Nah...those pooches in Carhart has to be a photo-shop...right?

Lab in the field...yepper! Beautiful.

G7...surprised Joey was even in line and looking at the camera. Maybe Meloni kept Joey Bigman in line after the other photo shoot where he wandered off. Jeeez...the world is watching.

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

Where did the last clip come from? I rrreeeaaally need to send this to my daughter, baddly. Great clips & great reminder...we control we.

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Originally a clip on TikTok that got shared on Twitter. You can share it with this link if you can't find the original (I couldn't)


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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks. I am sending it to her. Hahaha, MAYBE she will understand it.

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Cat videos always beat anything on TV by miles. Strange that we have everyone of those freaking globalists getting super rich using capitalism. Now they want to destroy it and all the while thinking their wealth will remain intact. It ain't gonna work that way. We go...they go.

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SC - Thanks for the yuks, guffaws and chortles. "The G7 summit was mostly a vomit-inducing circle jerk, but if you look close, you can see the silver lining" Indeed, while Meloni is an Aspen Institute (WEF) alumni, most of them are on their way out. Unfortunately, just like the Nov. election, only to be replaced by "suitable" stooges. You have no rights, and are in the kill box. Get used to it and keep screaming Mr Mulder.

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Holy shit, I want whatever that guy's taking! PolyEdward there is higher on more than life I think! It reminds me of the person who just smiles at everything. And no one can ever be that f-ing happy. I always suspect smiley is up to something, and usually is.

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“… capitalism is the greatest system ever…” Isn’t it capitalism that gave us the Plandemic? The Military Industrial Complex? Child labor? Wage slavery???

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lol no

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I think a lot of people conflate capitalism with the free market, which isn’t unique to capitalism. And not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, Marx had a lot to say about “late stage” capitalism that is pretty much exactly what we’re seeing these days.

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Because we're ignoring larger and larger swaths of capitalism in favor of Marxism.

As I like to say -- once the money is fake, the rest of the economy is doomed to follow. That's what the next article is all about!

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The fence company started on our horse fence on the new property today! We did all the fence ourselves last time and it is an absolute joy to sit and watch someone else do it!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I definitely want Charlie Dog on my project – an eye for detail and taking no excuses.

I also just want to point out to everyone riding Joe for supposedly freezing up on stage at the Hollywood fundraiser: what the far right doesn’t want you to see is that he was just looking at an Italian paratrooper in the back of the auditorium. Cheapfake!

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The greenhouse I built earlier works like a charm. Fingers crossed, the wife will be able to show off her melons come autmun.

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A greenhouse is on our to do list!

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The Trump cat is pretty funny except Trump's hair is transplants, not a toupe. And unlike the current pResident, he doesn't sh1t his pants!

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think like Dicky Fox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyxWWYeXKBw day.

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PS: I know those dogs. They ran the construction company I worked for. A couple of dumbass bitches if you ask me.

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How much pot did that 1/2 naked cowboy smoke at sunrise with his coffee? If someone insults me, I just ask them a question to turn things around. For example:

"Where's your mask?!?"

"With my Lone Ranger costume. Why do you ask? Is it Lone Ranger Day in town? I didn't get the memo."

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

When all this stupid mask garbage started, I often talked to the young guys who sack groceries and told them that it was like the old days that robbers used masks to stick'm up--to rob. They were amused and I still never wore the masks. & we were all being robbed, huh.

Stick'im up folks. I do like the Lone Ranger costume comment tho.

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Loretta: I got kicked out of two stores in town for not wearing a mask. I bought one of those "Mask Exemption" cards and wore it on a lanyard around my neck.

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Now even NYC is starting to re-think their masking policy.

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

So they finally got broke.

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Criminals like to cover their faces. Who knew?

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Brilliant reply🤣

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

Is that a cockatiel? That little sidestep elicits a big smile from me. Do you know where that joyful place is? Sounds like somewhere in Central America.

How are you feeling? I hope better.

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cockatiel yes, that is what that cutie is. So fancy.

It seems I call all of those parrots. :-/

Agree, certainly not in the US

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OK. Parrot or cockatiel. It is adorable. If birds weren't so messy I wouldn't mind having one. Of course, the cats find me and the birds probably wouldn't be good housemates. As to the location, I think I would like to be there.

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yes I like fun people

I like people having fun and not trying to impress others. Hard to find those but we are the boss of the discussion and when to get up and go....


My two cornish rex kitties would LOVE to have a bird or two in the house.

We had a bumble bee in the house last summer and the kitties really enjoyed it.

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Somehow I forgot to include that indeed I am feeling better, right on schedule.

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Oh, good. Glad to hear. Now I just read about the "death of substack". What's your take on that?

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Seems alive and kickin' to me. Where did you read this article?

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It was Reinette Senum's foghorn express. With a title like that, she couldn't be wrong. LOL

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

What a great vibe you have Commander! I like your style!!

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Glad you enjoyed the post!

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

My husband and I just purchased a 40-acre homestead about 225 miles NE of Phoenix. So excited to be back to living a self-sufficient life in the boonies.

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CindyArizona: Isn't that "Tremors" country?

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LOL, the town in Tremors was Perfection, Nevada. I’m safe. Except maybe from aliens.

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Cindy: LOL at a town called "Perfection, Nevada." That is hilarious!

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

Cindy, im am AZ native, trying to figure out where that would be - Payson area?

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Jun 18Liked by SimulationCommander

In Apache County. About 125 miles NE of Payson.

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