SC - Thanks the Bonnie update, that's a "git me in there now or else" look.

"Fentanyl supply chains bringing deadly drugs into" ROF - If only they were so concerned about opioid & vaccine supply chains.

"it's the state vs you" LMAO - they never needed probable cause, consent or a warrant to spy on you. Third party "subs" do it for them willingly in exchange for antitrust protection... https://youtu.be/5IsSpAOD6K8?

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I think you are missing an important point. Just yesterday I was reading about the latest "crisis" in healthcare, as supply chain issues are making some prescription drugs scarce. Apparently pharma companies are having trouble keeping up with demand. At the same time the Cartels are having no problem keeping the supply chain of illegal drugs flowing like a firehose. So clearly we need some cross-training!

The sarcasm is strong with this one, Obiwan.

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I am proud to report that my Representative— Andy Harris (R-MD)—was not one of these contemptible Quislings.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by SimulationCommander

You should always entertain the possibility that if your Rep is the one that determines if a bill passes, he may well be one of the "contemptible Quislings". I am not suggesting that he is one, but many bills have passed just barely, like this one. Not likely a coincidence. I'm sure many felt betrayed by the Speaker on this vote. If your Rep were the speaker...

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Sometimes in "games" tis easy to vote one way or the other in any given situation to present ones supposed disposition, but we all ought know - dc is swampland worthless.

For example, lets say you know already how the vote tally is going to end - so just to make a pretend stance of Justice you vote against the majority with a wink in you eye - well let me suggest Justified Retribution can see through trickery miles away.

Moreover and furthermore - I sense bereft and weary tiredness for trickery upon humanity and likewise sense that there is going to be hell to pay when Justified Retribution is delivered with discrimination.

Not kidding around.

At the end of the day - can we agree upon this?

Thee shall reap what thee sows.


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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Liked by SimulationCommander

If the 1st Amendment were to be voted on today, you would get the exact outcome!

We cannot be saved :(

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I saw a poll that reported 82% think only Americans should vote it national elections. We are really too far gone.

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Apr 13Liked by SimulationCommander

I never had much hope for Mike Johnson. I am curious about the strategy with the two year rather than five year renewal. What really is the game? I suppose you could be right about it being another weapon against Trump, but it feels like there has to be something bigger that we're missing.

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A 5-year renewal would put it beyond a Trump presidency -- now he can expose the system if he wins. (Not much hope there, but it's a possibility) It will be interesting to see if the Democrats flip-flop or find some other excuse to continue to support the domestic MIC.

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Congress is just a sack of festering hog cunts.

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Yeah, tell us what you really think of them.

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Short and to the point.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

GamerGate 2.0 puzzled me. Why should the Alphabet, Canadian, Israeli and UK intelligence get involved in a mud wrestling contest with a bunch of nerds outside the You Tube bar and grill?

But now we have entities trying to hide their involvement with cancel culture, being traced back to spook funding and agendas, They are being exposed as spam botting social media, but why?

I cannot but help but see that within a few weeks of a Brazilian account starting this whole rejection of social engineering (withing gaming, FFS), suddenly the Brazillians are gunning for Elon. There are some heavy coicidences going on here if this is not related.

Why is it related? Fuck if I know. Although a friend of mine opined that there is a certain amount of recruitment of the Alphabets from gaming. Cicada is likely a case in point. All I know is a lot is going down all over the board and nobody can follow everything. Right now this rabbit hole is supplying some interesting details. The over the top reaction of the companies to the rightful criticism of a shitty looking game is baffling and has grown into a rabbit hole of it's own.

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"I cannot but help but see that within a few weeks of a Brazilian account starting this whole rejection of social engineering (withing gaming, FFS), suddenly the Brazillians are gunning for Elon. There are some heavy coicidences going on here if this is not related."

This is what I'm writing about next :)

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

I'm looking forward to it, thank you.

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

I just wanted to add, the Brazillian gamers name is Kabrutus. The game that earned the opprobrium was Suicide Squad/Kill the Justice League. I'm not a gamer. I'm a free speech autist but I was horrified that there was a scene of a micturition over the dead body of a character. That passed muster? That's OK if is the object of your 2 minute hate? The attempts to circumvent conversation caught my eye.

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The whole Sweet Baby Ink-detected thing has been wonderful to try and follow, what with them trying to sue Youtube-channels for reporting on it and for using materials publicly available from SBI's homepage.

Bummer for SBI that WDW Pro and That Park Place has lawyers on call.

And the Gina Carano vs Disney case - ooopsie daisy! Disney's latest attempt is claiming that her suit infirnges on Disney's First Amendment rights, the same play they tried with Florida.

Seeing as how they are using the same lawfirm as Harvey Weinstein, and that his old assistant - good friend to Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger both - I've been doomsday prepping popcorn and soda!

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I just love those Weinstein connections, especially as they are trying to spin this as a follow up to GG and MeToo. I'm glad Musk is in the Carano corner with serious FU money.

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I haven't even really looked into the gaming aspect of it, just the outing of the program and the response.

The game is supposed to be a 'bad guys' version of a DC game, and pissing on the corpse of your opponent seems like exactly the type of thing they'd put in. :/

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Apr 13Liked by SimulationCommander

Many were set off by killing Batman execution style. Me personally, I found the pissing much more disturbing. That is when your fellow human is no longer human. Even Grand Theft Auto has never slunk to such depravity.

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Well yeah, you're playing as a psychotic group of mass killers. It's still something only an 8th grader would think was edgy, though.

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

It'd be nice if there was a constitutional amendment saying that congress cannot have carveouts or other special treatment in law.

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Then you'd have to throw out the entire law book

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I'll volunteer to dispose of all 14,000 odd pages.

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I'm there right with you.

"The more numerous the laws; the more corrupt the State"


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For being a little annal he certainly had some insights! A shame he isn't read more... other than having to learn a lot of names in a hurry he really is a good writer. He and Caesar both have a really modern style (or a good style modern readers won't hate).

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

As an American, I don't care if DC says it's "national security " or they defused mass attacks, or prevented nuclear attacks. The gov, and anyone for that matter, must get a warrant.

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Apparently, no they don’t

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None of these people became politicians so they could serve the American people. Not even one.

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Despicable. Just a product of the selection/election process. The lawmakers really are a mirror image of those selectors/electors.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Oh come on... don't we always hear, "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about?" lol. It amazes me how many people who say they don't have *anything* to hide. I don't know one person who doesn't want privacy of some kind. But, the "powers" are sure working hard on convincing the younger generations that every single aspect of their lives should be in the public eye and visible to all. Up to, and including their bodies and every part of their bodies. It's disgusting. Just like everything else the government sticks it's nose in... it starts small and before long....

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"if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about?"

My perennial reply to that one remains:

"Sure, if we make all financial records public information in a searchable free database. That, plus all criminal records too. Deal?"

Usually does the trick, making people think a little. Except politicians, they start raving about transparency being a Threat To Our Democracy.

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Only problem..as per the FBI, give me the person and I can find the crime..in other words they will create a crime to bring people down. This is straight from their training academy

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No arguement there - it is always, in the end, a question of ethics; character, as per the original Aristotelian meaning.

For some, all actions have a price-threshold. For others, some actions are always beyond the pale no matter what they are offered.

How a society looks and develops hinges in part on which kind dominates the other.

(Sorry, don't mean to sound like a smugliacci-Besserwisser - it's just that I have no /good/ solution, only variations of bad ones.)

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Yet every FOIAed email we're able to see is redacted to the point of absurdity.....

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

The tables need to turn. Radical transparency for any government activity or action. And plain language not legal bullshit. And one thing at a time. Omnibus isn’t governance. It’s called a rubber stamp for the administrative state. The American people need to know where their money is going.

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They are transparent - Israel and the Ukraine

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Future historians, (in the unlikely event there ARE any), are going to pick a date, sometime after January 06, 2021, and say, "That's the day we threw out that old fashioned piece of fiction they used to call the US Constitution."

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The day the Republic died:

April 15, 1865

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2020 Andy

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Jan 6 may be a useful date but perhaps the Republic has been gone for much longer, perhaps since 1963. What if all our Presidents since were vetted save one? Just a hypothesis

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Bonnie "getting bigger"? You mean she's not full grown? Or that's a small window?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Author

Oh no, she was only a few months old when we first came across her last December. My best guess is now she's about a year and half. It's only been the last few weeks where I could see her 'adultness' starting to peek through.

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Two years is when they reach their apogee according to all the kitties I've had in the past 50 or so years. They told me so. OK, crazy cat lady here.

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Ok, understand now. After a year or so, is when their legs get longer, and the body slims down. Losing the baby fat, become sleeker.

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Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

The roll calls for the various votes today are at https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/index.asp

Since they weren't on party lines, it actually might be surprising, how your rep. voted on the amendments and the bill..

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Jayapal and all 4 of the Squad members were yeas on the Biggs amendment.

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Not the Reps in my state...no surprise at all. Solid Blue as usual

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I don't even have to look at NM.

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Yep. They all voted Y.

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Quelle surprise! as we say in Espanola.

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Anybody got a Billy Strings Doc Watson clue?

In the hills forested in Appalachia - we do.

So know that.

Eff dc - swamp creatures evident and proven.

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can anybody provide details on this amendment - but I sure appreciate the link above transparent one can hope - but hope....what do "they" say - springs eternal? In dc I'm sure that is what they hope - anyhow - here is the amendment consideration:


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That page is a full list of Lee's activity, which amendment are we talking about?

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This is the "one" I was referring to - most indicative if I must say:


H.R.7889 - To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to increase grants to combat domestic violence for States that implement domestic violence prevention training in the cosmetologist and barber licensing process, and for other purposes.


So they are worried about domestic violence on the cosmetologist and barbers?

Did I read correct - really - "eff me" on that and remind me if you can - why the fuck do we even have a dc? Seems like they are lost in making rules for us and that the founders find offensive - I do as well - I feel them rolling in their graves and even the folks here from the get-go - they are sick of dc as well - sick of the lies like we all are - the ones of us with a few brain cells left - you fuckers.

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Too many rules ruin everything is a truism

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tis up to you figure that out - I just picked one out random!

Frankly at the end of the day I could give a gnats bit wit tid bit bout what they do in dc - cause I know already - tis swampland there - of little value - and full of debt that ain't mine nor yours brother.

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the effing devil is in the details but evidence is evidence and the evidence is proven - dc is swampland no doubt - damn near worthless I reckon being I'm a hillbilly from Appalachia.

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"Hey Mr. Johnson, have a look at this confidential dossier we have compiled on you. Now let's have a chat about your FISA vote..."

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The FISA court issues warrants

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It’s funny that this is the response after mine, because this is sort of what I’m talking about. Obviously what you’re saying is possible and absolutely does happen sometimes, but a useful idiot is always, always better than a paid/blackmailed shill. It’s not hard to sway someone without strong principles (virtually a prerequisite to being a politician in the current system), heck, the propaganda on “national security” issues like this has been unrelenting for decades now so people WITH strong principles and everything to lose in reality by things like FISA truly think it’s necessary.

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Sure, maybe he fell for the patriotism schtick. I believe the acronym is MICE: Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego. All we know is that he was played, one way or another.

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I hear that surreptitiously recorded cat juggling videos may also play a role.

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Definitely. It just seems likely that you could sway a lot of people by bringing them in and scaring the crap out of them by showing them all the terror organizations that our intelligence services are funding… oops, I meant tracking!

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"Here's your complimentary photo of the JFK assassination, from an angle nobody's seen before........"

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by SimulationCommander

Would you like a cup of tea? That's a nice daughter you got there, shame if something happened...We like to think we are past Richelieu and Boss Tweed, but they seem to still walk among us.

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I think what’s horrifying and what I always think is likely (supported by what you write here and countless other examples), is that sometimes people like to think that guys like Johnson got bought and now he’s part of the Deep State or something, but fact is, he’s an average politician. Person with great communication skills, an inflated sense of importance, and merely average to above average intellect. Of course he’s bought too, but he was bought before he ever even campaigned for office. He probably did have a meeting with the intelligence community and they gave him the song and dance. And several of the “theys” who made the pitch probably actually believe that song and dance, making it all the more effective.

Then there’s no accountability because there’s no one to hold accountable. We get to vote for shapeshifting avatars. Thanks political parties! (Shouldn’t ballots for Congressional seats be dozens of not hundreds of candidates deep? Insert the Carlin routine about variety of junk food versus politicians…)

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It’s such a charade that we have any sort of representative government let alone democracy. We’re not even allowed to know what they are doing. It’s supposed to be them that works for us. Anyone believe that happens in any way shape or form?

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