
Group-think is powerful force - but to the forest walker - tis pathetic compliant comedy.

The Forest Walker - been through the forest passage - never lets others determine behavior.


And in times of turmoil more go to the forest and those come out alive are immune to groupthink and have the courage to not follow what others do pointlessly for no reason other than "going along" with group behavior that a mind able to think individually recognizes as bs.

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This was a great post, until you HAD to include whiny little Adam Kinsinger! Fortunately for you (and me), you followed it up with the Bonnie & G lookalikes (who fortunately are no one’s dinner) and I was saved from unsubscribing! JK, of course…

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“Why does a great actor like James Earl Jones always have to play black men?”

Winston Schwartz, “Fritz the Cat,” R Crumb.

Some pre-woke, anti-woke humor!

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Sep 17Liked by SimulationCommander

Was that a wolf , a fox, or a hybrid?

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Supposedly a really pretty fox

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One of the great things about going to movies for me in the eighties and nineties is that I could still walk into a movie without knowing what I was walking into. 1989 and Field Of Dreams was one of those movies. It has a lot of moments, but the James Earl Jones moment was a huge one.

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You know, I will never like von der Lügen of the EUSSR, but for once she abused her power to a good cause: firing Breton. She did this by "suggesting" that someone else be given Breton's job.

I guess that counts as positive?

I think US media will follow the pattern of ours on this Hateitians eating pets: deny, vilify (that's where we're at), claim any proof is staged, then report on it as if it was breaking news when too much hard proof emerges, and then demand action be taken. They did this in the 1990s here, when a gypsy family was reported to police for catching and cooking hedgehogs: "Fake&racist" -> "It's cultural" -> "No proof" -> "Why aren't police protecting the hedgehogs?". Inside the heads of such journalists, it must look a lot as in the video of the not-quite musical chairs?

Latest assassination attempt barely made the news here - not headlines, that's for sure. No, our regime-media are busy ignoring that our largest political party (the Socialist Democrat one) arranged a trip to Auschwitz for their youth cadre (called SSU) in Malmö, and no-one wanted to go. Embarrassing enough, maybe, but the real reason soon crept out: the SSU of the region and city it concerned is made up out of people with roots in the Middle East. Oh me oh my oh dear, and this at the same time it was leaked that the party runs lottery-selling call centers based in Spain (to get around Swedish laws) focusing targeted sales of lottery-tickets (odds are less than 1:14 000 000 to win anything at all) towards elderly - especially senile - Swedes.

And oops, turns out the call center was run by a career criminal involved in all kinds of violent drug-related crime, and several bombings. And oops again, turns out he and his equally criminal chums - none of them Swedes, all of them of MENA-origin - are heavily invested in both the party and organised crime in the capital.

And a third oops, one of the guys in question is a convicted murderer. Of an innocent 12-year old girl. How he could appear on paper as an employee while serving life in prison without parole, we have yet to be told.

May sound negative, all this, but the positive side is: Only five years ago, none of this would ever have been reported on, if it concerned the Socialist Democrat party.

The socialists gradually losing their death-grip on our nation is "mose def" a positive.

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"... it reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again ..."

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Yes, I can attest to hundreds, if not thousands of tiny punctures from all the kittens I've raised. 😖 But, as for all the fantastic memes, this song went viral in no time, with over 10 Million views last I saw, collectively over all media outlets, including featured on Dan Bongino podcast & radio show. I've followed this creator for a couple years now, and he regularly features cats & dogs in his songs & videos! Enjoy!


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Smallwell has often been known to go down rabbit holes..

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Happy Monday! You got me to smile after a crappy day 😁

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I myself like cats. They taste like chicken.

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I can’t get beyond the Long Island Lockjaw!!

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I call it country club lock jaw!

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A million years ago I was dating a guy who had friends who lived in Locust Valley ( Long Island) and belonged to Piping Rick Country Club…. And they talked liked that!

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Our "happy" this week: Our niece and her family were in town from PHX, so we had a great time with them. I asked the middle child how she had gotten so tall - she replied, "Well, I turned 8!" Gotta love the kid logic!

Also, Mr. "the Knife" and I had a date "afternoon" and went to see Blazing Saddles in the theater for the 50th anniversary. Still hilarious, and since it was on the big screen, we were able to see some details we had missed in the dozens of times we watched in on TV.

Mrs. "the Knife"

P.S. I don't think this is an issue with SimCom's readership, but if anyone is offended, I am sorry you find this classic satirical comedy offensive. When we showed up for Bible study after the movie, a distinguished gentleman, of the darker melanin persuasion, asked us which scene is our favorite. (He is partial to the campfire scene. 😄 )

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I loved when Cleveland Little and the guys sang I Get A Kick Out of You.

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Cleavon Little was the perfect choice for the role. Gone way too soon!

Louis Gossett Jr. (a great actor) tried to reprise the role on a short-lived TV version and he just didn't have the "stuff". Of course, some of the failure was the poor writing and the restrictions placed on the content for broadcast.

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Oops Cleavon, thanks. I can't even blame that on autocorrect because I don't use my phone for this.

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excellent piece

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James Earl Jones saying the baseball speech in "Field of Dreams" is a classic. He was great in the Jack Ryan movies, too.

What made me laugh was this week's "Healdsburg Spittoon (Tribune)". There was an article about a couple who live in town and own one of the two bike shops in town. (This area is a world bicycling destination.) The couple wanted to build another house and garage on their property in town. The City slapped the $20,000 Inclusion Fee on them. The couple, with the help of a Libertarian law firm, is suing the city claiming the Inclusion Fee is Unconstitutional.

So, people who already live here have to pay an Inclusion Fee to be included (again) in the town? What happened to wanting an inclusive society in our commie-run town? The Inclusion Fee doesn't sound very inclusive to me.

The whole idea of this stupid fee is idiotic and so ridiculous that it cracked me up.

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I retired a month ago and still get that sinking feeling on Sunday knowing the next day is Monday. Wonder how long till that wears off. Thank you for today's smiles - I especially like the kitty tail heart.

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I’m looking forward to the Sunday I don’t have the Sunday scaries. It starts at about 2-3 pm. 😬

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Tracey, I'm retired and like Mondays. The visiting drunks to our town have to go back to work.

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Funny. Shortly after we retired, my husband realized that we could here some traffic noise on Mondays as everyone buckled up and went off to work, mostly the Lab. Oh joy, to sink back into the pillows.

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Here. OMG. hear.

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