But, but, but.....vitamin D is as cheap as sunlight. If most of SARS-Covid-19 (not to mention ALL other coronaviruses (clears throat of cold and flu flem)), would go away with a cheap and easily obtainable substance, why the ramifications are earth shattering. For one, the U.S. Director of Infectious Diseases (might have the name of the high and mighty office wrong) would probably no longer be the HIGHEST PAID and HIGHEST PENSIONED public scold, I mean servant.
I noticed that Dr. Emanuel used the phrase "no brainer" when referring to parents vaccinating 5 and up. Idiom or Freudian slip?
As for hospitalization statistics of children, my sense is that the criteria for hospitalization of very young children, especially febrile infants, is quite different from that of adults. Pediatricians who have seen that respiratory diseases like RSV can be dangerous for infants are not inclined to take covid lightly. And as if it's not scary enough having a feverish child, if you've been exposed to the kind of fear porn Dr. Emanuel and others propagate, why wouldn't you rush to the hospital knowing your child is positive with covid? That there are so few hospitalized children despite these factors speaks to the utter mildness of covid for this population.
Vitamin D? Cod liver oil. Not very profitable, necessary to mandate or science-y, but it works. Or any dish made from liver an/or kidneys.
Bovine liver, slow cooked in a rich dark lager or a bitter red wine together with pickled onions, white pepeer and juniper berries. Served with stir fried pre-boiled potatoes and pickled beetroots. A cream sauce made with golden chantarelle and with lingonberries on the side. For drink, either honeyed mead or kvass, or a really dark lager or small beer.
'Scuse me, gotta ask the wife what's for dinner tomorrow.
4 in 100 000 children admitted - sounds high to me. Were they admitted because they were serious cases of CoVid, or admitted for other reasons and tested positive for viral dandruff?
It’s snowy and 15 degrees here, so I’m trying to figure out how to get to Belize for a good dose of vitamin D. I figure spending February there would give me a good dose of D and joy.
Dr Ryan Cole gave a whole lecture about vitamin D and sunlight, very interesting info. One open question is whether D is itself the active health booster, or if D is the proxy by which other sunlight benefits are measured. Studying supplementers vs sunlighters would be useful.
Also, skin tone matters, and fair people needed to be fair at the higher latitudes to absorb enough sunlight, while darker skinned people living closer to the equatorial latitudes did not need also much. Now that we moved around, mixed up, and moved inside, darker people, especially, have trouble getting enough D. It's not racism, it's science.
You bring up great points. Very very early Sweden had two groups of vulnerable people -- the old and sick (like everywhere) and recent Somali refugees. They determined that the Somalis were having trouble getting enough vitamin D in Sweden.
What we think of as 'race' is simply a rough generalization of how close your ancestors lived to the equator. Imagine if we were able to swap the populations of Ireland and Nigeria and wait a couple thousand years. Would the pasty white Irish still be pasty white? Would the dark-skinned Nigerians still be as dark?
Also, the somalis often live in cramped conditions in council housing estates, don't seek medical aid until its an emergency, don't work (and of those that do work - unemployment among somalis is +80% - most do so as temps in care homes for the elderly) and don't go out and do things during what daylight there is during winter. Remember, large parts of Sweden are arctic or sub-arctic.
I was listened live to some of the ACIP meeting today regarding approval of the covid injections for the youngest children. A woman called in live and frantically begged committee members to authorize these asap because 1) this age group is the only one now unprotected against this killer disease and 2) doctors have assured her there is absolutely no risk to these little ones of developing any adverse cardiac events because of the shots.
How could any medical professional possibly know this without being able to travel into the future? Did the recent clinical tests not already reflect ineffectiveness of the shots for babies?
Zero long term studies with these injections for any age group. I also heard a doctor at the meeting casting much shade on the VAERS data.
This is what we’re up against. They’re after our blessed babies. If I had a house, I’d confidently bet it that authorization of these “vaccinations” will sail through the process like the Titanic leaving Southampton.
I went to a huge anti-Iraq war protest in Santa Monica where Ron Kovic whipped the crowd into a frenzy.
Still difficult for me to digest how propagandized and compliant youth of today have become. Seems the majority of them will swallow anything, sadly including Paxlovid.
You have to pay a lot more attention to cats, watching their body language to make sure you're not doing something they don't like. They let you know when you're doing it right.
I'll allow the readers to follow that line of thinking on their own ;)
Dogs are slavish, cats are equals. (No offense to Slavs intended.)
Dogs are tools, cats will use them one day.
(Actually I'm one of those weird dog AND cat lovers. The best is to give a "nice" dog a kitten with which to bond. They grow up in beautiful harmony and, if you are lucky, care.)
Since I'm not completely innumerate, like so many Americans, I haven't been scared of Covid from the beginning when the age stratification first became obvious -- I may be in my mid-50s but I'm in good health with no chronic conditions.
However, I remember hearing something about Vitamin D back in summer 2020 and, because I live in Seattle, since then I've been supplementing with 5000 IU/day and my blood level is up to 60 ng/ml, well above the highest level seen in anyone hospitalized. So now I'm even less scared.
Why the likely, now confirmed, benefits of Vitamin D weren't trumpeted to the heavens in 2020 I'll never understand.
FTA: It’s strongly recommended to take magnesium and K2 concomitant with oral vitamin D. Data from nearly 3,000 individuals reveal you need 244% more oral vitamin D if you’re not also taking magnesium and vitamin K2.
Not to mention the sleep benefits from Magnesium. I take mine at bedtime every night. It doesn't put me to sleep, but it makes my sleep much deeper and more restful.
The body converts sunlight to Vitamin D, but dark skin interferes.
Supplements are cheap and effective.
But, but, but.....vitamin D is as cheap as sunlight. If most of SARS-Covid-19 (not to mention ALL other coronaviruses (clears throat of cold and flu flem)), would go away with a cheap and easily obtainable substance, why the ramifications are earth shattering. For one, the U.S. Director of Infectious Diseases (might have the name of the high and mighty office wrong) would probably no longer be the HIGHEST PAID and HIGHEST PENSIONED public scold, I mean servant.
I noticed that Dr. Emanuel used the phrase "no brainer" when referring to parents vaccinating 5 and up. Idiom or Freudian slip?
As for hospitalization statistics of children, my sense is that the criteria for hospitalization of very young children, especially febrile infants, is quite different from that of adults. Pediatricians who have seen that respiratory diseases like RSV can be dangerous for infants are not inclined to take covid lightly. And as if it's not scary enough having a feverish child, if you've been exposed to the kind of fear porn Dr. Emanuel and others propagate, why wouldn't you rush to the hospital knowing your child is positive with covid? That there are so few hospitalized children despite these factors speaks to the utter mildness of covid for this population.
Vitamin D? Cod liver oil. Not very profitable, necessary to mandate or science-y, but it works. Or any dish made from liver an/or kidneys.
Bovine liver, slow cooked in a rich dark lager or a bitter red wine together with pickled onions, white pepeer and juniper berries. Served with stir fried pre-boiled potatoes and pickled beetroots. A cream sauce made with golden chantarelle and with lingonberries on the side. For drink, either honeyed mead or kvass, or a really dark lager or small beer.
'Scuse me, gotta ask the wife what's for dinner tomorrow.
No, no. No alcohol. It now causes cancers. (May I join you for a pint? I'll bring some vitamin D.)
4 in 100 000 children admitted - sounds high to me. Were they admitted because they were serious cases of CoVid, or admitted for other reasons and tested positive for viral dandruff?
It’s snowy and 15 degrees here, so I’m trying to figure out how to get to Belize for a good dose of vitamin D. I figure spending February there would give me a good dose of D and joy.
Yep. We should have been "locked out," not "locked in." Nice mandate, Dr. Fascist.
Dr Ryan Cole gave a whole lecture about vitamin D and sunlight, very interesting info. One open question is whether D is itself the active health booster, or if D is the proxy by which other sunlight benefits are measured. Studying supplementers vs sunlighters would be useful.
Also, skin tone matters, and fair people needed to be fair at the higher latitudes to absorb enough sunlight, while darker skinned people living closer to the equatorial latitudes did not need also much. Now that we moved around, mixed up, and moved inside, darker people, especially, have trouble getting enough D. It's not racism, it's science.
You bring up great points. Very very early Sweden had two groups of vulnerable people -- the old and sick (like everywhere) and recent Somali refugees. They determined that the Somalis were having trouble getting enough vitamin D in Sweden.
What we think of as 'race' is simply a rough generalization of how close your ancestors lived to the equator. Imagine if we were able to swap the populations of Ireland and Nigeria and wait a couple thousand years. Would the pasty white Irish still be pasty white? Would the dark-skinned Nigerians still be as dark?
Also, the somalis often live in cramped conditions in council housing estates, don't seek medical aid until its an emergency, don't work (and of those that do work - unemployment among somalis is +80% - most do so as temps in care homes for the elderly) and don't go out and do things during what daylight there is during winter. Remember, large parts of Sweden are arctic or sub-arctic.
If we only switched half of them, we’d have a whole bunch of golden skins who don’t sunburn easily. 😀
I was listened live to some of the ACIP meeting today regarding approval of the covid injections for the youngest children. A woman called in live and frantically begged committee members to authorize these asap because 1) this age group is the only one now unprotected against this killer disease and 2) doctors have assured her there is absolutely no risk to these little ones of developing any adverse cardiac events because of the shots.
How could any medical professional possibly know this without being able to travel into the future? Did the recent clinical tests not already reflect ineffectiveness of the shots for babies?
Zero long term studies with these injections for any age group. I also heard a doctor at the meeting casting much shade on the VAERS data.
This is what we’re up against. They’re after our blessed babies. If I had a house, I’d confidently bet it that authorization of these “vaccinations” will sail through the process like the Titanic leaving Southampton.
"They’re after our blessed babies."
All part of the Great Reset, the end of the nuclear family.
I agree they will sail through, because it looks like everything Big Pharma wants hinges on it. They're so close they can taste it.
You’re going to be labeled a conspiracy analyst with that kind talk.
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?
About 6 months.
And the timeline is closing.
I stopped caring what names they called me after being branded 'unpatriotic' for not going along with Iraq.
I went to a huge anti-Iraq war protest in Santa Monica where Ron Kovic whipped the crowd into a frenzy.
Still difficult for me to digest how propagandized and compliant youth of today have become. Seems the majority of them will swallow anything, sadly including Paxlovid.
the substack reader is good ty
kitten is adorable shh dont tell anyone i said that, apparently women are turned off by guys that like cats!
This is some of the worst misinformation I've seen in this post. 😄
tell it to these guys https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/10/6/1007/htm
Guys who like cats are sensitive and like strong willed women, not ones that will do whatever you say:))
just my type!
You have to pay a lot more attention to cats, watching their body language to make sure you're not doing something they don't like. They let you know when you're doing it right.
I'll allow the readers to follow that line of thinking on their own ;)
Dogs are slavish, cats are equals. (No offense to Slavs intended.)
Dogs are tools, cats will use them one day.
(Actually I'm one of those weird dog AND cat lovers. The best is to give a "nice" dog a kitten with which to bond. They grow up in beautiful harmony and, if you are lucky, care.)
Dogs are easy, cats rewarding.
Yes attention is good. Lol lol
Women who emulate female dogs?
The WRONG women, maybe.
Zeke Emmanuel is one of the architects of ObamaCare and a known proponent of eugenics/rationed care. It's scary that people even listen to him...
Since I'm not completely innumerate, like so many Americans, I haven't been scared of Covid from the beginning when the age stratification first became obvious -- I may be in my mid-50s but I'm in good health with no chronic conditions.
However, I remember hearing something about Vitamin D back in summer 2020 and, because I live in Seattle, since then I've been supplementing with 5000 IU/day and my blood level is up to 60 ng/ml, well above the highest level seen in anyone hospitalized. So now I'm even less scared.
Why the likely, now confirmed, benefits of Vitamin D weren't trumpeted to the heavens in 2020 I'll never understand.
FTA: Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL...
i hope you take k2 with it
Along with the D3 I take a multivitamin that has K2.
FTA: It’s strongly recommended to take magnesium and K2 concomitant with oral vitamin D. Data from nearly 3,000 individuals reveal you need 244% more oral vitamin D if you’re not also taking magnesium and vitamin K2.
Not to mention the sleep benefits from Magnesium. I take mine at bedtime every night. It doesn't put me to sleep, but it makes my sleep much deeper and more restful.
Vitamin D is cheap and widely available. :(
Bingo! Buy that man a drink.
Milk would be a good choice. That is a story that I wonder about...
Great tips. Thanks dude!
I do what I can! :)