Holy shit they took down Biden's Philadelphia speech! "This video is private"

That was a presidential speech linked directly from an official news account. Now just down the memory hole.

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DePape is going to trial in November. I looked him up after coming back to this post. See https://www.courthousenews.com/november-trial-set-for-paul-pelosi-attack-suspect/

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Oh, thanks for the update!

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Lonely David was a victim of love. He was only looking for a threesome to play Maxwell's Silver Hammer with and the alleged female part of the threesome was out of town. I am sure the media will do its best to completely shut down the story. It's clear that FJB believes that no one should talk about it.

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The Pelosi saga is beyond belief. The entire incident is Bizarre. Had Mr Pelosi not required medical attention, I can see the police finding a way to make it disappear. The statements now arriving seem less than credible. A bit too obvious as they trot a deranged man off to jail.

Depape is clearly no right wing guy and his blog entries seem constructed. Does he even have access to a computer? And it's a long walk to Pelosi's house although possible. Using a hammer to beat on a reinforced sunroom door, breaking it, and somehow crawling in. A 911 call from a bathroom. One hammer, a struggle, hands on a door handle. I find little to believe and more of the "nothing to see here, move along" as the spin is going full tilt.

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Don't forget the constant screaming of "FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS!" whenever people wonder if maybe the 'leaders' are lying about this just like they lie about everything else.

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The Pelosi story seems to have vanished pretty quickly.

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"Shut up, Resident Shit Britches!!!"

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It's funny that you connected Chicago to the Pelosi story. Being from Chicago, the first thought I had about it was that this is Jussie Smollet on steroids. To this day I have this raw feeling anytime I think about how they actually thought their story was believable to Chicagoans. - " Berkely, the only place less Maga country on Earth than Chicago"

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The recent line from Biden when he stood up, surrounded by law enforcement, and said about "brave right-wing Americans": "Who are they shooting at? They're shooting at these guys behind me."

That was a level of inciting hatred that I don't remember hearing from any previous president.

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WTF I missed that, do you have a link?

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He's so annoying! 😠

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The "Pelosi story" needs a good tabloid headline. How about: "Midnite tryst with SF gay prostitute ends badly. Police called, Pelosi allegedly injured. Political coverup ensues."

OK, so maybe the headline doesn't exactly match the real story, but the "liberal" media does this all the time. Fair is fair... :)

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As someone who lives around a lot of so-called "Republicans" (more libertarian than Republican), I'm still looking for all of this violence we are always told is coming from anyone right of Stalin these days. I'm sorry, I just don't see it. I do see a lot of people who work hard for their money and I see some Grandmas with American flag bumper stickers. But I'm still not seeing these "violent extremists" everywhere. Where are they? They aren't in any of these "blue" cities either because if they were, they'd be on the news every night wouldn't they? If someone could please point out a *legitimate* "far right wing violent extremist" I would sure appreciate it. I love to hate evil people just as much as the next person, but unlike the so-called fake "left", I hate *all* evil violent people no matter what so-called "side" they are on.

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I've been wondering where they are too! And where are the Republicans that are trying to take rights away? That's another one they can't verify with facts!

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As with racism, the demand vastly exceeds the supply.

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1) Simulation Commander... do you sleep?

2) On a not nice note, if you could choose one politician and verbally blast them to their face, who would you choose?

My choice would be this diabolical scheming Fauxminist who is an embarrassment to women “our age.” Has she ever been truthful?

I would relish the opportunity to verbally dissect her.

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1) I'm a west coaster and a night owl. I usually get to bed around the time the early risers on the east coast are rising. Today I slept until almost noon (still trying to shake this darn cold!) 😴😴😴

2) I'd probably have to go with Jay Inslee, simply because he was the single person who most negatively affected most of the people I know.

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Sounds like our commander needs a vacation. I find a long walk in the forest helps restore my balance. And meditation can be very helpful for those without the time or energy to get out of town for a while.

I take great pleasure in imagining the agony Hiliary must endure. And Nancy. And whoever controls Joe. But I don't worry about them much. They're clowns in a clown car, dangerous if you get in front of them, but easily avoided. My main worry is the millions who avidly revere and support the clowns -- they're our problem, and should be the focus of our defenses. When Hiliary is psychotic, it's not a problem. When half the country copies her psychoses, that can become a problem, and needs to be confronted and dealt with. It begins in one week. But we can't take the expected victory as a happy ending. It's just one battle in an ongoing war. We must remain focused and prepared for continued combat. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

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Censorship just turned to condemn. They lie, I bitch, I get condemned. Wow

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Well, I do believe we are providing saucerfuls of entertainment for the 👽's that 'they' claim are already here on 🌍 living amongst us.

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I had a weird random thought last night about this and want to throw out a weak prediction that he will be given a bunch of money and/or no jail time for delivering some sort of prepared statement embracing MAGA Republicanism, whereafter any recantations will be the product of chronic mental illness.

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I personally think you can't allow a crazy person to walk around saying God knows what to God knows who.

But maybe I've just seen too many movies.

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