This vote also makes me nervous - See No. 4 on my list ...

These 5 institutions caused/allowed great harm to be inflicted on the world. Institutions that are supposed to “search for the truth” now work tirelessly to CONCEAL important truths. Like a previous article, this piece attempts to show HOW “madness” turned our world upside down.


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SC - Gangster is a handsome Prince, who needs his Princess Bonnie.

Not unrelated, no lab leak and anything but happenstance. (Taking a drag off freshly lit Morley)

There are no accidents or coincidences in life - everything is synchronicity Mr. Mulder. https://youtu.be/o5FPPoLqkCk

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Actually it was the George W Bush administration that developed the guidelines for the pandemic…apparently a 12 year old girl came up with social distancing. So you can see why we only lost over a million Americans to this Chinese bioweapon.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Yep, I am absolutely nothing but highly suspicious, skeptical, and maybe even mildly worried about the unanimity of this.

It is either an empty hangout or a trick.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Awwwwwww……..absolute contentment……….the orange blob, Ganster……….

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

They've been lying for years. Any info they release will be to their benefit to deflect blame elsewhere. Anyone who trusts them is a fool.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Or: your politicians and corporate capitalists both needs an off-ramp from US' attempts at Covid-fascism, but everyone who's anyone is these circles holds a deathgrip on someone else in the circle-of-jerks.

So, blame Canada! I mean China, ahem. Funny how similar those states are becoming.

US blames China for being sloppy and cack-handed in their lab. China throws a hissy-fit and supports Russia, the arms-dealers and deathmongers co-owning US politics (along with banks and mega-corps like Blackrock) gets to sell more arms, and Europe gets locked in by NATO as a caught and controlled market for US-made equipment, since "it's better for everyone if all members of NATO uses NATO-standardised equipment", i.e. made by US childmurdering arms dealers.

What's not to like, when you are among the 1% and you sit on your throne of skulls and dollars?

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To those of us paying attention all along, this comes as no surprise. Whether or not China released the virus on purpose, they were certainly poised to take advantage of the situation. I’m sure this is not the only scenario they planned for. I also find it interesting that this virus purposely targeted the old and weak, the “unproductives” of society, which certainly solves the drain on resources caused by those of the baby boomer era both in China and worldwide. And unless Fauci, et al, were in on the plot to position China for world dominance, China hoodwinked him as well. Fauci, guilty as hell for his part, was just a useful tool after all!

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Joint venture. China/USG, Uniparty. We obviously need to increase the perimeter of the Nancy fence around the congressional campus to encompass I495. With checkpoints for people wishing to leave.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Is this, a) a limited hangout, b) anti-Chinese war propaganda, or c) both? I'm thinking c. Mostly a limited hangout with the war drums as a bonus, and also, if they blame it on China they don't have to acknowledge all the U.S. funding that was over there.

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I think this is what CJ Hopkins would refer to as a "limited hangout."

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‘Unanimous votes make me nervous...’. Maybe. Or alternatively when it is clear the truth will out anyway, better to be seen to be on the side of the angels exposing it, than to be on the dark side trying to suppress it. There is a lot of positioning right now which comes under the heading... And what did you do in the (CoVid) war Dad?

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

You are right on the money with this post.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

The secret of the lab is that the secret never left the lab until the injections were deployed.

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I'm waiting for the unamious vote that redacts all informtion involved with "project warp speed". The poison they foisted on the public was way worse then the sniffles they passed off as the black plague.

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"That way lies madness." So scr3w them. With a few exceptions, they're worse than NM's legislature. They are absolutely determined to do a major gun-grab. This state is very conservative but it is run by dems.

G is a handsome kitty - please tell him I said so! Looking forward to seeing photos of him and Bonnie again! Cats > anything the government is trying to do behind our backs (or fronts).

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