Jun 28·edited Jun 28Pinned

If I had known that Biden would repeat "THE IDEA" a million times, I would have included it early and often :(

Wow. The post-game spin seems to be "Biden needs to go", which doesn't surprise me considering he wasn't juiced up like the State of the Union. This is what CNN is talking about........ Perhaps this early debate date really was to set up the switch.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Awesome recap! Watched the debate with the running commentary from Taibbi and Kirn. Taibbi was having a lot more fun because of the drinking game. Kirn looked like he was watching a literal train wreck. Did you see Lee Fang's stack today? He talks about how the corporate lobby can and probably will choose the candidate if Biden steps down.

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Yeah, the media hasn't stopped lying all together, they just stopped lying about Biden's cognitive ability.

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My like button still does not work so..... Like ( just checked for typos). The Q and A session was painful. After several yrs. of caring for a parent with declining mental abilities I was angrier and angrier at the B. family. But my anger helps nothing and all of the country will continue to pay for the damage for years. The power brokers are ALL well pleased. God have mercy.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

It was just last week they accused anyone who pointed it out of "cheapfakes."

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Maze put together a hilarious supercut of it like 10 days ago:


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Jun 29Liked by SimulationCommander

I've never heard of Maze, but he's like another Orf. Cool. We need as many as possible.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

of course it is.. he will never make it to November...Newsom is raring to go. and after this horrible performace the "new" guy will be all over it.. be very afraid. I live in CA

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Amen. Me too.

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He screwed up so bad when they tried to trot him out, though.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

newsom ?? I missed thar

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

The Notion he repeated The Idea....is malarkey!

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my hubbs just said that hahahhahaaha

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He has impeccable taste....but you already knew that

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

My wife and I watched the painful display against our better judgment. Trump was Trumpian and met our expectations.

Biden could barely complete a sentence and watching him reminded me of conversations I have with my 90 year-old mom who is in a memory care facility with dementia, facial expressions included.

My wife and I kept repeating to each other how the whole thing was set up to demonstrate that Biden isn't fit to run but in a way to allow him to save face. "Look how brave Joe was ... but he needs to go".

I still believe Joe will be ushered aside and replaced by Michelle Obama with Gavin Newsom as her running mate. Yet another twisted chapter in the sick U.S. presidential cavalcade.

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Wow, I hope you did not have nightmares.

My father lived to 99 and a half. He was of full mind, well forgetful at times but for 99 he was terrific. Joe Biden is suffering, and has been suffering of dementia.

He needs around the clock care.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

where oh where will I move to??

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

The split screen format is a very small detail that could very well determine this election.

You could've turned the volume off and just watched the comparison in the presentation of their "presence". A mummy would've presented better than Biden.

Very similar to the 60' debate between Nixon and JFK.

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That’s the one thing the Biden campaign forgot to secure, even as everything else about the format was customized to favor him: they should have insisted on the camera staying solely on the podium with the live mic, with no split screen.

Alas, for want of a nail …

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Mr. "the Knife" called me from the road, saying he was listening to the debate on the radio and wasn't sure if it was a parody or not. I turned the debate on to see what he was talking about and the (muted) split screen said it all. At one point, Biden had his head down and it looked liked he had his eyes closed! Ay yi yi!!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Great comment.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

"The idea..." It could have been the basis for one of those games where everyone takes a drink each time Biden says it. It might have made it easier to sit through.

I'd have preferred to watch a free-for-all with a live audience than such a regimented exercise.

I do have to give CNN credit for fairness except for the moment early on where Biden faltered badly, entirely lost his already shaky train of thought, and rather than leave the camera on him for his full time and expose his incompetence, CNN muted Biden and turned to Trump.

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"The idea..." It could have been the basis for one of those games where everyone takes a drink each time Biden says it.

Uhhh...we did exactly that on the Matt Taibbi/Walter Kirn live Twitter feed. Which is why I am now completely shitfaced on a weeknight.

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Yep. They did that camera cut away a couple times.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

The idea that you would even bring up Joe Biden saying the word "idea" is not idealistic.

I did learn that Joe was personally responsible for saving us billions of dollars because he PERSONALLY lowered the cost of insulin. Did I mention insulin? He's going to make sure that everyone gets insulin!

Also, I learned that it was ENTIRELY Trump's fault that the economy was at a standstill in 2019-2020. There was absolutely no other possible reason why our economic growth was at a standstill.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to retreat to my happy place. Watching the "President of the United States of America" make a total fool of himself on international television was humiliating as an American.

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take two insulins and call me in the morning... insulin great for headaches.. also cures a hangover.. good for upset tummies.. cures acne too. as if every person needs insulin

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

A glutton for punishment? :-)

I couldn't bring myself to watch it.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I didn't either. Maybe will later, but this is the kind of staged event I tend to rebel against. Also, meanwhile the House is voting on a bundle of 2025 spending bills this week, including one for the military. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth.

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it is a great murder weapon too

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Just watch the first 15 minutes. Tells you everything you need to know.

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I watched 20-25 minutes of it this afternoon. Biden wasn't as much "not all there" as the talk last night indicated. He wasn't a complete blank. Not as bad as I might've expected. But he's very slow--he's not agile mentally or physically--and you can see him struggling to capture the next words he wants to speak.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Right? Just like all of us will be.

But it's completely irresponsible to leave him in for another 7 months.

A sane society would all agree after watching that performance.

I think I might be picking up a little more of the "slide" because I'm currently experiencing it with my father.

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Also, if Biden was still wearing face masks, we wouldn't have seen the rictus laughs and long vacant, open-mouthed faces he was making last night while listening to Trump talk.

We need to be able to read faces.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

You have a greater tolerance for pain than I, Sir.

I lasted just over ten minutes.

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Well I had a 3 finger pour that I wasn't going to waste Bandit!...;)

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You did not miss much except Biden looking unable to be president.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

The silver lining, I think, is that the left can’t wail about fake / doctored / altered / out-of-context footage anymore. The whole country saw - in real time & for 90 minutes - the “real” LGB-FJB we’ve been “conspiracy-theory-ing” about for 4 years. Even that tool, Chuckie Todd, said the performance confirmed what his ilk have been denying

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Yeah, the word has clearly gone out to sharpen the claws and attack. It must be nice for the media who had to pretend for so long.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Maybe that was the whole point...? Now the media can switch to talking up whomever the "replacement" is going to be? It is possible this was part of the plan to replace Biden with someone else. This debate did happen rather early - before the conventions officially nominate their respective candidates. Just a thought.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

I fully agree Mrs. “The Knife”! It is now beyond dispute that LGB-FJB is incapable/incapacitated right NOW, much less another 4 years.

The conundrum for the left is “now what?” Kneepads Harris is reviled & a joke (even in her own party) but if they have to 25th Amendment Pedo Joe, she’s “it”.

I know they probably think they can get someone else on the ballot in all 50 states, election laws be damned. And given their lawfare to date (J6, Trump), they may be right.

Gawd, this country is cooked

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They can easily get somebody else on the ballot, they haven't even had their convention yet.

Which makes me think that was the whole point of having the debate this early.

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It was a Saturday Night Live skit obviously. I didn't partake at all. Folks should have protested.

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That's probably why there was no audience.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't like watching elder abuse, still.

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Just change the phrasing a bit and you'll feel better.

"I don't like watching elder abuse, but if I have to, I want it to be a politician embarrassing himself on the national stage while also exposing the lies of media."

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Lee Fang's stack about how corporate lobbyists and party insiders will choose the candidate if Biden is pushed out is worth a read: https://open.substack.com/pub/leefang/p/how-lobbyists-could-select-the-democratic?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1zlqu

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During the 2020 election campaign, Biden mentioned that he would leave if asked. This is it. We will find out the new nominee soon enough. 2 weeks max.

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I'm so glad you turned me on to this guy. He's almost always right on the money.

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There are so few honest brokers.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

I tuned into the Joe Biden Memorial Service for about the last half hour. I think (like many others here) that it was a set-up for his ouster. The big problem for the Dems will be the naked ambition of Kamala Harris - it will be tough for the Dems to get rid of them both.

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The Prezidential Debate...

A New Broadway play.

Starring Joe Biden and many associates & D J Trump with his organization.

Don't forget the T Shirts, Coffee mugs, Magnets, & Autograph photos.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Well, looking over the comments below was interesting.

I want to know who is really running the country, who WAS running the country for the past 4 years? It has to be a conglomeration of criminals.

We now have a whole month of gay celebration. Stop that!

We have so much division in this country, it is very sad

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That's what a real media would be asking, instead of dreaming about who's going to replace Joe.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

They had the CNN leftist command trying desperately to save the fake-bate fiasco. Be it known that government and country are at opposite ends of the spectrum and never the twain shall meet.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Hubbs and I watched two Resident Alien episodes instead of the debate.

Then when I climbed in bed I watched the first 35 seconds of Joe Biden.

"what a joke" haha

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Love that show!

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Jun 29Liked by SimulationCommander

I just discovered that there will be a season 4.

We just finished season 1.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

They better start packing their stuff.

There is a poll on Drudge: who should replace Biden




Kamala Harris


Guess who won. - "other"

Joe Biden is a hoot. Do people think he just went full on dementia yesterday? He has been

mentally unstable and vacant of mind for many years

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

Who knew we have “1000 trillionaires, I mean billionaires” in this country….

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If we tax them more we can make 500 million dollars! Err....billion.

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Jun 28Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - And the winner was... DEPENDS adult diapers and all our enemies around the world.

A national disgrace of two dirty diapers on display for all the world to see.

The loser of that sham debate was America and everyone in it.

There is no voting our way out of this Mr Mulder.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I will confess that, having watched the whole thing, I was surprised when I turned to MSNBC to immediately see Biden was being torpedoed. (These are herd animals: once I saw two of the panelists trash Joe’s performance, I knew it was going to be the entire establishment media.) I thought they were going to prop him up as usual.

I mean, they brushed off that press conference he called after the Hur report specifically to show how on-the-ball he is – the one where he confused Egypt and Mexico. Other than the extra-reedy voice, was last night that much of a downward departure from his steady slide down the slope?

Yeah, I think this may have been a planned shove off the cliff.

P.S. Remember a few weeks ago the news that because of Ohio’s early ballot deadline, the DNC was going to officially nominate a couple of weeks prior to the convention by a virtual roll call? That would mean replacing Biden even sooner, and entirely behind closed doors. The last I heard, Ohio did pass an ad hoc fix, so I *think* they can cancel the virtual roll call and actually pick a nominee at the convention, like our primitive ancestors did.

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Agreed. They all went off about 'cheap fakes' just a few days ago! Check out how this clip from last week's Bill Maher aged:


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