
Crowder just dropped the video of his confrontation with Varma:


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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

I watched it. Not quite as gotcha as I expected. Varma doesn't really back down on the policies, although Crowder butts in so much that the only one Varma really has time to talk about is the effectiveness of the vaccines. It's interesting to see Varma's body language change after he realizes what's going on.

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Listening to Harris on the Opray forum just made me sick. Biden and she opened the borders to millions on day 1 of their administration. I have been following this problem since 2017 and way before that when Rubio, decades earlier, tried to solve the problem in congress. She and Joe, through executive privilege, could have secured the border anytime in the last 4 years with the measures the previous administration had in place. But they had too much pride and wanted power and probably new votes to come. They are deceptive liars. The bill they falsely accuse Trump of stopping, would have still left 30,000 to 40,000 in a day. The border personnel, we know, along with FAIR, that has been working since the 70s fir border reform, voiced concerns along with many others that this bill was wanting and a bad one. Harris is, also, on record talking about letting 100,000 in from Haiti and 2 other nations. Don’t let her kid you. She and Biden are responsible for this whole unlawful planned disaster and cannot shift the blame. It is their Achilles heel that has burdened all of us in this nation in so many ways. Under her leadership, the borders will still be wide open. She is part of the elite global swamp and a front man in sheep’s clothing. Vote them out.

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General Anderson is a complete idiot. Nobody outside of our country gives a s*** about the gender or ethnicity of our President. No one.

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General Anderson is a complete idiot. Nobody outside of our country gives a s*** about the gender or ethnicity of our President. No one.

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13 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for helping me laugh about these things; it's better than crying.

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13 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

> The result of this isn’t “current customers get cheaper credit”, it’s “many current customers now get no credit”.

Yeah, wow, that was incredibly retarded.

Hopefully it's just 'panem et circenses' to get the votes, and a good economic advisor will point out to him *why* it's incredibly fucking retarded and it'll not get implemented. I mean, I have *platinum* credit (for a plebe) and I don't think most of *my* rates are that low right now.

If it's *got* to be capped, 25% might be a place to do it. Though that's me talking practicality, I obviously don't think that's anything the government should stick its dick into.

Ultimately, the best way to avoid high interest payments is to not carry a fucking balance. Maybe it means you don't go out to eat every day, maybe it means you make your own coffee instead of stopping at Starbucks, but it's generally possible, and for those who are truly buried and don't have the income to get unburied, there are generally debt consolidation programs. Or bankruptcy.

Enh, anyway. Rant over. Off the soapbox. :D

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Don't expect ratings to have any meaningful affect on CNN and all the other "news" outlets. They are all kept alive with CIA dark money and advertising dollars from defense contractors and Big Pharma. If the Deep State loses their primary weapon, which is what these propaganda entities are, they are done for, so they funnel money to them to keep them afloat.

People like Varma do not have the decency or humanity to self-end, because that's how psychopaths role. They are why we have prisons and gallows.

Re: ESPN badminton ...

Back in the stone ages when I was a ski bum/bartender we developed drinking games at the bar for rarely covered sports during the interim periods between major league sports seasons. A bar favorite was women's pro bowling. Of course, being drunk and 100% guys (because, ski town) we added things like 'triple shot of Jaeger if she cries' to the rules. So we would have a bar full of dudes cheering for women's bowling.

... Holy shit we had fun. My liver however, not so much.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

I fully agree with your comments about CIA dark money, and ads from Big Pharma keeping MSM propaganda distributors afloat. As a retired physician, I was puzzled for the longest time by the preponderance of pharma ads that featured arcane drugs that were for rare diseases, ones that only a specialty physician would prescribe, and not based on patient request. I mean seriously, who is going to tell their oncologist, I really want this type of chemo agent because I saw it on advertised on tv!

Anyway, the reasoning became clear during the Covid scamdemic, when there was a complete shutdown of any critical reasoning, studies or long term pandemic best practices that would counter the increasingly insane CDC guidance and government policies. All of which centered on pushing (and directly purchasing) an experimental, unsafe and inefficacious treatment misnomered as a vaccine. In fact, transmission studies had never been done by its manufacturers!

Suddenly, all the ad space that couldn't possibly generate sales from consumers made sense. The MSM media were blind, deaf and dumb as intended when asked by their pharma clients.

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Funny thing, I was watching Meet The Press and when they mentioned Lockheed Martin was a sponsor, I thought to myself, 'How did they know I was considering to buy an F-22 Raptor?'

I remember Popular Mechanics used to have ads from Boeing and Raytheon, probably still do. Because what Popular Mechanics reader would not want a Patriot Anti-missile system in their backyard?

You cannot hate these people too much.

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I'm currently saving for an Apache helicopter.

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I think more and more of what Camus said, paraphrasing, that after a certain age a man gets the face he deserves.

I think Camus meant that in a derogatory sense for creatures such as this NYC official.

The thing is, when I look at people like Harris, I feel like they know they're frauds. When she laughs, she's laughing at us, for being too stupid (she believes) to see what a fraud she is.

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LOL great moment in the Vivek Town Hall:

"Why can't the city government do one of these?"

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One of the locals I know was at the rally (camped out the night before!) and thinks the whole story is bogus.

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14 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

By all means, Don't Wake the Kitties! At least in my case, it's the most peaceful time of day or night. Right now the hallway is strewn with them. It's like walking a minefield. 😁 Just had a close call, the wife almost stepped on one, and that would have ruined my night. Catastrophe avoided. 👍

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Lolol...walking minefield.

That's exactly it...2 dogs and 2 cats here.

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Bonnie's still sleeping! I think G wandered off to do cat stuff, but there's a chance he's sleeping in the sink, too.

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14 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Yes, the sink! What is it about that? Everyday, I have to move one or more just to wash something. And for a few, it's the sound of running water that draws them. Right now, strangely enough, they are clear. Hmmm?

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoAuthor

I think G likes it for a number of reasons -

It's dark and quiet (perfect for a nap)

The porcelain is nice and cool

When somebody inevitably comes in to use the bathroom, they will turn on the sink so he can get a drink

Update: He is in the sink.

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14 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Kyrie Irving sounded much more articulate and intelligent than Dr. “just call me Perve” Varna. Will he lose his job? No.

The Haitians in Springfield are here on work visas but that doesn’t change the fact this has been a big problem for the people who live there. They’ve been given driver’s permits without being able to read English so how are they supposed to read traffic signs?

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And no doubt everybody around the project is getting rich -- the people who fly the Haitians into the country, the factory that gets their wages subsidized by the government, the landlords who can charge double or triple rent because government is picking up the tab.

Everybody is coming out way ahead but the Haitians and the taxpayers.

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12 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

this used to be called human trafficking and was considered to be a horrible crime, just below slavery really.

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Is the General just reading from the years old transcript of the DNC and other invested elites’ meeting when they decided that Kamala was going to be the hot new thing after Hillary crapped the bed? Or is that just the prayer that liberals recite before going to bed every night?

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15 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander


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15 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander


You may get a laugh out of the above link to a Babylon Bee "Gavin Newsom Campaign Ad for Harris." Unfortunately, everything Gavin AI Newsom says in the ad is true.

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I have some great Gavin memes in the chamber for Monday. ;)

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15 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

After watching the video clips:

A: I realize that I'm still not completely senile. I'm smarter than these idiots.

B: I still really hate Hillary Clinton.

C: Janet Yellen still knows nothing of economics.

D: Trump never was and never will be a free market supporter.

E: I need a shower and a cold six-pack of beer.

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A.) I mean... yeah. But so is the mold in the jar of remnant pasta sauce in my fridge I really need to get rid of. ;)

B.) Ayup.

C.) Double ayup.

D.) Sad but true. But what else would you expect from a 90's Democrat?

E.) I hear ya, and I didn't even manage to make myself watch 'em all...

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Not sure if you caught the end of the Kamala interview with the NABJ, but the looks that the journalists give one another after she leaves are hilarious:


It's like they're collectively realizing they're all smarter than she is.

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AWWWW that was priceless...really priceless. I will be smiling about this many times.

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15 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

SC, Hahaha! I didn't catch the reaction of the three journalists:

"I've had more intelligent conversations with my dog."

"I've seen goldfish with higher IQs."

"My Aunt Myrtle is smarter than Kamala."

"I thought your Aunt Myrtle was dead."


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