with the left. That became crystal clear over the past year or so when all MSM outlets started to parrot the exact same lines over and over about SARS-2. You can be sure that there is quid pro quo happening - Big Tech promises to be a relentless mouthpiece for the left's propaganda while the left gov't promises to not talk about any legislation that might impact Big Tech's big profits. It's a Faustian bargain.
And I say all this as a (now former) Democratic voter. Allowing Mr. Magoo to be president is apparently the best the left can do.
It's like government hiring a bunch of ex-cops working security to go through your stuff without a warrant, then claiming no Fourth Amendment breach because the company is private!
Final question re "Biden's goal..." Your assumption that Mr. Biden does in fact have a comprehensible goal is debatable. Mr. Biden has been on the 'wrong' side of almost every issue for the 50 years he has been sucking on the public teat. He has never, nor have most of the members of his family ever held "real" jobs. He has changed direction countless times, on countless issues, during his far too long tenure as parasite extraordinaire. And now he shambles from gaff to gaff, the tool of unknown puppeteers. They, (whoever "they" are, appear to be working very hard to replace the US with China as the world's leading economy. With indications of success. But I don't think its Biden's plan.
Well, I don't feel Biden himself has ever been cunning enough or disciplined enough to be orchestrating any of this himself. He's a grubby sleaze and not an evil mastermind.
But the people behind him--an Administration stinking with the same rotten fish who've been around since the Clinton years--you betcha. Intelligence agencies have never ever ever been pure and honest defenders of the nation--they're overgrown Stratego players who've been slobbering over the increasingly worn playing board since post-WWII. But I don't think we've ever gotten so low since the days of filling our space program with their collection of suave Nazis.
So exactly where do we turn? "Throw the bums out" is gonna require a heck of a lot of dumpsters.
I think Biden kept getting passes all these very many years because his colleagues mostly thought he was a genial moron. And I think the people whose work it is to find people in the lanes of power who are too stupid, too self-preening and too self-mythologizing to understand exactly the extent to which they are being used, are always the ones in power. Biden's viciousness is of the tawdry kind. "I'm here--buy me!" It's the ones who buy and manipulate others who always have the real power. Biden has been so useful to those people that they couldn't believe their luck in being able to engineer him right into the White House. But the people in front of those people--the Susan Rices, the Jake Sullivans, the Victoria Nulands, etc. etc. etc. etc.--who imagine themselves clever strategists and brilliant planners--are infants when it comes to the long game.
The grownups, in this regard, are Xi and Putin and everyone connected with them, sharing in the spoils, planning for the next 200 years.
Really clever people train their children with discipline and foresight. I suspect even the "good" son wasn't around long enough to show he wasn't really built for the game.
Unfortunately, the obvious corruption of the Biden family (and the Clintons) and MANY other congress-critters and government bureaucrats (Fauci springs to mind) has been clear for decades. The fact that selling out their own country for personal wealth is despicable and illegal (but not punished) is truly horrible because it kills thousands of people (indirectly) for example in pointless wars (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.) and grotesquely mishandled "public health" crises. Unfortunately, it is EVEN WORSE than this! These grossly corrupt people are CHOSEN to lead their respective countries (Trudeau is another one) by even more corrupt (evil) Globalist multi-billionaires.
The WEF is the latest incarnation of that Globalist Cabal. However, they have been around for centuries. The Globalist Cabal picked Woodrow Wilson to be president of the US in 1912. They spent $10billion in 1912 dollars (about $200 billion today) to fund an independent candidate, Teddy Roosevelt, to split the Republican vote and bring in the Democrat, Wilson. Wilson was a University president and had NO experience to be president other than the fact that he supported the Globalist desire to be able to control money printing through the "Central Banks". If you want a detailed explanation of that government coup, I cannot recommend more highly G. Edward Griffon's book on the subject, "The Creature from jekyll Island - a Second Look at the Federal Reserve". Of course the Federal Reserve is neither Federal (it is owned by private banks who themselves are owned by large incredibly wealthy families) nor a Reserve. The Federal Reserve only has the ability to write checks in fake money backed by nothing. Ie. they were "given" (bought) the ability to write effectively ANY AMOUNT of counterfeit money.
You might ask what does the Federal Reserve and the Globalist families who control it, have to do with the corruption of the Biden family?? The fact is that these private families (Rockerfeller family is one) CHOOSE the leaders of most of the key countries of the world. They audition them like actors for plays - that is what they are. They act as leaders doing the bidding of their masters, the Globalists. The fact that the Globalists can print literally any amount of money to do anything they want (including owning the politicians) is the point. They just need distractions WHICH THEY GENERATE to print all that money. 50% of ALL the US dollars in circulation were printed since the beginning of the Pandemic!! THAT is the reason for all the inflation lately. Now, tell me how CERTAIN you are the same people who own the Federal Reserve and who printed 50% of the US dollars in circulation in the last 24 months and used that money to purchase ownership in all the major corporations in the world, did not already know that the "Wuhan Virus" was going to be released? Or that they deliberately released it themselves? Does anyone think that these people have enough morality to prevent themselves from doing that?? Especially, when they OWN the politicians and bureaucrats who put into effect the policies that they (the Globalist Cabal) want?
The hobbling of the US oil industry and the US dollar and the destruction of the social bonds within most countries (but especially the US) is their goal because it makes us easier to control. Furthermore, if you take the time to understand the true terrifying nature of the "clot shots" (Covid 19 jabs) on human fertility and the cancer rates and the brain issues (including alzheimer's) you should come to the conclusion that the incredible DAMAGE being done by these shots (and the cover up of the effects across the world), is NOT AN ACCIDENT, but rather the INTENDED EFFECT. The corruption of the Bidens and the Clintons, the Trudeaus and all the WEF stooges across the world simply ensures that their plan comes to fruition because all the key governments of the world are compromised.
THAT IS THE POINT. If you own the "people in power" by choosing corrupt stooges completely dependent on the money from the corruption they are SO EASY to control. So the uncovering of the stooges (Bidens, Macron, Trudeau, Ahern, etc.) corruption is just another reason that they were chosen. They are expendable in the end. That is why they are financially secure for life. Does anyone really believe that Pelosi, and Biden and Trudeau will be anything but millionaires for life after they leave office? That is the deal, corrupt them, build them up to become the "leaders" and then "take care" of them for life in exchange for doing whatever they are told to do. They are simple but despicable puppets of their masters.
We live in a truly fallen and corrupt world. I would despair except that God gives us all hope. The corruption of this world is but a temporary (but horrible) thing. I pray that you and your family will be spared from the horror of this world and that your faith in God will increase during these dark times.
Ian in Vancouver
Great post! As I like to say, "When the money is fake, the economy follows." And when the fake economy of being close to the literal money-makers overtakes the real economy of voluntary transactions, that's when the wheels fall off.
Great post. It's rather impossible to get one's head around all that corruption if not, straight up, a case of treason.
This epic post reaches Greenwaldian proportions! Good job!
Oh I wouldn't go that far at all......sort of like saying I'm George Brett because I made a good defensive play and hit a home run in little league. ;)
I love the humility BUT your article still outpaces any of the overpaid ponces on television.
Well now you've dropped the bar far too low 😂
I can't calibrate for shit! 🤣
I seem to recall this kind of thing has happened before. Wasn't there officers in Vietnam setting up a drug trade with the help of politicians in DC? And again in the background of the Contras debacle, and Afghanistan too?
I suspect whatever the truth is Biden can’t see further than, “Fuck you, got mine!”
As you point out, an underappreciated side effect (or perhaps intended effect) of the US response to Ukraine is that King Dollar is on life support, due to our abuse of the “exorbitant privilege” as it was dubbed by De Gaulle. Dedollarization among the BRICs and OPEC will move faster than people think, due to (a) foreign countries seeing the example of both Russia as a country and Russian individuals being cut off from SWIFT and realizing that holding Treasuries and a large portion of foreign reserves in dollars is not actually risk free, (b) Saudi moves to price some oil in yuan and moves like Russia demanding payment for natgas in rubles, and (c) hyperinflation reducing the attractiveness of the dollar as a currency peg. It will be a rough ride domestically, although in the long run as a minor bright spot perhaps it will help bring the US economy back into some kind of trade balance as a weak dollar would benefit US exporters.
"If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?"
Nah, Brandon is a complete dipshit, he'd screw that up.
I have been saying this about the Ukraine situation since day one:
Everything that is happening in the Ukraine as far as the US is concerned is happening because half the DNC has dirty laundry scattered all over that country and Putin's troops are flipping over mattresses one by one as they go and will eventually find everyone's porn collections and share them with the world.
Even if we do the most galactically stupid thing and send US troops into Ukraine and trade fire with Russia, an act of war, it will be too late.
We have half the leadership deliberately systematically dismantling the country and the other half (there is overlap) scrambling to cover for historic corruption re: covid, vaccines, and Ukraine.
Ain't that the truth?!
Would anyone tell me who in the Federal Empire is not carrying water for the Globalists who smile on all tyranny everywhere and seek to improve upon it as much as possible in their mortal life? How is it possible to roll in mud and not be complicit in the ongoing collective criminal enterprise of governance?
The fundamental presuppositions of self government and everyman a franchise holder are absolutely false and bunk in regards to the existence of governance as presently said subject to law. Not only are men above the law, but power is consolidated as much as possible in the people beyond the reach of law. After the 2020 Putsch the Partisan okey doke demonstrated one agreement-Trump must die like John Barleycorn. Now that this fraud is exposed to daylight the Ukraine combined forces operation in the political space once called Ukraine involving NATO and the Russian Federation and friends is ongoing and busy saving Joe Biden's Commander-In-Chief status,or Jill Biden and the Neo-Con toilet cabinet.
There are plenty acting right now that are just corrupt and guilty and scrambling to protect themselves. The ones serving the globalists are simply dancing in the fire.
It's pretty remarkable the propaganda media still has any viewers. Apparently some people prefer not to know. It shows the outlook for our civilization is pretty bleak.
I totally spaced on mentioning the military equipment left behind for China to scoop up after we abandoned Bagram in the middle of the night........
The best question everyone needs to ask is where is law enforcement? We know they can investigate a President, why not this one?
The Sussman trial showed the outcome of that. I'll be writing about that one next time I have time to write about something (it's a very busy time ATM).
... and probably funneled to their Russian allies.
A very good post, kudos.
One of the scariest parts of all this is that Big Tech is mostly certainly in bed with the left. That became crystal clear over the past year or so when all MSM outlets started to parrot the exact same lines over and over about SARS-2. You can be sure that there is quid pro quo happening - Big Tech promises to be a relentless mouthpiece for the left's propaganda while the left gov't promises to not talk about any legislation that might impact Big Tech's big profits. It's a Faustian bargain.
And I say all this as a (now former) Democratic voter. Allowing Mr. Magoo to be president is apparently the best the left can do.
It's sickening and shameful.
It's like government hiring a bunch of ex-cops working security to go through your stuff without a warrant, then claiming no Fourth Amendment breach because the company is private!
Or like a private company requiring you show them evidence of a medical procedure?
I just got a chill thinking about how the government is probably cooking up a way to do this!
If the stuff is online, they've already done it.
“If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?” Probably not.
If that was my goal, I’d do it exactly the way he did!
Final question re "Biden's goal..." Your assumption that Mr. Biden does in fact have a comprehensible goal is debatable. Mr. Biden has been on the 'wrong' side of almost every issue for the 50 years he has been sucking on the public teat. He has never, nor have most of the members of his family ever held "real" jobs. He has changed direction countless times, on countless issues, during his far too long tenure as parasite extraordinaire. And now he shambles from gaff to gaff, the tool of unknown puppeteers. They, (whoever "they" are, appear to be working very hard to replace the US with China as the world's leading economy. With indications of success. But I don't think its Biden's plan.
He is a tool, for sure. A corrupt tool. But a willing one.
Better summation than the one I'm writing. Mine won't mimic yours, and I can't tolerate plagiarism anyway. Nicely done.
Well, I don't feel Biden himself has ever been cunning enough or disciplined enough to be orchestrating any of this himself. He's a grubby sleaze and not an evil mastermind.
But the people behind him--an Administration stinking with the same rotten fish who've been around since the Clinton years--you betcha. Intelligence agencies have never ever ever been pure and honest defenders of the nation--they're overgrown Stratego players who've been slobbering over the increasingly worn playing board since post-WWII. But I don't think we've ever gotten so low since the days of filling our space program with their collection of suave Nazis.
So exactly where do we turn? "Throw the bums out" is gonna require a heck of a lot of dumpsters.
Who remembers the sleazy grubb boasting about removing that Ukrainian prosecutor, so proud of it, he couldn't help himself to brag.
But then we could have a GOOD dumpster fire!
Let's use FOOF, I want the actual dumpster on fire, here. ;)
Dude's been in 'public service' for like 50 years. I'm sure he had it all down pat by the time he lost his marbles.
I think Biden kept getting passes all these very many years because his colleagues mostly thought he was a genial moron. And I think the people whose work it is to find people in the lanes of power who are too stupid, too self-preening and too self-mythologizing to understand exactly the extent to which they are being used, are always the ones in power. Biden's viciousness is of the tawdry kind. "I'm here--buy me!" It's the ones who buy and manipulate others who always have the real power. Biden has been so useful to those people that they couldn't believe their luck in being able to engineer him right into the White House. But the people in front of those people--the Susan Rices, the Jake Sullivans, the Victoria Nulands, etc. etc. etc. etc.--who imagine themselves clever strategists and brilliant planners--are infants when it comes to the long game.
The grownups, in this regard, are Xi and Putin and everyone connected with them, sharing in the spoils, planning for the next 200 years.
Really clever people train their children with discipline and foresight. I suspect even the "good" son wasn't around long enough to show he wasn't really built for the game.