Sep 25Liked by SimulationCommander

Funny how he changed his moniker: P. Diddy. AKA pedophile diddler. Evil always tells you what it is doing. Nothing is hidden for those who have eyes to see.

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... and let those who have ears, hear

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Long before P. Diddy's 1990s-2000s "Bachannalia every day" scene; before Suge Knight; before Motley Crue on tour--there was this https://adwjeditor.substack.com/p/the-drug-war-is-corrupt-and-criminogenic

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... And the friend I've known since elementary school, into gangsta rap, now has severe, delusional Trump Derangement Syndrome, happy for her they/them teenager to take infinite injections, and proud Harris supporter. Curious if she's posted about Diddy. But, as a traitor, I'm unfriended and blocked.

(When I got you that NWA CD you wanted for your birthday, a little weirded out, I had no idea where any of this would end up ...)

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When she finds strength in her headband and the lord almighty she need not find peace anywhere else to feel safe and secure.

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Hate Speech is an absolute scam!! It exists for one purpose only, to sucker millions into going along with some controls of free speech if it's "hate speech". This is the danger for feminization of the west! Women are more easily manipulated via arguments like those of hate speech, than are men. Feminist liberal women will compromise us into an authoritarian police state if allowed to.

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Remember, “allegedly”. We need to wait for the trial to authoritatively answer the question, “Diddy do it?”

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

It's well known that rap was coopted by the powers that be. They wanted to shut out black revolutionaries like KRS-One in favor of "gangsta," which supports the prison-industrial complex.

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

A head's up for those speculating the manner of Diddy's demise- several reports of him undergoing horrific withdrawl symptoms. Could get interesting....

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

What has happened to some of the people who went to the parties of Diddy, Epstein and Weinstein has been instructive. D. Masterson (along with Kutchner and Mila Kunis) was often at Diddy's partys. The other day, while watching a youtube clip about the Princess Grace Biopic, it was casually mentioned that Weinstein missed the debut because he was flying around to refugee camps with now-suspect Neil Gaiman. It is going to be interesting to see whose names come up and what great careers take a dive for this.

I'd always wondered what happened to rap and theorized something rather similar to what IceCube is saying. Of course, this all happened about the time of the crack epidemic, the death of Gary Webb, etc. It is not far fetched to think that it might have all been related.

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Not to be the damper on your optimism, but I read the words from McEntee completely differently. What I see is that talking about "hate speech" and specifically government defining what it is has raised a fuss, so stop talking about it. I'd read the legislation or law carefully. I suspect that included in the ever expanding definition of "hate crime" will be saying the wrong things.

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Will the ABC whistleblower (Trump/Harris debate) story ever be confirmed/debunked???

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If it hasn't been confirmed yet, I'm leaning the other way.

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

It seemed both plausible and too good to be true!

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The 'sharing the questions' part was irrelevant to me, because those questions were super obvious -- the bigger deal was saying they would fact check Trump but not Kamala. If true, that basically just gives her carte blanche to lie.

But to date I haven't seen Speaker Johnson come out and say "Yes, I received this on such and such date."

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Except that she knew which questions she would NOT have to answer, and probably stipulated this as part of the deal.

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"All of them."

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander


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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Speaking about controlling others, if you've never watched Mr. Robot, a theme throughout was blackmail by threats of violence, not just some embarrassing info. A criminal organization, controlling certain FBI members, high tech CEO's, etc., you get the idea. The threats were not just concerning the individuals, but, their entire families.

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Great show, at least at the start.

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My daughter asked me yesterday what the Diddy thing was all about. I was like uhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmm.

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I've always been confused by Diddy, Daddy, Puff This, Puff That, BIG...so thanks for the clarification. Has he been found in his cell in a "tragic" lapse of security yet (he was very depressed)?

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Even in the 60's I didn't really understand "Puff the Magic Dragon."

For bonus points have you ever seen genetically-confirmed autopsy reports on Jeffrey Epstein?

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Irate screed incoming:

When the initial push for hatespeech laws failed here, they instead implemented it as a "cherry on top"-deal for normal crimes, in effect making race laws* since assault was now seen as worse if if it was a man assaulting a woman, than another man. That was the initial breech: special consideration for battered and abused women - hard to argue against, yes? And from that all the other "special considerations" followed, and now we have hatespeech laws, and those laws are being interpreted so liberally pretty much anything you say can be made into a crime if and when the state wants it to be one.

*It's a bit more complex but in short: Jews in Sweden demanded privilege from the common law of the land, which they were granted in the aftermath of WW2. Genital mutilation and not being automatically made members of the protestant church upon birth. It took until the 1990s until the forced induction into the church for non-jews was removed. Also, the sámi were granted several raced-based privileges under law to "protect their status as an aboriginal people" as per the UN's demands.

From these race and sex-based exceptions precedence for the resent situation was made, and it is pretty much the same thing all over western EUrope: privileged status for group X weaponised as precedence for present-day oppressive measures. Recent example:

"Muslim" in Swedish looks identical to "muslim": "mus" means "mouse" and "lim" means "glue". So "muslim" with one intonation sounds like you're saying "mouseglue". A few days ago, a retired Swedish citizen was charged and tried for hatecrime for posting a joke online where asked "Muslim? Isn't that glue made from mice?" The man has now been turned into a criminal fro making a dad-joke.

Which brings me to the real driving force behind the recent spate of enforcing hatespeech laws all over: It's not as Americans tend to believe to protect the regimes in charge (there's no real challenge to them - if f.e. AfD would become the government of Germany, the capitalist globalists puppeteering the downfall of the West would subject Germany to financial/economical warfare and crush its economy, making the challenger to the hegemony lose the next election) but to appease moslems; both the occupying forces and colonists as well as to keep business relations with MENA-nations good and smooth.

There's a reason the expression "folkfiende" (Volksfeind in German) meaning "enemy of the People" is becoming more and more used, despite its associations to a certain Austrian.

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

I think Ireland is very much a testing bed - how good the mind control is, just how much shit will people swallow. Here in Ireland, a lot.

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11 hrs agoLiked by SimulationCommander

Too narrow of a viewpoint.

My wife senses that we here in B.C. , Canada, are a test site.

If we understand that this is a global programme then various "focus groups" should be tested worldwide.

The Covid scam seemed particularly effective in Australia and NZ under their now departed "leaders." Sadly our minion clings to power.

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Sep 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Yeah. I remember your referenda about the EU, Euro, and so on. When the initial vote was "Nay", one of our then-leading Socialist Democrats (she was tipped for party leadership at the time) was asked her opinion on this result, since it would affect opinions here re: all things EU.

"Well, they'll have to hold another one then, until they get the right result"

Completely unironic, deadpan, and 100% serious answer.

What's happening since 2020ish isn't new, it's that the peoples of the nations are finally becoming unable to ignore reality.

I hope.

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