Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Amid all the jubilation over the fall of the Berlin wall it never occurred to anyone that our rulers would take East Germany as a role model.

But that's apparently what happened.

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

No. They will hate us no matter what.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

They’re working on it……

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

bin laden won

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Hard to read his correspondence at the time and not agree.


The key to understanding Bin Laden’s use of terrorism is that he never saw terror as the end goal, nor did he believe that the West would be defeated by terrorism. Rather, Bin Laden saw terrorism as a means to provoke the West into retaliating and attacking the Muslim nations which were perceived as safe havens of terrorists. Once engaged in these armed conflicts, Bin Laden predicted that the mounting costs and dead soldiers would be unpalatable for the Western public, and that the West will have turned the majority of Muslims worldwide against it by waging bloody wars of attrition in Muslim nations. These factors would then combine to force the West into humiliating withdrawals.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

I agree, but I think there's even more to the idea that the response (War on Terror) would change the very nature of the US. States at war often become illiberal, so what happens when you engage in a war that, by its very nature, lasts forever (similarly- the War on Poverty, War on Drugs, the War on Racism)? I'm starting to think the intelligence agencies really were behind 9/11 based on everything that has followed.

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And what happens to that huge war apparatus when the wars wind down? Do they just pack up and go home, or do they look for other targets?

You see this a lot with police forces in places that legalized weed -- you're not gonna disband that whole unit, so you go looking for something else to focus on instead. (In many cases 'human trafficking')


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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

exactly! If you aren't looking at all these large movements through the eyes of bureaucratic agencies, you're not seeing the full picture. It's always about survival and growth of the institution whatever mission creep is required. The war on terror has just shifted to the war on domestic political opponents.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

basically that's what happened to the LBG movement after gay marriage was legalized. The "TQ+" had to hitch a ride to the movement and its money.

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I assume your last sentence is sarcasm, bc, ya think?

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I've refused to believe it before, but now...who knows.

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May be an open question whether Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11.

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How interesting, because I just came across this...........


9/11: Bin Laden's role in al-Qaida exaggerated

The United States — in a rush to hold someone accountable — oversimplified its views of Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida terrorist organization, based in part on misleading court records, poor translations and an inadequate understanding of al-Qaida’s history, according to a University of California, Davis, professor who has listened to audiocassettes from bin Laden’s personal library.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Thanks for that.

I think the official story on 9/11 is as questionable as official stories about many events going back decades.

Bin Laden, I understand, was killed in the raid depicted in Zero Dark Thirty. Apparently his body was dumped at sea.

In other words he was summarily executed before being brought before a legal proceeding where he might have been able to give his side of the story, if he had one.

Similar to the fate of a certain ex-Marine accused of a monstrous crime in the Lone Star State.

No man, no problem, as Uncle Joe said.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

maybe if we find who was behind the pipe bombs in DC on 1/6, it will help us know who was behind 9/11.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Here's a concise summary.


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Was he the mastermind or just a figurehead?

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I wouldn't presume to know.

My point is that I am increasingly skeptical of official stories about everything.

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It is fully possible to be both.

To his fellow moslems, he was very much a leader (dep. on specific islamic school, tribal affiliation and so on) - to his US allies (such as the Bush family among others, the Bin Laden-clan being very much integrated in US business ventures) he may well have seemed a puppet or a figurehead.

It is even possible that he started out as someone they let act as magnet for other militant moslems, in order to have an easier time checking up on them.

And then a secret service starts infiltrating by having the infiltrator roleplay as someone with access to resources and intel.

And then the group gains the ability to start conducting operations, and the handlers back at HQ tells the agent(s) infiltrating to keep tabs and be on the lookout for "something biG".

And on and on the cycle spins until you get something that's beyond the pale, just too big.

And then the bosses of the intel agencies involved is stuck with the option of standing trial for high treason, or:

Spin the event to their advantage.

Point being: you don't need an "operation: Grand Slam"-masterplan worthy of a Blofeld or Goldfinger, you just need intelligence agencies doing their things, year after year, decade for decade, one step following logically from the next one.

Which is even more horrifying than clandestine conspiracies (to me, anyway).

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Jun 23·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

I would be more worried if they weren’t making a concerted effort to get rid of anybody competent. It’s like one big DEI project writ large and is going to have all the fun and uselessness that goes with it.

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That's the part about taking over HR. Suddenly you are hiring based on 'brand' loyalty and not competence. It doesn't take a genius to realize what happens next.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

that's how Stalin rose to the top of his party, by controlling who got hired

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Yeah it's not like this is new at all. We could probably go through every single major 'event' and find a very similar one in the past. Once you control the 'justice', it becomes quite easy to 'legally' take our your political opponents.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

true. Jan 6 was clearly modeled after the Rheichstag Fire.

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Look at the military. They are starting to figure out how hard it is to have a competent fighting force when you can’t find anyone who can handle a rifle or lug sandbags around. “You and what army?”

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"They/them" doesn't move sandbags. Ug.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

So then they re-institute the draft. Including girls. Ridiculous.

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Yes! Draftees make such great soldiers!

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

Yeah...Bud Light comes to mind

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Sadly, Boeing comes to mind. :(

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When an HR administrator takes a c-level position at a tech company you have shares in, sell at your earliest opportunity. I've witnessed the destruction personally. Accountants and HR administrators with zero engineering or tech experience were put on earth to desroy shareholder value. They have no idea how to manage motivated techies.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Exactly! And to describe it, it's as though someone in the matrix, combined 1984 & Idiocracy into a documentary, and made it their play book 😳 And as much as it pains me to say, even the medical establishment has been co-opted. Just spent a week of up close experience with what used to be a really great hospital we've been going to for decades, and it's blatantly obvious who the minority is, on both sides of the desk.

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me, too

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Terrorism is defined as "...a mode of government by terror or intimidation..."

-- isn't that what our government is doing to those who criticize it? Is our own government guilty of terrorism?

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Video I didn't have room for in this article --


WOW: Not only did the DOJ arrest whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim after exposing the Texas Children’s Hospital secret transgender surgery program — but they also sent FBI agents to intimidate nurses who spoke out.

This is very suspicious. What exactly is going on in that hospital?

Edit: As always, remember that talking to the police/FBI never works out for you. They are not there to help you. The proper response is always "Come back with a warrant."

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This is another example of unnecessary martyrdom when time will solve the problem. Haim and that nurse each should have found employment elsewhere, and let the tide of mutilated children and forever-ruined adults rise and drown this idiotic new medical fad.

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in other words. f88k 'em. i agree

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No, I'm not saying fuck them. I'm saying choose your battles. The kids being murdered by their parents are higher up on my priorities list.

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... don't forget the weaponized IRS - Obama's Director Lois Lerner said "sic 'em" to her attack dogs on those who gave $ to campaigns/candidates outside the selection fix -(2010). Yep - and they still walk free - free to execute their laws and their citizens as they see fit. The only solution is to punish people in government who violate the law. When government betrays the needs of its people its no longer their government it is their enemy.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Our only hope is that they keep escalating their orwellian BS until it finally breaks the mind-glaze of the sheeple.

That's what seems to be happening with the gender lunacy. They got over-confident and pushed too far, too fast. Now it seems serious push-back is beginning.

Hopefully, they will not learn a lesson and instead double-down on their pschopathic need for control until they crash and burn.

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Exactly. When a term encompasses a majority of people, it stops meaning anything. I like to joke that whatever time they spend 'surveilling' me is wasted, because I will always advocate legal resistance -- and by the time the non-legal resistance starts, I'll be the last of their worries.

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Jun 23Liked by SimulationCommander

I ain't even read your post past the first sentences.

But, from other reading, absolutely agree...the DHS are not our friends. Now, or in the event of a catastrophic SHITF event.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Excellent post. It still amazes me that somehow we are supposed to believe that little old ladies and children waving Amerikan flags and bikers going to a BBQ and getting drunk while talking about the state of this country are somehow domestic terrorists. We are also supposed to believe that if people burn down cities, murder, rape, and loot in the name of someone's skin color or their sexual preference that's just "fiery, but mostly peaceful." I often mention that I don't get involved in choosing a "great leader" and stay out of all of that divisiveness. That being said, most of the people living around me (and there's a lot of them) loves them some Trump. I have *never* seen or heard any of them do anything but take care of their kids, celebrate life a bit louder than I would like, and have BBQs where massive amounts of "unapproved" meat products are consumed at a frenzied rate. If I was in a pickle and needed to call on someone to help me, I would choose a "Trump Supporter" ("domestic terrorist, far right wing extremist") over one of these *real* domestic terrorists any day.

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Yesterday we literally had people chasing down Jews and attacking them, but since the attackers are from THAT religion, there's no blabbering about hate crimes or throwing them in prison for decades.


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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Stasi gonna Stasi?

That's where my mind went, anyway. To Stasi.

The most efficient, all-encompassing, and best secret police-service there ever was.

Best meaning good at their job.

Not good for people, not even the people.

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Exactly. And this group of secret police has tools the Stasi couldn't even dream of.

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In other news, Louisiana wanting to prove they like losing elections just as much as Alabama does, has just mandated the posting of the Ten Commandments in every public school, and Texas has just said "great idea!"

Republicans just never ever fail to remind independents and moderate/conservative leaning Democrats why Republicans can't be trusted in office. When it should not really be a challenge to defeat a miserable piece of aged garbage like Biden after four years of the worst Administration ever, they're gonna make it as hard as can possibly be contrived.

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The GOP: Bravely fighting the battles of 1824.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Lol! And on purpose, so they can pontificate they are "doing something", all while doing their part to support the swamp in their role as the "conservative" wing of the Uniparty.

Let me add that the gop is still preferable to the delusionally psychopathic wing of the Uniparty known as the dems.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

By writing ineffective "sternly worded letters!"

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lol, like

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We just needed them to control themselves for a few more months. But hey. The leader of their party ain't gonna teach them that!

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I am sick of the "anti abortion/pro abortion crap. most of the free world believes that pregnancy termination in the first trimester is acceptable.. I worked for years for PP when it was 'reasonable" I ran a pregnancy termination clinic as a part of that service My docs were one Catholic one Quaker and one curmudgeon ..no one died.. no one went crazy. there is a middle ground.... once we reach that we are free to concentrate on other things

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And that's basically where the entire world has ended up. But suddenly any restriction on abortion is an affront to Mother Gaia.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that about every policy being pushed by those who think people are the problem results in fewer people actually being born.

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Considering that every day in this country a baby or toddler is being tortured and/or murdered by its parent(s), there'd be a lot less prolonged and hideous suffering were people being paid to abort children they are incapable of lovingly caring for.

Harmony Montgomery, I'll keep saying *her* name fer shure. Dad's in prison now and yet her body still hasn't been found. And there are thousands and thousands like her. Better each of them had never been born into months and years of terror and agony.

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I understand the sentiment, but incentivizing abortion is a really really bad idea.

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What do you mean, "no one died"?? Those were not "potential" human beings any more than you were when you were first conceived - millions of little tiny humans murdered! And maybe even a small portion of the perpetrators of the abortions actually may have gone a bit crazy after realizing the error of their "choice"-

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

nope. not even... people like you never ever ever have to terminate a pregnancy. not even if it kills you or someone you love like your daughter. or granddaughter..that would be your choice. to have that person die .. however modern medicine does not allow that we let women die from pregnancy if we can help it. I have seen avid never abortion people change their minds when it affected them or a loved one. but that is not my point.. my point is that people like you who say NO to all abortion. and those who say "up until birth" are exactly the same.. and as long as that is the main platform ..we will never achieve other important things

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That is by design I think. They are trying to reduce down ballot success for the GOP. They will start pumping the nationwide abortion ban fear mongering soon, and GOP unipartysts will play along as if such a thing were possible after SCOTUS correctly asserted this is a decision to be made at state level.

They know they can't rig enough to beat Trump so they will install deep state scumbags in Congress.

Just when we think we could not loath both parties any more, they always find a way to turn it up a notch. Hopefully there is special place in Hell for them all.

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We're really in trouble when people think the Ten Commandments are controversial.

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They are controversial.

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I'm sure you can figure it out.

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What I can figure out is loosing the country starts with concessions to liberals. Name one concession they’ve made to anyone? I’m not at all religious, and I think maybe the ultra anti abortion concept is a bigger looser for the right. But that actually affects people. The facts are that nowhere in the constitution does it say you can’t have religion in public. Once again don’t care about religion, just my opinion that we have to fight them on every front that is just.

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I do not fit within labels very well but there is nothing about the concept of liberalism that repels me.

One can as an individual display one's religion in public. Public institutions do not have the right to impose concepts derived from specific religious traditions on the children in public schools.

These battles were fought and decided when I was a kid and fighting them again now is proof that Republicans can never be trusted in office. That Democrats can no longer be trusted either is of course our national tragedy. We ain't got nobody since the Libertarians haven't the least idea how to craft and present a winning platform.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

What the fuck happens if these commies maintain power?

Oh wait...ya'll know the answer.

Ok back to training with my numchucks and Chinese stars...shits about to get real.

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"what it is about military service that gets people who literally risked their lives for America so upset at the US government?"

They took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and it is obvious to all but the most indoctrinated collectivists that the government has become the biggest threat and enemy to the Constitution. This is especially true for the CIA, the world's most pervasive terrorist organization for many decades running.

It is impossible to know if these treasonous, humorless meat puppets working in the alphabet agencies and the state department are aware of the irony of them spewing such destructive and outright insane rhetoric about Americans who merely want their government to abide by the rules and principles clearly stated in our founding covenant. My guess is most understand exactly what they are saying/doing and are simply too psychotic to give a shit. This is a defining characteristic of pathocracy.

On the positive side, it is clear that they are absolutely shitting themselves now that they know a tsunami of consequences is about to hit their once safe shore - because it is, this is not mere hopium, it's coming. The problem we all face is that they will do literally anything to avoid the reckoning, and this very much includes launching WWIII. It is my opinion that the scumlords do not have the football, my evidence being only that they would have pushed the big red button already, but I could easily be wrong. At any rate, they will burn down everything they can, and that is likely a lot before we start building the gallows. Of course, this also means that many minions will start ratting them out, which has probably already been going on for quite some time. But again, this is speculation. We are in for a Hell ride until probably the end of 2025, at least.

Lock and load.

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How many times have you heard some variation of "When I got over there, I saw what we were actually doing......."

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Wars are not fought to be won. They are fought to maximize profits and maximize the nefarious goals of the power seeking psychopaths running the puppet show. If Afghanistan did not make this clear to everyone, nothing will. Combat veterans learned this the hard way. I'd like to think Americans have finally learned, but I also thought that after Vietnam and the first Gulf War.

I suppose we can find a dubious solace knowing that there is no way in Hell the current military has the ability to do anything like the previously mentioned operations; after the Obama/Biden coup d'état they do not have the personnel (numbers, competence/skill and morale levels) to pull off a foreign occupation in large part due to their (Obama admin) own actions.

They DO have the ability to protect the southern border on the other hand, something that is actually needed and would be popularly supported. Imagine having a government that actually served the citizenry.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

I forget if I've already mentioned it here, or if it was somewhere else, but in the late '90s Congress commissioned a report on government secrecy that is actually still worthwhile reading. It's here: https://sgp.fas.org/library/moynihan/

The idea of "secrecy as regulation" is especially useful: how can you effectively oppose government actions of which you know hardly anything?

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

Calling everyone who doesn’t agree with the Holy Church of the State a terrorist is consistent with the authoritarian regime’s destruction of institutions program.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

If the citizen ever be termed as a terrorist, be it known that government claimed the title first.

Two things...The dummy is not the president and that "one on one" thing is really one + one = two...the number of brain cells still possibly functioning in The Dummy's warped brain.

The DHS can go suck an mRNA injected cactus.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - "See, you’re not REPORTING your neighbor, you’re HELPING your neighbor"

"We're all in it together. Be safe be suspicious. Suspicion breeds confidence. It's only a state of mind. Don't suspect a friend, report him."


"And it’s hard to see the lawfare, the censorship, and the threats against the American people without coming to the conclusion that the people terrorizing Americans are mostly in Washington DC."

The real terrorists took control long ago Mr Mulder

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“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”

― Edward Snowden

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

The governments are the enemy of the people. We fear them. They don't fear us.

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Tough to look at the situation and come to any other conclusion.

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Jun 24Liked by SimulationCommander

agre 100%

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