This is fantastic. And I am dying laughing at the monkeysphere. This literally just made my week. πŸ˜‚πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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Thanks for re-posting this again on my site. I have still not heard of ONE professional athlete who died from Covid. Of all the professional athletes in the world, there might have been two or three who even had to be hospitalized.

So there is literally zero risk of death from Covid for a professional athlete and the risk of a "severe case" might be 0.00001 percent.

So then the only argument for getting athletes vaccinated would be that they are spreading the virus to people in the community. This is the - "they are going to give it to grandmothers" argument. But how many grandmothers in the community do these people actually have close contacts with?

When do they have time to hang out at the local grocery store? But you make that point with this essay. Of course the risk they will have a serious complication, perhaps death, from the vaccine is probably 1-in-4,000 over their lives.

So they are told they have to swap a 1 in 1 million risk of having a severe case for a 1 in 4000 risk. And baseball is supposed to be full of all these analytics folks!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

So the media is scouring the crevices of the Internet to find bogus connections between every day events and heart attacks without mentioning the comorbidity of a vaccine? I now see why older eastern-blockers Who have lived experience under authoritarian governments are so dour and depressed.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

This is all about FEAR. Lots of money for the few is a happy side benefit. But what they really want is submission of the "underlings" and unfettered power. If I didn't have faith in God, I would be terrified.

Also: On Unreported Truths stack, we've seen many sudden, "unexplained" deaths in the very active, athletic ppl who were jabbed. There are probably many, many more we know nothing about.

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Great back-of-envelope analysis. I tried to make some of the same points in a piece I had published more than two years ago (where I stated with complete confidence that playing sports posed no risk to athletes). In this piece, I note that no healthy athlete was at risk of dying from this virus so really the only argument to cancel sports (and now get vaccinated) might be the "six-degrees-of-separation" argument. Summarized: Well, the quarterback might not get seriously sick and die, but our quarterback might infect some grandmother in the check-out-line at the grocery store after practice (or he will infect his wife, who will go on to infect this grandmother, etc).

Back in July 2020, many pundits were arguing that all sports should be cancelled (some were in some states). Unstated was the fact that even if organized sports were cancelled, these athletes would still interact with just as many people - probably more since they wouldn't be spending four hours a day just around teammates.

Anyway, since we KNOW no athlete faces any real risk from Covid, the real argument to get them vaccinated must deal with people they might interact with outside the football complex. And there's probably no group that has less interaction with the public than college and high school athletes. These athletes are too dang busy and too dang tired to spend all their time loitering in grocery stores or restaurants.

BTW, who was right and who was wrong on the great debate over "Should sports be cancelled?" Me (with my 11th grade science education) or the esteemed experts from Stanford and Michigan who actually cancelled all college sports in the Big 10 and Pac-10 (before rescinding their decision)?

How could I know more than the Dean of Science at Stanford? Well, it was easy.


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And there's this. No professional athlete in America has died FROM Covid ... in 28 months. There might be two or three that had to be hospitalized. Anyway, the mortality risk for American professional athletes is 0.00000 percent .... in almost 3 years. If you expanded this sample to junior high, high school and college athletes, the mortality risk might be 0.0001 percent. There's about 6 million athletes (male and female) who play organized sports in America. Maybe three have (allegedly) died "from" Covid - that would be about a 1-in-2-million "risk."

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Had to come back and put this here: https://www.outkick.com/whit-merrifield-traded-to-blue-jays-gets-covid-jab/

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Ah, intelligent discourse, thank you so much for this! (That's then one addiciton I've never managed to kick.)

One thing to add, perhaps, though how to stat it properly I'm not even going to speculate about:

A friend of mine who used to work retail as a professional store salesperson, for upscale kitchen equipment both for home and business, often remarked that a satisfied customer will tell a handful of people, but a dissatisified one tells everyone.

I don't think it's wrong to asume that people suspecting they have been injured by the shot would talk more about that than people not noticing any effect whatsoever?

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Aug 5, 2022Β·edited Aug 5, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

"But before we get into the math of the situation, I want to make it perfectly clear that the only person who should decide what goes into Whit Merrifield’s body is Whit Merrifield. It’s his decision alone to make."

The Left, out of the *right* side of a frothing mouth:

"A woman's body belongs to her and her alone." (correct!)

The Left, out of the *Fascist* (see what I did there?) side:

"Shut up and take your medicine, or starve (women, too, but we don't know what they are)."

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

I have a small family, know a small amount of my neighbors (suburbs), belong to a couple of professional groups, work for a large company, and have a pretty big college network of friends (two degrees at sperate colleges) in addition to being part of an alumni group and having been in a fraternity. No kids, though, so that is a limiting factor on kid interactions, but I was in a running club before getting banned for being a pureblood. My monkeysphere is way over 100, way more, and I personally know of a ton of suspected vaxx injuries. However, out of the 8 guys I consider good or best friends, 2 died right after a shot, and their families are in denial about the cause.

I don't have to go into my monkey horde to find vaxx adverse reactions, those are right here in my named monkeys.

Personally, I think a lot of US pro athletes had their personal doctors say the athlete is vaxxed, but think most are purebloods. I'm proud of those who stood their ground, those kids put themselves in a tough spot for their beliefs, most people wouldn't do that.

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i know 4 people who have died. does that count as an adverse event?

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

Merrifield is at the center, or has access to the center, of some large networks: there's his agent, his teammates and other MLB players, his former teammates (going back to high school or earlier), the Royals' medical staff, and I assume he has a personal trainer or performance coach, and other medical people he takes advice from.

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SIM Comm, no one has the right to maim his body. License? Ok

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It's disturbing they banned you for that. Thank God for Substack.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

What I find frustrating is in my area of the country, people are less likely to consider that they may have an injury from the vaccine. I know of one personally, who said her left side is in continual pain, and she’s never getting a booster. Another I met who said she was healthy until she took the jab and now she’s on blood thinners. So that’s two. As for the rest, if something happens, it’s no big deal. It’s for the cause. My arm blew up like a ballon, twice, so what? I was as sick as a dog, no biggie. It was worse than when I actually had Covid. Um, ok. I’m in rehab for blood clots in my legs and lungs; I have myocarditis…both told it was from Covid. I have no idea if they ever tested positive or developed natural antibodies. And, one friend who died β€œunexpectedly and suddenly.” I just don’t know how to get through to these people. I’m not sure you can. No one wants to admit they’ve been duped and then inadvertently harmed themselves. On the bright side, a few are skipping the boosters.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by SimulationCommander

There is also now a few articles regarding studies that show frequent naps can cause high blood pressure and strokes. Haha. Naps are awesome and we all know it.

On the other topic here. I know 2 people that are now having issues. One (29 M) has myocarditis. Gee I wonder what happened. The other one (33 F a bit overweight) loves getting shots but now has a weird heart thing going on, maybe AFIB but still under investigation.

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