Oct 7Liked by SimulationCommander

Just to be clear, were the Chi authorities driving the plane loads away or escorting them into the city? Or making sure they got to another gate for release somewhere else?

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Yes, if it were actually a plane of illegals, the mayor would roll out the red carpet.

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Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander

I realized I had read your disclaimer incorrectly and it was a retiring airport worker instead. It was 3 am and my comprehension was poor. So sorry.

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No worries, it's a hazard of the way I phrased it :)

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Oct 3Liked by SimulationCommander


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Just the one! All the others are black :)

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

1-0 WOW!!!! Congrats!

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I may or may not be dead of cardiac arrest.

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

🎼It’s only just begun…🎼🎼

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Barring WWIII, the season cannot end tomorrow!

So it's like 50/50.

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The TV guy that went in to get the woman! God bless him! He did what needed done. Didn't care that "it isn't his job." Way more people like that are needed.

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Paws OUT! Sleeping cat, belly exposed, paws out. That is a 5 star rating from the cat who adopted you. Congratulations on your award.

Can you Simulate at least 5 more Taibbi's or just one upstart to write in for this job as a transactional medical surveillance consultant with some (ahem) procedural policy advice. Or at least just write the Cover Letter and post it here. https://manhattanstrategy.com/jobs?p=job%2FoI2iufwg

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

In positive news from over here, a man charged and convicted for tax fraud, tax evasion, and fraudulent book-keeping has been cleared of all charges.

The reason he was charged in the first place, in 2015, was due to him making money off of Bitcoin, which back then had no legal precedence and wasn't covered by tax law.

The man in question therefore contacted numerous authorities to get official replies as to how he was to go about presenting his books to the Office of Taxation and other agencies, and got the reply that "there's no praxis nor law for this, so we don't need any documents".

In the lower court, he was cleared of charges, but the intermediate court (the one that normally establishes precedence in new applications/interpretations of law) choose to convict. Now, just a few days ago, the High Court finally made their judgement and noted especially in their motivation for clearing him unanimously and completely exonerating him that his act of reaching out to authorities to get some indication of how to proceed disproved any charged of fraud, since fraud takes intent. It also complimented him for doing that and for saving the receipts.

Since the tax office here (just as the IRS?) sometimes seem to make its own law, this is actually a huge win for free enterprise and for the individual citizen trying to do right despite the mish-mash of conflicting and contradicting rules and laws.

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Hey, how do you get more comfortable than paws and belly up?!

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Thank you for the Oakland Athletics tribute.

I grew up East of Sacramento, my dad driving me and my 2nd through 8th grade buddies to A's games at the Coliseum.

My dad grew up in Chico, CA. He was a Kansas City Athletics fan because they were the team farthest West.

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

mf, I'm an Amerrican, too.

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I know that shit doesn't work on you, Bill!

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The girl in the Kiddie Car has learned a valuable lesson. "Run faster."

A long time ago in a far away place, I had a friend who tended to over imbibe this or that substance which was frowned upon by the county courts and sheriff's department.

He was driving late at night on a country road in his El Camino and saw the cop car coming at him with lights flashing.

My friend quickly stopped his car and ran off into a vineyard and hid.

The cop never found him.

My friend walked home under a half moon about 5 miles. The next day, his car was still there so he drove it home. I suppose it was too late at night to call a tow truck and impound the car. Maybe the cops didn't impound cars back then. The El Camino was off the road on the shoulder.

Of course, the cops knew who my friend was. It was a small town. Maybe the cop figured he'd given my friend a good scare and that was enough.

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Charles O. Finley bought the KC Athletics and moved them to Oakland. The Wikipedia article on Finley is interesting. I did not know that he bribed ($150,000 ($1.4 million today)) Brian Epstein and the Beatles to play at Municipal Stadium in KC. John Lennon did not like Finley. Most of Finley's family didn't like him either.

Sometimes I think the teams from KC have a curse on them. Will the Royals stay in Kansas City?

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Yes, I did watch Matt's speech, great highlight! Also, love Bonnie's colors, I have Torties, Calicos, Tabbies, Tuxedos and in-between's too. Half of them are kittens.

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WOO HOO !!! MATT !! Americans WE ARE ! Go back to HELL NWO, WHO, Gate$ of HELL, Soro$ and all the EVIL CABAL ~

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‘Merica Fuck YEA

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

I see some of the comments speculating on voting in NC. There has been a spate of articles predicting that NC could cinch it for Trump. This was prior to the hurricane. A lot of the towns wiped completely out had populations of rural, gun-totin' folk. Hurricanes - that's one way to steal an election. The other states TN, SC, FL were all reliably red states. Many people know my tin foil hat stance on weather manipulation. A lot of extreme weather happening lately.

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Yes, there is a lot of extreme weather. I believe as you do.

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I tried getting signatures on this petition I started. I only got 13 in spite of the large Facebook community that believes as we do.


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15 now!

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Oct 2Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you. I need 85 more. Darn.

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I bet somebody will throw the link onto the end of a Substack article in the next few hours.

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Oct 2Liked by SimulationCommander

I can hope, huh?

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Absolutely nothing is beneath these people. They have toppled regimes and murdered millions of innocent children worldwide. They have no loyalty whatsoever to America. Of course they would deliberately destroy rural areas if they had the means and motive to do so. Weather tech exists, the question is what are the actual capabilities and who actually controls the tech. Considering how long this has been a major goal and the resources put into such efforts - just what we know of, I assume they can at least greatly exacerbate cyclonic storms and probably have considerable control of the path it takes. Again, who controls the tech is the real question. I have my suspicions.

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I've delved into the history and ideas of weather manipulation. I retired from Los Alamos National Lab. The DOD, DOE, DARPA, and others controlled the tech when I was there. Here's an anecdote. I was at a social event in Los Alamos. I was talking to a double PhD from South Africa. He was telling me about how 50% of Americans are stupid and crazed. I agreed with him but didn't tell him the 50% I was thinking of were those he admired and was a part of. I'm not sure whether to call a double PhD stupid, but crazed or psychopath seems to fit. When he mentioned the weather and I mentioned geoengineering presently being implemented, he told me "We have to do it. It's for your own good." I then brought up Covid, telling him I had not gotten the shots though I was told they were for my own good, as well as those around me. At that point he said something like he dismissed everything I had to say and walked away.

He presently works at the bomb Lab where they openly want to disperse tritium into aerosol sprays over the valley where I live, and where there is a large Indian population. Here's an article. In this article the Lab already admits to dispersing other toxins. https://beyondnuclearinternational.org/2024/09/16/tritium-into-the-air/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFoOUtleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHV-YG532GdGFaCtCa4JwqQfY-9-b394Ad6JnAGrFtOc-THKzlSq5mD9G0w_aem_AkTM9KV39TmeTA2auHKoKA

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On one hand you have the "trust the science" crowd among the populace who by making such a statement clearly have no understanding of the scientific process and the fundamental philosophical underpinning of science. On the other hand, you have breathtaking arrogance of scientists themselves who simply believe that if something can be done, it should be. Playing God, what could possibly go wrong? They are insufferable, not to mention a potential deadly menace.

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I would be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind.

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

We trust you not to lie.

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Oct 1Liked by SimulationCommander

Motherfucker, I am an American!!! Pass it on Spartacus style!

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