Video of Biden unmasked, with covid, surrounded by normal-faced people, walking up to Air Force One: https://x.com/houmanhemmati/status/1813711908849262761

When and where will we see him next?

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

SC - Thanks for the Bonnie/Spunky update. As for Vance, Yale Law School graduate. JD Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio which is in partnership with RNAV8 Bio creating more mRna vaccines. Position on mRNA "relatively experimental vaccines”.

Virus fear mongerer and authoritarian... https://x.com/JDVance1/status/1482011325085667331

"fire thousands of nurses who refuse" is this sarcasm or not?

Here in a copy of his now deleted tweets: "distance... dangerous virus... make everyone wear masks"


Yet later... Sen. JD Vance proposes the 'Freedom to Breathe Act,' an anti-mask mandate measure


And this... "I’ll repeat myself: don’t comply. If all of us ignore this garbage they won’t be able to enforce it." Wow! @JDVance1 really triggered CNN this morning by calling for mass civil disobedience against Biden's vaccine mandate! https://x.com/JDVance1/status/1436314069963845637

Meloni (Aspen Institute) pulled the same stunt, complete reversal to get elected. I've seen this movie too and it smells like WEF-Davos Mr Mulder.

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Check out this bill he sponsored: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4232/text?s=1&r=4

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Fixing Administrations Unethical Corrupt Influence Act


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Yeah the nurses one was sarcasm. You may encounter it from time to time on this 'Stack as well :)

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What's his stance on the warped speed "beautiful vaccines!"? What was his stance during the covid me-too freakout? That's all that matters to me as it will show how much he kowtows to TPTB.

Oh, I see he doesn't like nurses:



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Those are sarcasm.

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Top Gun Kitties for the win with the kids at the baseball game a close second! Thanks for the pawsitivity, SC. I needed that! I think JD Vance is a good choice as he has a wide variety of experiences in his past. He was one of the early visitors to East Palestine, OH. He was royally pissed off about it too.

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Cats sleep 20 hours a day. Puuurrrfect fighter pilot material.

I am no longer allowed to have glass in the shower. I have to put my whiskey in a rubber hot water bottle.

The kid made a great catch and he has great friends (until puberty).

My favorite dog and cat story came from a fellow aircraft mechanic at work in the hangar.

My friend came from Kansas. His grandparents had a farm with horses, chickens, and lots of cats. One day, my friend brought his big Pit Bull out to his grandparent's farm in the back of his pickup truck.

As soon as his truck pulled into the barnyard, the Pit Bull jumped out and proceeded to kill every cat (6) and chicken (14) in the yard. The dog then rolled in the mud puddle and jumped into the horse and cattle watering tank filling it with mud.

Grandpa got his shotgun and killed the Pit Bull which then put blood and gore into the horse and cattle watering tank. Grandpa seriously considered killing my friend.

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Wow that is a horrible story

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SC, My friend said it was his grandma who was most upset. She loved those cats and chickens. Grandma banished my friend from the farm and told him to never come back.

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

I appreciate the effort at a Positivity Monday, but yes, Trump's swamping everything else. Now we learn there were three police personnel under the building roof when Crooks was firing his shots: https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot



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Went back for secondary headline, Pence is a traitorous POS! Vance is insurance against a second assassination attempt! Smart choice!

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Wow I FINALLY made it to the end of all the comments. Only took me ALL day. 🤣 @SimulationCommander nice job. Yours was one of only two Substacks I was able to finish reading today!! The other was C&C but I’m still not done getting through the comments over there. Two of the most entertaining and informative discussions today were yours and Jeff’s.

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Stop me if you've heard this before...

The donors want Biden out: Joe Biden's largest super PAC, Future Forward, was informed last Friday that a promised $90 million in donations would be withheld should Biden remain the Democrats' presidential nominee.

"Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

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Yeah, sort of lost in the chaos of the weekend.

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Dogs & Cats living together? Mayhem! 😁👍


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Well, I've had that Monday night conversation with My Friend From Fifth Grade.

She said that there was no assassination attempt. It was a fake op orchestrated by the Republicans to drum up sympathy for Trump and he wasn't shot and it was fake blood but she wasn't quite sure what happened with the dead guy and two other wounded guys. It was an inside job or an outside job or a mixed job or whatever.

And I said that sometimes she could be a real piece of shit and that I would speak with her next Monday.

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Wow. That's all sorts of things I could think of but you've already thought of.

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I ended the conversation before I could ask her how come Biden's Secret Service was colluding in all this. Since it ain't Trump's Secret Service no more.

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson believes the alleged shooter had help.

How, for instance, did he know the roof with a direct line of fire would be open for him to use?

Could there have been a second, "real" shooter?

I know I am getting into JFK conspiracy territory but still.

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Seems like there were multiple shooters at both the Kennedy assassination s, so it seems plausible here.

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I wonder.... because there were other roofs behind him, higher up, though the shot seen behind Trump's head is fairly level. The drone was disabled a minute or two before the shooting. And there is recent analysis of the shots suggesting 3 separate sets of shots.

And it would make sense to have 2 or more shooters, with the obvious one being killed off, leaving the other(s) to go free.

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Drone was turned off? Of course it was, must have taken a nap with Epstein's guards.

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Jul 16Liked by SimulationCommander

> "Thoughts?"

Meh. I wanted Vivek, but, whatever.

Top Gun Kittens to "Danger Zone" is now officially the best video ever placed on the Internet, and the best video that will *ever be* placed on the Internet. Everyone from here on out is just competing for the Silver.

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I like Vance. I don't agree with him on everything but as someone with populist leanings, I think he was a good choice.

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It’s actually the betas that are always asserting themselves. True alphas don’t need to prove anything. This applies to humans as well!

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