Substack is having major issues at the moment, hopefully this is posted correctly! As always, I will update when the full video is available so the masochists can do their thing.

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Wow, this would have been even been better had you posted this on Halloween. Of course you wouldn't have Biden's speech, but it's scary even with out it.

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SIM Comm, my 14 yr old said, Dad, you're posts are so great, I'm gonna hack in and pin yours on all substack artickes.

now, Reality: they look pained and bored as they struggle to get out of my prsempnce

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Could you please highlight the subtitle of the bar chart with a note before it (or reword your sentences leading up to the graph)? It completely changes the meaning of the chart if one does not notice it (at least right away). Thank you.

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I replaced the image. I had to do a quick cut/paste or else I would fall behind during the speech, but now the entire image is visible :)

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Nah, I'm good fam

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Biden’s is either delusional or a massive Pinocchio. Maybe both. The lie motif regarding the election of Donald J. Trump was begun in 2017 on Inauguration Day when his backers, in disbelief burned, looted, and swore in violent protest at the capitol. It’s all recorded and Hillary is still crying in the wind that she was cheated out of the position. The parallel Biden draws with “where’s Nancy” and Jan 6 is ridiculous. I mean if I were going to enter any house to find any particular person that would be the usual question. Biden must think we’re stupid. The connection is just insane and political. His conclusion that we all must be conscious of the 2024 steal and not concede to the gop tricksters, reminds me of Hillary telling Biden before 2019 not to concede under any circumstances. This in itself puts him in the usual dnc position of accusing others of the very thing that you have done and are NOW doing. Delusional at best, Pinocchio at worst. This is the sad state for America and democracy as Biden says aptly and ironically, regarding his own party. Where does the deep state end for our republic is the question for me as an independent? God help us.

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When I first started reading this, I thought FOR REAL you were transcribing Bidepends real speech

Biden has always been an idiot, all his life. He married the babysitter, now she is the baby sitter again. Two incompetents

Come Lord Jesus

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They are so far off the rails that they are just digging themselves in deeper with the hyperbole and fear. Check out this so-called presidential historian telling us how important this speech was, and that if we fail to elect more Democrats, our kids will be killed. You would think that a presidential historian would know that the presidency is not on the ballot in the mid-terms.


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Commander, I think you forgot to turn on your Sarcasm font. 😂

The ENTIRE playbook of this current left is projection - accuse your enemy of that which you're guilty of. In this way, THEY get to create the narrative. It ALWAYS puts one side on the defense and leaves them chasing the fight. The left has done this for SOOO long, and the right inevitably is duped into playing this shell game.

If anyone with any sanity is left to fight, this has to change. We can't chase their narrative or even acknowledge it anymore. We simply tell the truth, relentlessly. Yes, we'll be called names, bullied, threatened...whatever. We are anyway already.

TELL THE TRUTH citizens. Stop chasing their narrative and playing defense. TELLL THE TRUTH, STRAIGHT UP, NO CHASER, AS LOUD AND AS CONSISTENTLY AS POSSIBLE. Truth IS the antidote.

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‘Democracy is a choice...’ but only if there is a choice. You are fortunate in the US that you do actually have a clear choice, that is a choice between values, morals, principles and the policies based on those. Here in UK & Europe... none of them have any values, principles or morality whichever Party, so there is no choice except don’t vote.

Voting doesn’t define democracy. Democracy is autonomy, sovereignty of the individual, self-government according to law, custom, tradition, manners, culture and shared values. The aim of democracy is to prevent tyranny. It is the distribution of power equally among each person in the demos so it does not get concentrated in the hands of one person or group to be used to impose their will on others. Will of the majority’ is not democracy, it’s a tyranny of the majority. Government is a tyranny, it cannot by definition be ‘democratic’. Tyranny is tyranny whether one person, a minority group, or majority group. Being able to swap one tyranny for a new one by voting, isn’t democracy - it’s self-delusion.

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Well, as with many elections, there's the choice between the corruption you know and the slim chance of voting for slightly less and perhaps a less detrimental form of corruption.

That's called democracy, which it ain't.

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I thought this was great in pointing out the total hypocrisy of the democratic party. They tried to remove an elected president from office, not only through their rhetoric and the lies of Russia-gate, but actually impeached him in the house, and turned the January 6 riot into an insurrection which they claim he provoked. Not mentioned was the complicity of the mainstream media as well as those on the left which backed up the lies and agenda of the democrats. They now know the lie of Russia-gate yet no one to my knowledge has suffered the consequences of that lie that was to be used to legitimize Trump's removal from office. I remember those who called for violence, including the death of the president, and they knew they would never be held accountable.

I was always a registered democrat, never voted republican, but now there will be a total reversal. Getting personal I had a father who was verbally abusive and violent in his threats, and on a few occasions acted out in a violent manner. He was a sick man. With his family, his siblings, he turned it around and he became the victim, the victim of our abuse, not the abuser. I see the same pattern here and what people fail to really discuss is that as a country we are sick, mentally ill. I know that is not a term used to discuss the dynamics of what is going on in a country, but I think it definitely applies here.

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I don't dare. Thank you for the summation.

To paraphrase an old childhood favorite: "Democracy. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Do you actually think they would be dumb enough to try to rig a (second?) election? No, don't answer that. I don't want to know. It will be a race between the Russian bomb and civil war as to which destroys this country first.

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I'm even more paranoid. Once they lose the midterms, what's to stop them from accelerating the (obvious) attempt to blow up the economy and blame it on the GOP? :(

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I've thought about that. How much damage could they do in two months with 51 votes?

Again, don't answer that.

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Just need the good-old executive order like Obama did when Congress didn't go along with him.

Reminder: Vaccine mandates were executive orders.

Oops, you said DON'T answer that.

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Oh, yes Simulation Commander, the booze DID help! Very funny, but I'm sad that it's funny. And for the umpteenth time Brandon, WE DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY, you idiot! There, I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent.

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One of Biden's problems is that a lot of people have tuned him out. It's not just what he says, it's him being predictable and not a pleasant person to watch. His masking for month after month still comes to mind. He lacks dignity.

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He lacks a lot of things... for starters, a cognitive brain.

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Pelosi’s window was broken from the inside. The hammer attack took place AFTER the po-po arrived. There are body cam videos and surveillance videos. But they are not for our eyes. Whitey tightees were worn. Attacker was a nudist who lived in a bus with past convictions.

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Unbelievable lies, right to our faces. They have their cult right where they want them. They can say whatever they want and it becomes true on the media and in the cult’s minds.

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And they’re so outraged... even Alinsky didn’t come up with that trick!

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Emily "Amnesty" Oster has freaken substack


page down for pic of femme fatale bitch murderer

Someone said she was hot... I don't see it.




See my comment

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I sent her an email. One sentence. “ I assume your dog ate your homework on a regular basis?” The whole article was SO offensive.

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We learn from her bio there that "Dr. Oster" is a professor of economics. That's her qualification to lecture us on the merits of public amnesia. What next, will Paul Krugman advise us on the intricacies of interstellar travel?

I'd like to send them both to Mars... in an open convertible.

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"I'd like to send them both to Mars... in an open convertible."

Shades of Heavy Metal. Krugman is the evil green ball.

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She must have been AOC's "economics" prof.

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Somewhere in her univ page it is Sachs Chair or something... Little whore murderer

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Oh, Oster is hot cause she pulls no punch. She's my new pitbull, chewing up Atlantic rags.


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She's on their side. Don't get. I admit it.

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John! My Bad: I got the wrong Emily!!! It's Emily Burns on our very own substack who answered the Emily Oster stupidity.


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Gotcha Timothy! Ty.

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Interesting. Posts seem to be for paid members only, but one title is

Updated CDC Guidelines for School and Child Care

Makes me curious if she's mentioned the vax schedule and if she thinks it's a good thing.

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Mine is older post...

If you bury it, it stats longer.

I've been censored since I was 3.

And, I'm different... Ill tell u straight out, I need to be censotpred!!!

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Predicted for speech tonight:

"Look, I know what you are thinking, how did he get 80 million votes, more than Obama? [Leans into mic, whispers] Always demand 10%, brother, 10%... [straightens up, wanders off to the left]

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10 minutes of election denial. Never gets old.... And... I don't read so well...

Videos are like 35% pics in books

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