When I type this, it's Thursday afternoon, but dropping a little positive something, and a few anecdotes intended to bring a chuckle (or at least a groan) is okay, I trust:

One of the grocery stores donating to the charity have started including flowers (potted and cut both) in what they hand over. Flowers that look a a little down, just enough so that no-one would buy them but still looking good. You'd think people wouldn't care (I wouldn't, at least - too materialist, perhaps) but the smiles and happiness from some toothless old recovered dope-fiend bedecked with prison tattoos or the Ukrainian grand-mother worrying herself sick for the family men left at home, well it is a wonder to behold. Feels so good you almost start feeling guilty for feeling good about it.

And the girls at the store who thought of it sure perked up too when we told them. That's the positive.

Here's the anecdotes:

Monday, toilet isn't flushing properly. Checks shit-well. A wheel-sized chunk of shit has broken loose from the bottom and is floating at such a level, it blocks the in-flow pipe. Put on work-clothes, including waders. Proceed to shovel said chunk of shit into a bucket. Empty bucket a ways out into the forest (human feces attracts predators). Repeat four times. Did I mention the bucket holds 20L? (Ca 4.4 gallons.) Joy. The bucket sure was unburdened by what has been.

Tuesday. Get a text from the local municipal waste company that it's time for the annual emptying of the shit well "On any day including weekends in Oktober". O-kay, good to know, proceeds to mark shit well with a pole with a red flag on it.

Wednesday. Tanker truck from said company rolls up on the yard. So all my makeshift taking care of my own crap on Monday was for nothing. Joy. I may have been so happy I had to chop firewood just for funsies.

Speaking of anecdotes, sub-category "Phrases you probably only hear in a country-side household":

"Dearest, where's the sack of potatoes?"

"Under the chainsaw"


"Why is there a lump of crap on top of the woodshed?"

"Because the dogs scared a fox that was trying to chew off a piece of the moose-skin that's up there, and it got so scared it shit itself before running off"


"Where did you put the seeds from the Jimsonweed?"

"In the spice rack?"

(The last one got sorted out right quick - the seeds are now tucked away safely.)

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Wasn't it Tigers vs. Royals for the pennant 40 years ago?

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Thank you for the links for relief efforts. This is so great. I have read about so many groups working together to clean up, attempt to help ease and assist through the horrible tragedy and guide these poor suffering people to some kind of order and comfort. This is major trauma!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander

You picked some really good ones this Monday.

The tortoise and the hare is shocking!!!

I saw a tortoise that large crossing the road about three years ago. From a distance, I thought it was a dead animal... then got closer and omg. There was another woman pulled over and we were wondering what to do, bc it was not in a hurry to cross. Looking at it, I did not want to touch it!

So we stood there and waited a while and I flagged down a car with a guy driving, forced him to stop and help haha haha ha. He reluctantly, very reluctantly picked up the huge tortoise and brought it to the side that it was going. I recall the tortoise hissed and acted really upset. Gosh that was awful.

The hennypenny with the fuzzy babies was adorable and so was the Owl momma.

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"The Hunt": Tale of the Jack Rabbit.


Above is the link to the true story of the race between the tortoise and the hare.

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Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander

Just wonderful and thanks for links

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Thank you for this.

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Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander


Rounding midnight towards Tuesday... Glad your posts struck solid gold (eggs!) and I'll check out the bacon (rude nicknames of View hosts) whenever Kumholla goes to cackle on that dimwitted program. I'll watch tube/Xclips as they show that pork.

Thx SC! Happy thoughts.

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First off, about that Royals loss to the Yankees in Game One: Can Zero Zerpa pitch? He came in and gave up two walks and a single. He walked in a run. Zero Zerpa couldn't find the plate with a telescope.

Great videos this week!

The cat on the pool table was fun. Reminded me of a story:

My Dad took me along when he bought an old antique slate top pool table with leather pockets. This was in Lincoln, NE. Dad had the table refurbished. It was a cool pool table and as kids, my sister, brother and I played on it all the time. It was in the basement of our split level home.

On New Year's Eve, my folks went to a party. They were 31 and I was 11.

When I woke up on New Years Day, I went down to the basement and there was a big white rabbit on the pool table hopping around. There were also little black shit pellets from the rabbit all over the green felt.

My Dad told me that he and Mom had won the rabbit at the party. Dad called him Harvey and we built a cage for Harvey in the garage. On nice days, I'd take Harvey out of his cage and let him roam and graze on the backyard grass. Maximillian Smart, our orange tabby, would look at Harvey in a confused way. Max didn't quite know what to do with Harvey when the rabbit came up to see what the cat was about. This was in 1963-64 and I took a Polaroid of the two pets interacting with my Swinger camera. I carried that photo around with me for years.

PS: When my parents moved to New Jersey, Dad donated the pool table to the local fire station on the condition that the firemen move the table themselves.

The firemen had to cut a hole in the wall of the stairway to get the pool table up to their truck. They repaired the wall and rebuilt the pool table at the firehouse where it no doubt sits today.

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Very nice memories!!!

I love hearing stuff like this. Thank you Timmy

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That sneeeeaky cat..."it was only one lick..." God bless all the ordinary people, NOT the government, who are helping those who lost so much. I cannot comprehend all this....but I know the world should be run by "amateurs" to a large degree. Great videos!

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very sneeeeaky.

My good friend in Henderson Co NC in between Chimney Rock and Ashville? Said there were trucks with electrical and plumbing from all over the country and Canada over the past week.

She met a lot of great eager helpful people that just jumped in their trucks and came down to fix up and clean up.

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Rosemary, that is wonderful and inspiring news. It really does seem like the more chaos seems to overwhelm the government, the more ordinary people come up with solutions on their own. In the midst of all this despair, disaster and suffering, are people pulling together in both the prayer realm , financial realm and physical realm. This gives me some hope for the human race, even in bits and pieces....and YAY for TRUCKS!!!!! I grew up in Truck-ville in southern Oregon. Trucks are such useful and noble vehicles, both small and large ones. I would prefer a truck to a luxury car! Blessings to you, Rosemary! Wendy

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A righteous lineup! Cried over the owl and the rescue dogs! So many lives of all kinds have been lost…and that’s all I can say without ruining the happy ending.

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Some awesome clips today! Had me laughing out loud on more than one, but, especially Splash Dance! That was on cue, with the music! Kittens under the Hen, awesome surprise! 😁👍 Happy Momma Owl, very touching.🫠

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I loved flashdance the movie. So splash dance was so fun.

Animals have a direct connection to God..of that I am sure.

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A wonderful collection this week, I went through all the vids with my wife and our youngest kid; thank you.

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Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander

The hare threw the race. He must have been getting in on some insider bets.

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YM: It was a hare-brained scheme doomed to fail.

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I think the hare perhaps was bored..." I have done this before, let the tortoise win! " Actually looked like a bunny, not a hare??

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Oct 8Liked by SimulationCommander

https://citizen-times.com is the local Asheville newspaper. Judging by the first few articles on Helene I've read, it's fairly reliable.

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