
And Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

His body language in the first video is insufferably, casually arrogant.

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The body language of a man who knows he's protected by the media.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't watch much news anymore, so I don't know if Trudeau has rationalized the despicable act of urging his citizens to demonize and shun a substantial portion of their fellow citizens.

That might be even worse than the mandates in terms of vague, irreversible long-term harm to the culture. Including by setting a precedent.

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Wiggle room! He's no doubt claiming that he didn't mandate vaccination for all citizens. Federal employees and travelers don't count, obviously.

We're starting to drown in CYA.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - I'll say it again, they are ALL lying sacks of shit that could give a crap about their constituency or the ignorant electorate. To be clear, your guy does not and NEVER did have your back. People still believing that falsity and thinking they can vote in "change", cannot be reached with reason. When people wake up to these FACTS OF LIFE, maybe something will change. Trust no one Mr. Mulder.

I've screamed into the void before... https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/covid-was-years-ago-just-move-on/comment/14975176

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There will be NO Nuremberg II. Earthly justice is non-existent and I'm starting to lose hope with Godly vengeance in the next life.


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Globalist Demon

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I feel all these politicians who issued vaccine mandates would now be starting to shit their pants at the thought they could be sued for manslaughter or murder. They certainly should be. I think it will take a few years but I’d like to think that is the end result.

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Yeah, like O.J.

They'll be acquitted of crime since we won't find their fingerprints on the needles, but they *might* be found civily liable and financially ruined because they certainly caused death by their (Fascist) actions.

I doubt it could happen, but it is a novel concept in the fight against Fascist tyranny.

And, as in the case of O.J., the threat of financial ruin *might* be more of a future deterrent than a 10 year sentence reduced to two because of "good" behavior!!

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Sorry to be confusing, M. John.

I'm with you at this point: 200 million pitchforks, American guerillas (we'll show the world how its done), a couple of decades, and a thousand guillotines should do the trick.

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Second video should play now.

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It does. Thank you

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Already anyone you talk to on twitter seem baffled "What do you mean mandates, there weren't mandates?"

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

You know what the worst part of the covid debacle is to me?

It's the fact of knowing you're right, telling everyone, being viewed as a disruptor for resisting and having to deal with the shaming, etc., while knowing there will never be recognition (let alone credit) for doing the right thing - and knowing that everyone would have amnesia once it was over - then following that knowing that discussing covid after it wound down could not be bothered with. That you would be told things like; covid broke your brain, why are you so hung up on it, etc., etc.etc. And them not understanding how dangerous things became or why the fuck people like us want to know what went wrong so it could be prevented from happening again.

Very frustrating when you're the one doing the "work", educating yourself and paying the price for not conforming.

I knew that was going to happen day one and was prepared, but it still annoys me.

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And most who rolled up their sleeves over and over and over have NO idea what is has been like for those who chose not to inject themselves, no idea what it’s been like to be vilified, silenced, shamed, or otherwise “pay the price” for making a medical decision, especially without informed consent.

And it’s not even over for us. Heck, we’re just starting to see bigger cracks in the coverup. We’re just starting to see lawsuit wins. We continue to read about, worry about nearly every “died suddenly,” every heart attack or weird neurological symptoms or whatever side effects do many are dealing with.

And still, we are silenced. By friends, loved ones, media,…

It’s beyond annoying, frustrating

It’s exhausting too.

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Agree. Well said

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A lot of people didn't even get their critical thinking breaker tripped. That's something that needs to be recognized. Imagine that, not even recognizing something was amiss. We knew something was wrong from the beginning because there was so much already in place. There were the mottos, mantras, talking points. Before March 13th, I never heard of "flattening the curve" and yet suddenly it was as ubiquitous as "catch the wave."

If only we had treated the mRNA vaccine like it was "New Coke." And yeah, I had time to burn and hours to kill, so I did a lot of educating of myself. And even from the beginning it wasn't easy. The press early on backed accidentally into the video of Dr. Erickson. Youtube kept getting the "Perspectives of the Pandemic" taken down. Knut Wittowski, who sounded sane, was considered a pariah. And I had way too many conversations about "selfishness" following the assertion "follow the science."

We won't be thanked. In fact, the jury is still out on if we will be blamed.

I know I am partly to blame for what went wrong from the beginning. I should have spoken up more. If nothing else than asking questions.

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This will probably get me banned, but why hasn’t Hawaii been ravaged by Covid these last 12 months if vaxxed immunity is so crappy?? So Hawaii has a very low Covid death rate because it doesn’t have an interstate highway running through it and the residents masked and got vaccinated meaning it has the lowest natural immunity…and yet as Omicron has spread these last 12 months the Covid death rate hasn’t surged. And excess all cause mortality is still a little high but that’s the case in states like Florida too.

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This won't get you banned, but then again, it's not a public forum like twitter. The problem is, many places weren't ravaged by Covid at all. The media and every place wants to make you think it is so, but it isn't. Hawaii has a low death rate because the Covid death rate was never that high. It is at .09%.

It wasn't vaccinated immunity. One factor is that if you are symptomatic, your not getting on a plane to Hawaii. Despite all narrative to the contrary. The draconian restrictions made Hawaii a lockdown state. So, if you wanted to go to Hawaii you had probably been Covid tested and you were vaccinated.

Second, the climate. It plays a part in all this. And to be consistent, is one of the reasons Florida isn't sliding into the sea either. The warm climate and humidity make for a less optimal area for virus to spread. Also, because of the moderate climate generally speaking there are less close in places. Windows and doors are open, so the virus isn't accumulating in small areas.

Do you know what the transmission rate is for the virus outside?

Australia like New Zealand have draconian restrictions. Thus they could further limit t he mobility of its citizens than the continental united states. All this does is defer Covid, it does not stop it. This whole idea of "getting ravaged by Covid" is the mistep in thinking. The virus was already spread throughout the world in the fall of 2019.

So despite masking and vaccines, there is a low death rate in Hawaii.

Third, the virus in the last year is, like all coronaviruses, more contagious and less lethal.

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This explanation is correct up to a year ago. Omicron spreads everywhere and spread in Florida during the months it has weather very similar to Hawaii…plus we have statistics that show Omicron infection rates were high during that wave.

I kept an open mind and listened to Berenson and his argument was that Covid was seasonal, the vaccines don’t work and masking doesn’t work and we are just delaying the inevitable and every population will end up with the same Covid death rate adjusted for age. Hawaii has so far avoided a bad wave because of the mitigation measures it implemented and so it looks like Berenson was wrong. The only issue is if one believes the mitigation measures simply weren’t worth it which I agree is a legitimate take.

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If only New York would have done what South Dakota did, they could have saved millions of people!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Not even us Nordics got "ravaged by Covid", despite virtually no measures except in nursing homes, hospitals and the like.

And in nursing homes et c overall mortality dropped when you discount the Covid-cases, meaning some of the deaths weredue to poor procedural routines among staff (for-profit nursing homes paid for by taxes, the worst possible combination of public and private enterprise; aka lowest possible wages for lowest possible number of staff to maximise monetary profits forthe capitalist owners).

We have pretty much ideal conditions for SARS-type viruses, especially in southern Sweden and Denmark which were barely touched by it.

Gene is talking out of his MSNBC, frankly.

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Once again—the biggest factor in Covid deaths Ameriduh is poverty…Nordic countries don’t have near the poverty levels as Ameriduh so you can’t compare the countries.

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So DeSantis threw Covid patients into nursing homes?? Because Florida has virtually the same Covid death rate as NY?? And NY has 30,000 more nursing home patients than Florida because on average Florida has the healthiest elderly population as those that retire there must be healthy enough to move away from family.

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Do you remember how flattening the curve didn't change the area under it? Do you remember how the entire rationalization for lockdowns was so we didn't overwhelm the hospital system? Florida's was never in any sort of jeopardy, and neither was South Dakota's -- despite no lockdowns at all.

Yet every day Cuomo was on the news telling Americans how dire the situation was in New York -- because they literally infected all the at-risk at once.

See you tomorrow when you pretend you don't know any of this.

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maybe it still has bots. else, mobile phone whispers

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

It does not escape me that I could be talking to bots. For fun ask ChatGBT the difference between the flu and the Coronavirus. Chat GBT is like a walking narrative supporter. First it says that the flu, unlike Coronavirus, has multiple strains. When I say the Covid, has multiple strains, it agrees, but then points out it was novel. I said it doesn't seem so novel if the death rate is .09% Also it is still reporting that the vaccine is still 95% effective.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I hope these are downloaded and saved....I fear that the internet will be wiped regularly from now on...save Fauci and Biden and the rest of the criminals too please?

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Yep. Too many videos "disappearing" lately, I keep them all.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Thank you. Really , thank you. I am still kicking myself for not saving a screen shot

of the damn Indian paper about the HIV inserts in Feb. 2020. Someone, bless them, saved it...and Deagel's population estimates. I'm trying to learn how to do this...with a jump or thumb drive.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Open Broadcasting Suite (OBS) and Snip Tool will be your friend.

I am also an avid "archivist" of the various studies and sources of information that I come across. Mostly medical studies.

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Thank you. I will look into them this weekend. I need something better than screen shots to be honest.

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I almost forgot. You'll also want Handbrake so that you can compress all of your videos after taking them

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the criminals are not really finished destroying the country, so just wait for it.

More lies coming

I am so sick of these people.

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Someone in Canada please sleep this guy.

💩F.off Turdeau💩

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Yup. Me too. But I am so angry still....they are planning another pandemic, are quite open about it, and I don't care if its Marburg or Smallpox. I won't every get another vaccine ever again.

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It will possible originate out of Sudan this time. Media's started to bang on about "rebel forces captured dangerous bio-weapons research lab" (I just love how they have to put "dangerous" in there, talk about redundant, yes?).

No mention of who owns the lab. Maybe they need time to create a paper trail leading to China or Russia first?

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And maybe that paper trail is legit.

As we re-corral our State, watch the other Authoritarian Socialist States of the world take full advantage.

Ours is *not* the only enemy of the Peoples.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

"Authoritarian Socialist States" would be "acronymized" ASS.

I approve.

About the paper trail, would you give odds that it would point to at least three different nations all co-operating so as to keep their backs clear?

You know, like in business and politics when we put decision-making to acommitte, so there's no-one to blame.

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It was unintentional, but I approve, too! (I think this is the second time you have "acronymized" me appropriately, M. Rikard. I'm glad we (mostly) agree on things!)

Yes to your question, but I think it's more a case of the teamwork-of-common-purpose than cya.

They know their "asses" are too big to cover by now.

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They know they won't get enough fools to back them or go along, so the next manufactured crisis will have some novel aspect(s).

The real danger is next time they won't need a Reichstag fire.

They will just stomp.

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that is right. No more bullshit

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Fauci is ahead of him...and Biden will be right behind.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Perhaps tarring and feathering prior to the hangings.

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Thank you for putting this together.

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Speaking of tacos, he probably claims he fills his with crickets, the poser.

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