
Rob Reiner’s head must be spinning right now and bet he’s spitting nails!

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Okay, Mr. Commander, can you explain to me like I’m five what exactly this indictment would be? The internet is filled up with BS at this point, so I can’t seem to find any actual information. Pretty telling that most articles on this topic don’t even specify what Trump did wrong at all (he’s Trump, it’s like asking what we’re Hitler’s crimes!). The few that do say “hush money” but that isn’t illegal by itself (and normally only is if the money is being used to cover up something that IS illegal)… is it a misappropriation of campaign funds issue? Near as I can figure, the ONLY thing is that Trump’s former lawyer vaguely in an interview that it was illegal (“money wasn’t declared”… what?). But still, that doesn’t explain what exactly the indictment is going to be FOR. Surely, it has to be for something??

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Wonder how many TDS-sufferers are refreshing Twitter all day hoping for a Trump arrest.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Whatever happens is only going to become part of Trump's comedy routine at his rallies.

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I coined the term “cankle bracelet” when it looked like Hillary was going to prosecuted….I think Trump needs an XL cankle bracelet! Too much KFC will do that. ;)

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Well, today’s 3/22… “Skull and Bones Day”. Seems like that would be a fitting day to roll out this charade.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Just another balloon that needs to be shot down... It's all about keeping the attention off of the real issues: People dropping dead, the collapse of the economy, etc. Nah, I'm not falling for it.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

Who cares? Biden, Fauci, Baric, Wallensky, and dozens of others should be arrested as well! His arrest is just another diversion tactic.

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I borrowed a cartoon from your site for artwork on this one!

Our world is now being led by the obtuse. Mrs. Gump had it right: "Stupid is as Stupid does."


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Mar 21, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I live in Texas so there are all kinds of things going on. My big concern is that the current state legislature is working on the use of drones against its own constituents. Each police department has written up rules for engagement. Some are very basic, but other police departments have given it a lot of thought. Think scenarios, possible uses crowd control, riot mitigation, hostage situations, the list goes on and on. Different levels of destruction, death, locally. Honestly, this should send a troubling shiver down everyones’ spine. Our own government is looking at us as possible terrorists.

I know we are talking about Trump and the politics that are being played, like a game of chess. I feel like first;

Trump loves to be the center of attention.

Various factions of people and agencies have been going after Trump since he became president.

If/when Trump is brought to court, I am going to make some recommendations,

If you are living in a city, get home and be safe

Have a week to two weeks worth of supplies

If you can get out of the city, go.

There will be people who will celebrate a trial, want to see him in handcuffs. They will be in the streets celebrating. But behind this group is another group the anarchists, the paid agitators, various unknown groups doing whatever they can to disrupt everything and everyone .

If this doesn’t happen YEAH! Then just keep an eye on reality, learn from what you did right and what you did wrong. You are going to have to be able to think, and take care of yourself.

I am not making this stuff up. I experienced this twice in my lifetime when MLK was assassinated and the Freddy Gray riots in Baltimore.

Right now there are a lot of factions pushing, pulling various agendas, and the general public is getting pushed up agains the wall. You can only push someone or something so far when it turns on you. Trump was stupid to say there will be riots, get ready. He was stoking the fire (IMHO) for some reason there are those in power that want it to fall down, collapse, become riots in the street with massive causalities and destruction. It is almost as if they want a lockdown of everything. I am naive, somewhat under educated, but I am really good at looking at reality. Not understanding what I am seeing, agendas with the sole intention of destruction just blow me away and yet here we are.

Sorry to end on a sad note.

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No I thought about it too late

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

If they arrest Mr Trump then shouldn't the head of the Biden crime syndicate be open for arrest as well?

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The normal procedure is that your client goes to the jail, where he/she gets booked in, then bonds out - with a bondsman there, if needed. Some of the conditions for bond could include that he remain in the jurisdiction - easy for Trump, because he owns property in NYC, and that he shows up for hearings. He wouldn't be a flight risk, really, he's not violent or dangerous, and the charge appears to be a misdemeanor.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by SimulationCommander

I don't know if it's the thread or my email, but all comments are showing posted by someone called props.children

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And I was trying to be light hearted today. Screw it, bring out the whiskey.

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Lol it just might

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