Great stack, just discovered. Can SO relate to it's title!

My latest "scream-piece" is titled "The Remaining 20s: Repentance or Repression?" Pairs well with your American-republic-on-the-brink piece from a week ago.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - "Now for the section that most of you have been waiting for"


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Interesting choice of the use of an old picture of Jeff Bridges given his most recent appearance in that masterful public health commercial “Up the Antibodies.”

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Isn't it in some way a criminal conspiracy to conceal such information, as has been leaked to this Hoffman person?

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1. https://history.house.gov/Oral-History/Events/1954-Shooting/ In 1954 Puerto Rican advocates for independence shot up the floor of the House Chamber wounding a number of House members and employees. I'm astonished this isn't brought to light every time someone denounces half the country as Nazis because of January 6; astonished, but hardly surprised since the J6 fan club is largely restricted to the party that wants to expand the Senate by making Puerto Rico a state.

2. The committee forced indictments and jail sentences on Americans, and now wants to hide the supporting evidence. C'mon, man.

3. With one hand the Biden Administration forced Southwest Airlines to lay off hundreds of employees, and with the other hand wants to fine4 them millions of dollars for struggling with staffing issues. Gimme a break.

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That witch-with-a-B is a large part of what is wrong in DC! I had no idea until a year ago or so that she actually told them how to vote! Threatened them with losing their committee assignments if they didn't vote the way she said to. She and the rest of that bunch of O.F.s.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

SimCom has fed trolls now! On one hand, that means you're relevant. On the other, be mindful about the Eye of Sauron.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Gratifyingly, the Biden tweet is getting ratioed into outer space.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I might be late to the game here, but what is the mainstream opinion on Ray Epps? as far as I can tell, it’s something like “he did direct folks to the capitol, but he is really ashamed and sorry and please stop harrasing him”?

why isn’t he is jail? or did they bring charges?

how did he walk..?

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Hey SC, I posted this on one of your posts a few months back but the post was a week or two old and you probably never saw it.

Has there ever been a reasonable explanation for this as far as you are aware?


tl;dr why is a Ukrainian soldier/intel asset with Viking Guy/QAnon Shaman at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Capital police arrested Ashli Babbit's mom today -- for jaywalking. They're getting desperate.

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I think there are something like 10,000 hours of recordings, etc. Somebody needs to lean on McCarthy to get him to have all of it released if he gets the gavel. That's what Tucker Carlson said and I agree. He suggested something else, too, but I don't remember what it was. No more IRS agents and get our people out of jail get my vote.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

When the Republicans start looking into 1/6, rest assured Ray Eppsteined will no longer be available for questioning

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hah great memes

I am so glad to read Tayler's account of that day. I did not go to the rally, but three of my neighborhood friends went, they were at the Rally listening to President Trump. Then they went towards the Capitol but because of what they saw at the Capitol, they turned and went home. They said it looked like Antifa and BLM thugs. Lots of rough looking thugs

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Until '24, @ least, we should call that border town

" Ill- Eagle Pass, Tx"

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

@simulationcommander On the Washington covid vaccines issue (what did state government know and when?), there are a few people on Twitter I can put you in touch with, if you'd like.

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