
Couldn't make it through. But so many other speeches rocked....I sure hope Ramiswamy gets a cabinet position. Recently I saw a news clip where they were talking about how debates are unfair, the candidate should have their staff on stage with them because....nobody can know everything....really??? Tell that to Vivek. Can't wait for Vance/ Harris debate. I bet she calls him a racist. Anyway....first ever watching a political convention...surprisingly....I liked it!!

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Jul 20Liked by SimulationCommander

Since you bring us such joy so often, here are some “Friday funnies” for you, from one libertarian/politically homeless person to another:


Lolz, oh how we know.


None of my lefty friends get this:



If you haven’t seen the movie “Still Mine”, or read about the epic disaster of what happened to Canadian Craig Morrison, you should (if you want to be further enraged by government bureaucracy).

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Those were great! 🤣 The 3rd one got me. 😬

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That first one hits so hard.

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

We are on the precipice as a country. We are all staring into the dark abyss. The left wishes to do us all harm and some people think that President Donald Trump's speech was too long? He took a bullet in the ear and some people don't like his mean tweets? Mothers cannot walk down some city streets with their babies without being harassed. The left offers genital mutilation to confused children. There are millions of undocumented illegal aliens pouring across the southern border many of whom were released from prisons in their homelands. The left wants to pack the Supreme court and censor freedom of speech. There is deadly fentanyl on the street as a result of the open border. The democrat party is the party of death. Oh my goodness... Wake up sleepy dreamers. Wake up!

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Jul 20Liked by SimulationCommander

Mothers can’t walk down the streets with their babies without getting SHOT! At some point, vigilante justice is going to rear its head because people are being pushed to the edge!

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

USA Today posted a speech transcript here: https://www.scrible.com/app/pdf-viewer/#docUid=72IO0C0LH006036034S3G9BS0848IG82&entryId=1163360220

No mention of abortion, or Antifa.

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Trump is not known for his ability to be succinct. Long winded is his default and how I’ve wished he could learn less is usually more. But at least he knows what he is saying and has all his faculties in order!

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Here's a great opinion piece from a Democratic strategist who's been around since the Bill Clinton times at least:


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"In short, Trump did something he has virtually never done before: speak to all the American people. As he said, he wanted to speak not to 50 percent but to 100 percent of the American people."


I guess they just can't help themselves, can they?

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Every single one of them did as they were asked to for these almost four years, and the humiliation is, I'd think, as every hour a new Democratic Rep. or Senator calls on Biden to drop out of the race (they ain't got to "resign" yet but open the betting pool please), an emotion they haven't got the life skills to handle.

To be sure Trump himself is developing new life skills hourly I'd guess. That bullet, as it clipped his ear, removed the stridency from his voice and the MSM still hear it in echoes in their heads.

[edited for spelling]

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Remember my article about the value of playing sports and learning how to lose? :)

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

It could be that it took getting shot for Trump to develop this capacity for humility. He didn't lose gracefully before.

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You've a body of work to be proud of.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Author

"Thus, sports taught me patience in the face of insurmountable obstacles. But that was far from the only lesson I learned by playing sports. Perhaps the most important lesson was learning how to be a gracious winner (or loser) and respecting the efforts of the opposing team. Now that I’m a little older, I think it’s vital that people learn these lessons early in life, which is full of the exact types of setbacks one suffers in sports. If you don’t learn how to lose the small battles, you’re NEVER going to learn how to lose the big ones."


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Have you seen the reporting on Keith Olbermann's latest psycho-rant?

Being sports-adjacent for so many years did not seem to rub off on him.

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Did MSNBC really try to compare Trump to Castro and Khrushchev because of the length of his speech? Somehow only dictators give long speeches??? Sigh…

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They are quite disheartened right now and one must pity the poor interns searching the vastnesses of space for anything possible to say in refutation of what everyone actually saw.

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Ugh Trump's speech was WAY TOO LONG and meandered too much. These defects erased any positive aspects or potential of the speech IMO.

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The entire evening was very male centric. It was no accident. Perhaps they plan a full-on assault on feminism.

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No doubt they're planning on locking women up for The Handmaid's Tale on Monday.

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Don't get me wrong. My wife is a woman, which is the only kind of wife I want. Feminism has its good points, but it has its bad points as well. I think a showdown is in the works.

As for the Handmaid's Tale, it's scary that people can buy into fiction as if it's reality. For many, reality is whatever they imagine, facts be damned.

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

That hulk hogan clip just made my night 😂😂😂

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Turns out the RNC is way more fun when the neocons stay away.

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

Always will be.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

I was impressed by how strong Trump's voice was. He commanded the stage as he usually does.

I got creeped out when he kissed the dead fireman's uniform. Displaying the "Iwo Jima" image was cheesy. Overall the staging struck me as tasteless and exploitative. But he's running for president and that's par for the course for that sort of thing.

The speech itself started strong but faded when Trump lapsed into his "poor, poor pitiful me" mode about the lawfare waged against him.

On the other hand the lawfare is deplorable and he is entitled to complain about it.

The speech and the visual aids seemed designed to make his speech a religious experience and it seemed to work when I saw the worshipful faces in the hall.

All in all a de classes show that fired up the faithful but which might have grossed out undecided voters.

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I agree that kiss, etc. was not necessary at all.

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I did not watch it and assume Trump did not apologize for operation warp speed of the "beautiful vaccines!!!" Until he does that, anything else he says doesn't matter - to me.

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Fair enough. But do you hold Fauci and Biden to the same standards?

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Oh absolutely. Even more so. My stack has open letters to both Biden and Trump regarding their parts in the mass murder (plus lots of posts about the mass-murdering Fauxi).

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Amen. And a bunch of other stuff as well. It's like 2020 didn't even happen!

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

I haven't watched it. I probably won't. Maybe I'll watch the first hour since you say it started out strong.

I love the logic of the media. Stalin wore clothing. You wear clothing. Therefore you must be Stalin.

This is desperation at its height.

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

I watched the first hour because I thought he was wrapping up. The audience adored everything he said. I did not watch the pre-show so not sure if they had someone younger there to draw in the younger voters. Hulk Hogan, Dana White, Kid Rock, Lee Greenwood resonate with the Boomer population.

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Do you or does anyone remember John Chancellor, an actual journalist who reported from the conventions, most notably in 1968?

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Jul 19Liked by SimulationCommander

It's not just that they had video behind them. They were actually piping n the sound of the convention so it would seem like they were right there above it.

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Sounds like dangerous misinformation from fake news...

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