Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Awesome videos!! Animals are endlessly fascinating, especially the babies!! 😍

Here's what made me happy this week: I live in a very, very small town (actually not "in" the town, a couple of miles down the road from "the intersection"). Driving up to the grocery store, there were American flags in front of every house and every business. The businesses with longer storefronts had multiple flags. I smiled and smiled and thanked God I live here, with normal people. If you hear a siren, you're worried about your neighbors. My mailbox was broken and three people offered to fix it. Everybody has a gun and knows how to use it. Nobody cares if you can hear loud-ass music in the distance at 3am. I LOVE IT!! ❤❤❤

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Ahhh baseball, can’t beat it ! Americana! I don’t see one trans .

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SC - Another laugh filled pawsitivity post, keep it up Kid.

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Sep 4Liked by SimulationCommander


Link Above: Video: Adolph Hitler calls Kamala Harris.

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Sep 4Liked by SimulationCommander

superheated ball and aloe - science.

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No wonder a fresh piece of aloe instantly stops the pain of a burn!

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Sounded like my house on chili night! 🤣

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Kamala soon be singin' gospel, doncha know.

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Sep 4Liked by SimulationCommander

The chipmunk got me. 🤣

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Sep 4Liked by SimulationCommander

Stewie, I'd feed the chipmunks peanuts when I went hiking in the North Cascades. The chipmunks loved them.

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Sep 4Liked by SimulationCommander

I believe you, it's just that face it makes where it seems to be thinking "Hold up, that was way too tasty. Am I going to die? If I don't die soon, I'm going to shove the rest of these things in my flabby cheeks for my brood of ingrates." Something about its face reminded me of the first time my daughter tried potato chips. Like something existed in the world that was just too good to be true.

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Come on man, that one video should have "when faced with adversity, some might duck and run..." As a sadistic punster this opportunity was denied.

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The spelling and pronunciation lesson might be the a perfect demonstration of how rules are arbitrary and capricious. Just remember, a number of people got together and decided this is how the words were pronounced and spelled.

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It makes me really glad English was my first language because if I didn't already know it, it would make no sense.

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I tell my tutoring kids that all the time! Wish I could find the source of that video. It's a hoot, and my two (now adult) homeschooled kids would love it.

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Proof of how silly English spelling is. I blame the Norman conquest and the French.

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I guess they got their goat...just kidding.

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Oh gosh, and I forgot!!!! Cindi's pup 🐶 Nisa is so adorable. I love little white puffy pups💋💋💋💋

She is a cutie🥰🥰

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I realllllllly enjoyed this post today on the Tuesday that is a Monday for some...

The english lesson was very reminiscent to my very own experience when I came to the US as a second grader speaking only dutch and french. I actually thought the differences and inconsistencies were quite a fun thing. I was always crappy at Math, but spelling and writing were very easy from the start. so funny

I love that beach kitty. Cute hat and all. awwwww

The baby nigerian dwarrf goat was so adorable I watched it three times. Awwwww so cute. I just love how they trot and jump around.

Good thing? uhm... well, nothing bad happened. .... well, not toooo bad, just, a bit okay.

Hubbs had surgery last Tuesday on his eye (glaucoma) not horrible or gory,. I have to drive him around which is okay. Wednesday morning we had to get up really freaking early to get out there for a 8:00 am appointment. I stayed in the car and he went into that tiny crowded office for the post op check (all went well) and mean time, I had the car turned off but left my lights on (it was foggy and rainy) so by the time he came out, by battery was dead. I was very disgusted with myself for leaving the headlights on. We have a road plan with our insurance and we called for a jump start. The guy showed up in about 30 minutes and he was so kind. My hubbs even got out of the car again to assist and everything, one day post op! I would have been in the car whining but anyway.

We went today for the one week check this morning and I kept the car running.

okay, now everyone knows. As my dear old mom would say "Are we having fun yet?"

correction idea: "ya betta thank a union membah"

She sounds like Oblamer through and through and people are buying this.

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That english clip took me back to fourth grade and our long-suffering teacher trying to teach us the lisp sounds of words such as "three" and "the". Swedish doesn't really have those and english was nowhere near as prevalent as it is today. Not to mention getting us to understand the different cadence that english have. Flat, up or down note at the end of a sentence denoting different meanings? Not having the tone move up and down like a sine-curve all the time? Madness!

Positive, eh? Record harvest of apples this year. Been firing up the iron stove and put both our Saft-Maja* to use. So far, ca 20 Liters pure apple juice. In a few days, we'll add honey and sugar and yeast, and a dab of a mix of the following: fresh rhubarb-juice, cinnamon, ginger, and raisins, all to flavour it while it ferments for four weeks. Then sieving and filtering and gently heating it to just below 55C (131F), skimming off any foam, and then bottling it for four weeks in the dirt cellar.

Ca 5% alcohol/volume, though you won't taste it. Can be had ice cold with food, or piping hot after a day of skiing or skating.

* Swedish name for steam juicer, because the first commercial model was named "Maja" (diminutive of Maria, Maja also means "dressing the Maypole" or "bedecking with fresh Spring birch-branches").

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Send me some! It sounds wonderful!!! What is it called?

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I don't think it has any special name - we call it either "äpplemjöd" or "äppelmust": apple-mead and apple-brew.

I'm no pro-brewer or anything, I've dabbled my way forward, testing and trying different ideas. Bananas plus strawberries weren't any success, despite being so strong in alcohol the fermentation stopped on its own when the booze-content killed the yeast. The taste was sugar-boozy-slimy, like you wanted to scrape your tongue afterwards.

Made for excellent bait for flies and wasps and such though.

The different spellings of apple: äpple/äppel are due to the original spelling of apple in Swedish: apel. Which one is used is largely a case of age, dialect of origin and which letter follows äpple/äppel in a compound word.

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Dutch: appel

German apfel

french: pomme. hahaha haha

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Thanks, Rikard! That was really interesting!

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thank you for sharing this Rikard.

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Sep 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Thats one cool quat...

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Sep 3Liked by SimulationCommander

That super heated ball thing looks like something from Alien. Hey pal, learning Russian is easier. Bet, net, yet, set, pet, nyet...see, all the same. Never met a beach cat.

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Sep 3Liked by SimulationCommander

Really good ones this week, SimCommander -thanks!

I fed an almond to a chipmunk on my deck several years ago. He absolutely loved it, and stayed in my yard , eating almonds, for the rest of his days. More chipmunks joined the food fest. I am now the proud owner of a fine herd of six almond-eating chipmunks, all of whom think I’m their mom!

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Gbill7, Now you just have to teach the chipmunks to sing and you'll be rich.

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My friend hand feeds Douglas Squirrels and Stellar Jays. He knows the regulars by sight and has named them all. He feeds a mix of peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

I love it when people have wild friends!

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I love chipmunks. They are so cute. Many many years ago at a former house, we had an adorable family living under our front stoop. they came out one day, mom dad and about five tiny kids. It was the cutest thing everrrrr. I think my daughter made a video which is ?? somewhere, and we were peering out the window, next to us were my kitties, they were salivating.

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Kittehs is why I don't have cute little friends.

It's hard enough to keep them off the small chickens.

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yes. Mine remain indoors. they are pure breed cornish rex. Very silly kitties

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You've unlocked the code!

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