This slippery slope really started in the 1970's when the Neoliberals first gained acceptance with politicians and political advisors. Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and many other acolytes pushed policies that ushered in this ideology. The recent decades have seen a massive increase in Neoliberal control of almost every aspect of government. The only tool we have left is protest and they know it...

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M. Sim, do you have a link to video of the alleged trampling of protesters by mounted police?

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Since there is a complete media black out about this here in Sweden, people treat it as a conspiracy theory when they hear about it from others (like me).

"It can't be true. It must be fake. Stuff like that doesn't happen in Canada."

As if the world is a static set piece where certain events can only happen in certain places.

The lights are going out all over the western world.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Until Kent State reoccurs

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I was at a protest in the Panama Invasion days in San Francisco and two people away from me was Dolores Huerta of the UFW who was older and had an SFPD riot baton rupture her spleen. All protests are invitations for ultra-violence. A tactic from the times when protests were put down by soldiers and not para-military thugs or Pinkertons. Canada ensured her police like many police and militaries have Israeli training. https://bdscoalition.ca/tag/canadian-police-trained-by-israel/

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Of course it could and did happen here. We did have internment camps. And many fellow citizens were in complete accord with them.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

this is how democracy dies, at the hands of order followers

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