Edit -- added another video dug up by video wiz Maze!

Edit 2 -- Added a tweet from Walz offering $200 for parents to jab their children. Yikes.

Edit 3 -- video from tonight's rally with Walz laughably claiming "In Minnesota we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves, there's a golden rule, mind your own damn business."

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A stupid person I know thought the Golden Rule was: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Needless to say, she never went to Sunday School, nor did her mother.

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I guess Walz started out on the wrong foot when his parents failed to teach him the ACTUAL Golden Rule.

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That is perfect. You see, leftist think you don't want good instruction from your community. "Tolerate everything! Attack those that don't like what some people do. That is the only righteousness you need!" Is their call.

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Shoulda gone with Sam Brinton. That would have really been the appropriate face of the Democrat Party.

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and he has his own suitcases for Air Force Two

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Oh, he'd keep flying coach.


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I'd pay $200 for verified proof that Harris and Walz have both been C19 jabbed and boosted, with independent verification of what was in the syringe.

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I'd pay $200 to jab 'em.

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Supposedly Harris continues to mandate that her staff is 'up to date'.

Edit -- better link https://www.honestmediaproject.com/p/kamala-harris-is-owned-by-big-pharma

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wow! what a piece of garbage

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she is a stupid woman. She is not a "hillary clinton" but she could get shaped into her quickly

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That would actually be a huge improvement. I can't stand Hillary, but she is pro-Israel, tougher on the border, and a few other things I don't want to think of that make her seem good.

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Note: Few get your sarcasm. Nothing about Hillary said good.

A person who once worked with her said she was the scariest woman she'd ever met.

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Does anyone have a link to the story of her getting kicked off of the infamous Watergate prosecution?

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We lived in Fairfax County for a few years. I had play ground duty, and various mom volunteer jobs with two women that had husbands in Secret Service. They both spoke freely about the Clinton Administration. Wow, the stories were singed in my head for years

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He needs to meet more women! There is very high scariness among them.

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Her remarks make me think she is trying to fill a blue book for a test she didn't study for. The "importance of the passage of time" one is a classic example.


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hahaha this is so so bad.

She is such a dope

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Why you!

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Phil Kerpen, https://x.com/kerpen, and "Cicero," https://x.com/cicero_mn, are two Twitter people who've been doing a lot of "Walz lies all the time" tweeting over the past couple weeks.

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PS: Mom told me on the phone yesterday, that she'd just talked to her sister-in-law in Minneapolis. Lake Street, with the buildings burned in the George Floyd riots, is still burned out from 2020 protests. Nothing has been cleaned up or rebuilt.

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Walz is simply an evil man. He goes where the winds blow.

What scares me is that not only did they put in Kamila but that they also picked this guy for VP. She didn't pick him any more than the Democrat registered voters picked her. Walz was selected just like Kamila. With these 2 bafoons, its as if they want the Democrats to have a guaranteed loss. They also may be planning on doing something that they can have her call for a nationwide lock down and a pause on the election because of some event they will have planned. For decades the elites have been able to make our election a selection and then Trump broke that system.

I wouldn't put it past these people to do something as stupid and dangerous as setting of a nuke in the US and claim it was some terrorist attack. That kind of thing would certainly scare enough of the populace into compliance.

The elites basically have a few choices.

1) try taking out Trump again via posing or maybe a bomb. If they try the "lone gunmen" tactic again I don't think there's enough people out there that would believe it again.

2) Rigging the election to ensure Democrats win but just barely just as they did in 2016 and maybe execute another January 6th style event so they can arrest and imprison people they've had on their watchlist for decades.

3) Cause an event that they could use as cover for Harris to lockdown the nation, a national emergency and use that to justify postponement of the election

4) Let the election happen and after Trump wins execute some red flag event to take him out

5) An economic red flag event and I think this one may already have been executed. Have all American businesses they control wind down, laying off people and shrinking until enough of the population is unemployed that they can put people in enough desperation that enough Americans may be willing to give up rights and liberties' for a return to some kind of normalcy. They'd turn America into the new Weimar Republic over night.

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The Dems/Deep State had 3 plans for the election.

Plan A: Win legitimately (20%)

Plan B: Cheat (60%)

Plan C: Eliminate Trump (20%)

The Kamala media honeymoon has just allowed pollsters the cover to bring the Democrats back into “Believable Enough ’Plan B’ Territory”.

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Also, I would like this article passed around regarding Kamala. She often talks about how wonderful a job she did as AG. This article tells the true story:


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Vote for the only candidate with Integrity! He has been demonized by the mainstream media who skew his poll numbers! He had to leave the Democratic Party! Vote on Hope Vote for Bobby KennedyJr this November 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸#AmericaStrong

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Integrity? RFK Jr? I laugh.

RFK Jr has made himself the object of scorn and derision after his bizarre admission of dumping a dead bear cub in Central Park. He's just an entitled 'nepo baby' frat boy who never grew up.

According to RFK Jr: "I wasn’t drinking, of course, but people were drinking with me who thought this was a good idea,” he recently told Roseanne Barr in a video. “So we went and did that and thought it would be amusing for whoever found it (the dead bear cub in Central Park)”




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Walz talking about veteran's benefits is rich. Especially since he retired immediately before his Iraq tour. This is a guy who claims to be a "small town guy" but abandoning his troop when they needed him the most is absolutely disgusting.

Walz also stoked the fires of BLM riots. He is not a good man.

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I have never been in the military -- the closest thing for me would probably be some sort of sports team. And I can't imagine forgiving a teammate who quit on us before a big tournament -- and that's just sports!

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First - I'd like to thank you for hosting an open thread on this issue. I know fielding comments, as a form of public input isn't easy, but it is appreciated.

Every election season has candidates who inform voters of their priorities, rhetoric and policies. It is the Voter's opportunity to inform partisans of their priorities for policy in government.

The Biden-Harris rhetoric is peri-communitarian in a Progressive Democratic bowling jacket. People have seen it for years. They're not stupid. It hasn't changed their priorities. They need the national economic prolapse to be addressed immediately. They need wages to accommodate the citizen before the alien.

All that said, I never expected Pete Hegseth to carpet bomb the military service record of MN Tim "tampon" Walz quite as successively and then chased by PM Fox anchors dragging the guy for being a "Chi-comms" collaborator. It was like watching a Lion kill scene on NatGeo. It was so ugly, but I couldn't look away. What a surprise!

Uhm, they will be talking about this for DAYS.


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A Democrat totalitarian for sure. Seems inbedded in his DNA to be a true believer in scientism as a future state religion. Psychopath. Looks like bit like a Democrat Dick Cheney too.

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Of all the crazy people to pick, Walz has to be the looniest! Not that I believe Harris or Walz would be making any decisions just as Biden didn’t make any decisions on his own. But having the word salad cackler and the loony acting Walz as front men is worse than creepy Joe. And far worse for us since the Cabal will accelerate and implement the worst of their agendas not that they will stop with Trump in office but he will be a stopgap for some of it.

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It will take decades of Trump-like POTUSs to repair the damage woke is doing, imo.

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You are absolutely correct! As much as I dislike having a negative view of the future, I don’t think we will get that opportunity. If Trump can avoid a*signation before November and the election isn’t again stolen, there is a chance he could have another attempt on his life before the Inauguration and an even greater chance that he doesn’t live through his 4 years. Too many crazies generally and too many people for the Cabal to wind up with the MKUltra style brainwashing to do their bidding. And like you said, we need many more people like Trump in the White House and definitely in Congress to fix all that is broken.

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And Trump *is* old, maybe too old.

But Trump *is* the opposition candidate. If you don't vote for him, you are increasing the chances that the hegemon is rewarded and allowed to grow even more.

Besides, being able to claim a mandate is quite important, imo.

Every vote counts, even if one side cheats, maybe especially then.

Hey, M. EK, thanks for the opportunity to spout!

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Oh I will definitely be voting for Trump. Everyone absolutely must vote for him because he is the best stopgap we have to holding back total tyranny! And yes, he is aged but his mind is more nimble than most not to mention his stamina. I pray he is alive on election day and Inauguration Day as well!

Any day is a good day to “spout”😊

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EK, I meant the universal "you"!

I didn't mean you personally.

I should have used, "If *one* doesn't..."

I know you prob already knew that, but I just wanted to make sure.

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I'm neighbors with Minnesota. The country is beautiful and the people there are great. Outside of the Twin Cities, he is hated. I used to visit Minneapolis once a year but it has declined greatly under Walz.

He is a wannabe who is desperate to be in the big leagues of the DNC. He portrays himself as a humble "aww shucks" Midwesterner but is one of the most radical and dangerous candidates and shares none of the values with the people here.

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Wow. The more I read the more he sounds like Jay Inslee.

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I think it’s scary.

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Looking at the Walz pick through the framing of Cori Bush' defeat to a moderate Establishmentarian in her primary makes me wonder if the Tammany Hall bosses within the Democratic Party are not purging progressives from their ranks this political cycle.


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That's my hope. This gets Harris out of the way for '28 -- if it was Biden as the nominee again this cycle, the party would still be stuck behind their Kamala Harris rock in '28.

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They also know he would have died and didn't want her to become president.

Her speach in Michigan night before last was just a repeating of a list of lies. Trump is behind project 2025. Trump will cut your social security and medicaid and medicare. Blah. Blah.

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I don't think they ever seriously considered Harris as a factor.

Even if she had visions of running in 2028 it would have been easy enough in 2026 to run a Spiro Agnew number on her and take her out completely. There's enough corruption at the southern border and in the Northern Triangle it wouldn't be hard to put something scandalous together there.

I suspect that Robert Hur's Special Counsel report set off alarms throughout the party leadership, and they realized after hearing the audio recordings Garland refuses to give up that Biden is not able to carry out the duties of President. They've covered his dementia up this far so they're stuck with that coverup. So they manipulated the early debate to jam Biden up and force him to step aside. They're leaving him in the Oval Office because to remove him means to confront the question of how long have they known he was incapable of being President.

Eric Holder was supposedly "advising" Harris on her VP pick--and with Obama's wingman assisting her she somehow managed to pick the one candidate with a big yellow stain on his military service record, one which has been out there for anyone to snatch up since 2018?


It's not just the "stolen valor", although his claims of being "Command Sergeant Major" are at odds with his rank at separation. It's the fact that he up and "retired" just as his unit was about to be deployed to Iraq. There is no good way to spin that, and with J D Vance having served a tour in Iraq, the optics for Walz are simply horrible, and it should suprise no one that the Trump oppo research machine had that item ready to go as soon as Harris made the announcement.

Holder is many things, but dumb is not one of them. Yet if he advised Harris to pick Walz as her running mate, he gave her the dumbest advice imaginable.

Which puts us not only in a 1968 scenario, but also in a 1972 scenario, when Democratic candidate George McGovern was forced to drop his VP pick Thomas Eagleton over his mental health history. McGovern went on to lose to Nixon in the biggest blowout in US history.

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Thanks, for this history especially, Peter.

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Maybe Holter and the B man have a little thing going.

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"I don't think they ever seriously considered Harris as a factor."

Of course not. They know Harris is empty-headed just like they knew that Biden was senile -- but they don't want to ADMIT it. It would be way more embarrassing to admit the 'scam' ran for four years than to just let Harris lose and go away on her own.

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It's elementary, dear Watson.

Peel away what isn't possible...

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At this juncture, they're probably right. And if along the way they can take out the annoying progressive Squad (or at least a goodly portion of its membership) and to neuter the progressives in Congress, for the Dems it's a win. All they have to do is flip or keep enough purple seats while maybe burning a few blue seats. If they lose the Senate the odds are the GOP won't kill the filibuster, so the Dems are almost certain to retain enough power to stymie any serious legislation whle railing against Trump.

If Trump does win, I expect the Dems to target Vance more than Trump, in the hopes of keeping or pushing Vance out of the 2028 race. That throws everything wide open and would give them their best shot at reclaiming the White House.

I know that is how I would play it if I were in the Democratic Party leadership.

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Peter, you might be on to something even larger.

The woke dam is breaching.

The Democrat party is, for the first time in 8 years at least, answering the call of reason, if only to survive.

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