The first question about the bridge collision SHOULD be, why was the container ship under it's own power at that point? Is this SOP? Second is was a harbor pilot still on board? In the video it appears to be the only vessel. I am no expert, but having watched ships to in and out of tight harbors, I have always seen tugs. And my father in law was a harbor manager and said no ship goes in or out, especially when there are bridges on the route, without a harbor pilot and powerful tugs at hand. Apparently those were the old days?

I'm fascinated how so few relevant questions are being raised.

As to RFK, well, good for him. He's still a dozen billionaires short of Biden, but at least he's now 1:1 with Trump ;-)

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The Village is the pattern for the whole world.

“where am I?”

“In the village.”

“Which side are you on?”

“That would be telling…”


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Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

“Nowhere in this segment is it mentioned that government was the driving force behind this government. ” typo. I guess the last word should be censorship?

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Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

This is the way the world ends. With a bang and a whimper.

But on a lighter note. Here's this advertising headline in the Daily Mail. Empty Alaska Cruises Departing From New Mexico That Seniors Can Book For Dirt Cheap

I'm guessing they're sailing up the Rio Grande. Not sure where they go from there. I imagine that might be why they're empty.

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Long, but if one has the time to peruse this Walter Russel Mead piece, then one will be rewarded, I'm sure.

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Here's an update on that ship which took out the bridge. Want to open a betting pool on ways the crew tried to jury-rig repairs rather than request permission to spend real money on getting the system fixed properly?


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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Cogent segues. "If you only saw this piece, you might think the censors are the good guys!"

One is not limited to Houthi pirates for supply chain disruption, price gouging and stoking artificial inflation. One can buy any legislative, judicial or executive slot to gain a chair at the table. One can gain mindshare and acceptance by controlling the narrative. All influence peddling toll roads lead to Rome, a shakedown and no good guys Mr. Mulder.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

I used to watch 60 Minutes, going all the way back to its first episode back in the late 1960s. Maybe I'm slow to catch on, but it was a couple of decades later when I swore I would never watch it again. And I haven't. Most episodes were fine, but more and more, they were inserting propaganda, such as the 'misinformation' segment mentioned here. Everyone has a right to express any opinion they want, but deliberate misleading is unprofessional and unethical, at the least. I also no longer watch CBS news programs, for the same reason.

As for the bridge, let's not do what progressives do, jump to conclusions. I see nothing that indicates any premeditation. The crew apparently did all they could to keep this from happening, and then radioed a mayday far enough in advance to save a lot of motorists. Terrorist attacks are generally pointless strategically, but are intended to, well, terrorize. Hence the recent slaughter in Russia. But the bridge collapse serves no such purpose. There is no strategic reason to destroy the bridge. And no terrorist organization would disguise its terrorism as an accident. That runs counter to their ideology.

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Captains Lives Matter

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Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

The power going out on this ship seems suspect and with all our involvement around the world from Ukraine to Taiwan I would not rule out anything yet. If it was terror Biden's done.

RFK Jr.s lost any of my interest because if he was going to run in the "Center' picking a sugar momma from Cali ain't it.

Leslie who? Mis-Mal-Dis or corrupt Information just ask Judge Jackson she "knows a guy" or girl?

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I haven't watched 60 Minutes since 1980, when they butchered the story of the actual events at the Three Mile Island power plant.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by SimulationCommander

Okay, genuine question, how does RFK's VP pick settle the question of who RFK will "steal from"? I can really see it going either way after reading through an Axios article and the WSJ article Arne linked below. I know Brietbart did a frantic "hit piece" on her, because my sister sent it to me, but if you read Brietbart, I don't think you'd be voting for RFK anyway.

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nothing they say it true. They believe that they are the professionals. Therefore they cannot do wrong, and they automatically say the right thing. How would that work? Their whole view is that they are the experts. If they are the experts, how can they be wrong? Impossible! All they need to do is open their mouths and honey comes out. The narrative is they are the experts, protecting us. And now it doesn't matter what they say. Anything will come out of their mouth. They are so used to believing in themselves (how else does one get a job with a big network? You gotta believe, man!) they now think whatever they say is correct and whatever anyone else says is not correct. This is automatically true because it is in the nature of things. Telling these newsmen and newswomen they are incorrect, about anything the say, is automatically "disinformation" or "malinformation." If you criticize them, it just "does not compute."

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Here's The WS Journal's Nicole Shanahan coverage: https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/rfk-jr-to-name-nicole-shanahan-as-running-mate-for-presidential-bid-4b9a698e?st=q9rd2ijvzlqdqxu&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

There's sloppiness and open opinion in the article that elite newspapers didn't have in "the old days." For example, this clumsy sentence: "She told People that she coped with her challenging childhood by throwing herself into school."

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Can you hear me screaming out here in north western Pennsylvania? Because I can't scream any louder at Leslie Stahl than I am right now.

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